Ying Zheng's gaze fell on Qiao Feng again, his figure was the burliest of all, one meter nine close to two meters, early thirties, wearing the dragon robe of the great commander of Jing Wusi, thick eyebrows, big eyes, high nose and wide mouth, a four-square national character face.

"Your martial arts are based on the eighteen palms of the dragon descending, so it is said that you descending the dragon palm, but I have never seen a real dragon, and after all, you can't cultivate the real dragon palm." Win Zhengdao.

Qiao Feng was stunned, where did he go to meet the real dragon?

Huan Zheng knew what he was thinking when he looked at him, smiled slightly, lightly flicked the Tai'a sword on the bullet case, and a dragon groan suddenly sounded.

This dragon chant is extremely huge, sacred and solemn, magnificent and great, shaking the hall, but it cannot be transmitted outside the hall.

Immediately afterwards, that Tai'a sword turned into a black dragon.

The supreme dragon groan rumbled again, deafening, and the dragon was as powerful as hell, making their legs and feet tremble.

Although this black dragon is not big, its huge and domineering majestic aura makes everyone stunned.

"Give you a quarter of an hour to observe the black dragon."

Ying Zheng's voice woke up Qiao Feng, and Qiao Feng's eyes were scorching, and he walked towards the black dragon step by step.

Others looked at Qiao Feng enviously, the previous few people were only passing on the law, and when it came to Qiao Feng, not only did they pass on the law, but they actually let Qiao Feng observe the real dragon, this kind of treatment is far more than others.

"Guo Jing."

"The minister is here."

Guo Jing hurriedly took a few steps forward.

"You are a martial arts fusion of the Nine Yin True Sutra, the eighteen palms of the dragon, and the left and right fighting each other as one, this is the optimization of your exercises, experience it, it is also beneficial for you to observe the true dragon, go and observe."

Guo Jing couldn't help but take a deep breath, suppressed his inner ecstasy, approached the black dragon a few steps, sat down, and realized the true meaning of the dragon.

"Li Shenzhou, this is your thirty-six luqi that turned the sky, Qiao is a god, meaning body, form is use, contains thirty-six changes, and the intention is good."

Ying Zheng optimized their exercises one by one, passed them on to them, and finally glanced at Zhang Sanfeng: "You have already walked out of your own way, there is no need to optimize it." "

A quarter of an hour later, a fluctuation suddenly rose on Qiao Feng's body, which was a very majestic martial arts true meaning, unconsciously getting up, Qiao Feng opened his eyes, and there was a little more majesty on his body.


There was a dragon groan, a palm slapped out, there was a dragon groan across the nine heavens, the entire hall began to tremble, it seemed that a true dragon did not dare to be suppressed, emitting an extremely oppressive dragon groan.


Ying Zheng's faint voice sounded: "But don't ruin the place where Xu does things." "

As the voice of Ying Zheng sounded, all the fluctuations that Qiao rose up disappeared silently.

Suddenly, Ying Zheng's heart moved slightly, and the whole person had disappeared, and only a voice came from the void: "Wait for confidence to leave." "

"Locked the Mummy World Will?"

Ying Zheng stood in the void, feeling the information fluctuations of the will of the Great Qin Heavenly Dao in the sea.

The will of the mummy world was injured by Ying Zheng, but Ying Zheng could not find his origin, so he asked Daqin Tiandao Will to search for the origin of the world will of the mummy world.

The two are the same kind in a sense, and it is easier to search, but I didn't expect to actually find it.

"Good! See where you're hiding now! "

Huan Zheng laughed a few times, crossed the gate of time and space to the mummy world, and behind him, followed the will of Daqin's heavenly path.

What is the will of the world, the will of the world is a will born of the world to protect itself.

He is heaven in a sense, but he is not heaven, he is an agent of heaven.

The invasion of the government threatens his existence, and he will naturally attack the government.

As soon as the Heavenly Dao Will of the Great Qin World arrived in the Mummy World, it went straight to the Mummy World Will, the Nether Void Land, the two strangled together, and the two world-like huge wills tumbled and exploded.

It can be seen that because the will of the mummy world was injured before, in the face of the devouring of the will of the Great Qin world, he was defeated step by step, and he was actually invaded by one-tenth of the will during this time.

As the world goes on, the mummy world becomes more and more irresistible.


The will of the mummy world emitted a roar that almost only Yue Zheng could hear, tyrannical and unwilling.

"You forced me!"

The mummy world will divine voice demon roar resounded through the void, Dao and reason intertwined and bloomed, and suddenly turned into fairy fire, piercing through the void.

At the same time, some kind of information about the will of the mummy world that ordinary people could not understand at all was transmitted through the void.

"SOS messages?"

Ying Zheng's face changed slightly, and the will of the mummy world was constantly struggling, but the distress message was still transmitted continuously.


In the unpredictable place of time and space, a book trembled slightly, and received this distress message, exuding a strange fluctuation: "The world's will for help... Is the will of the world stupid? When encountering an enemy, you actually send a distress signal so stupidly? Also take the initiative to expose their world coordinates, not afraid that there will be a wolf before and a tiger after? Gee, do you want to die with the enemy? Is it an idiot or a ruthless person? "

The little book flashed lightly and disappeared into the long river of time and space: "I'm afraid... Go a little further... Hey...... This host is good..."

The heavens and realms are a dark forest, and each world is a hunter, or has the potential to become a hunter, sneaking through the forest like ghosts, gently pulling away the branches that stand in the way, trying not to make a sound in their footsteps, and even breathing carefully.

Every world must be careful, because the forest is full of hunters who sneak like him, and if he discovers other worlds, there is only one thing he can do, devour and destroy.

In this forest, the other worlds are hell, eternal threats, and any life that reveals its existence will soon be wiped out.

In addition to hunters, there are also some strange existences, such as when Xiaoshu was still a host in the previous generation, he had seen a madman, the madman was called the Abandon Heavenly Emperor, like a god and not a demon, but extremely powerful, is an existence beyond Da Luo.

This Heaven Abandoning Emperor's favorite phrase is: "The world is filthy again." "

This is followed by the direct destruction of the world.

There is no reason, if what he thinks is the filth of the world is the reason.

All who encounter him can only consider themselves unlucky.

The previous generation of Xiaoshu's host was the Lord of the First Realm, and he was only one step away from becoming Da Luo, but he did not expect to suffer such a vain calamity and die at the hands of the Abandoning Heavenly Emperor.

Therefore, in Xiaoshu's opinion, it is too stupid to distribute a distress signal in the long river of time and space and expose his coordinates. _

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