Billions of sword lights fell, along with countless stars fell, the heart of the world dragon and snake was chilled, and endless darkness enveloped him:


With an unwilling roar, blood splattered the starry river, and nine planet-like heads fell, directly rushing to the earth, seeing this scene, countless people were frightened.

A meteorite with a diameter of ten kilometers hitting the earth can cause a devastating blow to the creatures on the earth, not to mention the fall of the head that is not inferior to the size of the planet, if you really let these nine heads fall on the earth, the consequences are unimaginable.

With a flick of his hand, the nine heads had disappeared.

The huge body of the world dragon and snake was strangled by the sword light, but the blood on his body fell like a heavenly river, and under the eyes of hundreds of millions of people, a blood-colored heavenly river fell from the sky dome and fell into the sea, causing countless fish and shrimp creatures in the sea to rob.

The four swords of the Immortal Immortal turned into streamers and submerged into the body of Ying Zheng, he stood quietly in the river of stars, waiting for the victory to happen, and the balance of victory was already clearly inclined to the will of the Great Qin World.

Maybe it was one day, maybe two days, maybe ten days, the world will of the mummy world was finally completely devoured, and the boundaries he set for this realm suddenly disappeared, and Yu Zheng could sense that all over the world in this realm, at this moment, five breakthroughs arose.

"Well, I almost forgot, there is a world where the coordinates are located, I haven't been to it yet."


Tianhe City.

"The increasing number of strange phenomena, and the frequent presence of many strange creatures, does it mean that our world is changing, let us ask Professor Wang Tingsong of the famous School of Social Sciences of the University of Pennsylvania to interpret the truth behind these phenomena for us."

"Enter science and discover the truth, let us invite Professor Wang Tingsong."

On the crowded commercial street, a program is playing on the big screen, which is the hottest strange phenomenon in the world at present, so it attracts dozens of onlookers.

A middle-aged man with glasses appeared on the screen: "From the perspective of this biological science, this may be a genetic mutation that has always existed on the earth to some extent..."

In the crowd, Ying Zheng, who was dressed in black sportswear, walked out of the crowd, and his thoughts flashed: "This world is both huge and complex, and various forces are intricate, including angels, Styx, demons, blazing sun, triangular systems, and male angels... There is also the native Earth system. "

If the government is removed, it is still unknown whether the combat power of the Great Qin army can win the combat power of the earth system.

What super soldier Daqin of course does not put in the eyes, but the earth's firepower is still very fierce, intercontinental missiles can attack targets 10,000 kilometers away, but the Daqin army also has its own advantages, if you play decapitation tactics, you can change the earth in a short time.

But there is no point in changing the earth to the world, because the earth of this world seems to have become a sweet potato for the competition of several major forces, and it makes no sense to occupy the earth when the Daqin army has no power to fight these big forces.

And Angel Xi, these forces of the demon system, the big killing weapon such as the international battleship, and the decapitation tactic may not be effective, unless Ying Zheng makes a move.

Of course, if you count the government of victory, it is still unknown whether it can defeat the sons of these great forces.

He had never seen anything like Divine Kesha, the Demon King Morgana, or Karl the God of Death, and he didn't know how strong they were, maybe stronger than Yingzheng, maybe weaker.

It is a pity that the god of war who died in the hands of Divine Kesha does not have much of her memory, and some are only obsessions and world coordinates, so Ying Zheng cannot glimpse the strength of Divine Kesha.

But to be sure, it's definitely not good stubble.

After all, the Angel Civilization is one of the oldest civilizations in the main biological civilization, and Divine Kesha is the supreme leader of the Angel Civilization.

And Divine Kesha is the most powerful god in the main biological universe, and Divine Kesha governs the angelic civilization, which is the most powerful civilization in the known universe and known civilization.

As the ruler of the angelic civilization, her strength can be imagined.

"Ah, what's that?"

"It seems to be a crocodile?"

Suddenly, the crowd of people looked at the sky in unison and exclaimed.

It was indeed a large crocodile that fell from the sky.


"Ouch, my ass..."

The entire commercial street shook a few times, and the crocodile screamed in pain and covered its butt and jumped out a few feet high.

"Hey, I... I'm alive? "

The upright crocodile looked down at his body, and his tone was full of incredulity.

This crocodile stood upright, more than a foot tall, wrapped in a swarthy battle armor, which was covered with traces left by iron and bloody battles.

From its back and neck down, a column of bone spurs stood up viciously, and its foot-long mouth and teeth were densely packed, each tooth was like a small dagger, crisscrossing it.

"Hahahaha, I'm still alive."

The crocodile laughed wildly, the laughter was deafening, he scanned the surroundings, and the beast's face became more and more hideous: "So much food is delivered to the door by itself, how can I be embarrassed." "

When the crowd who were originally onlookers heard his words, they were so frightened that they only hated that their father and mother had given birth to a few legs for themselves, and in the blink of an eye, this bustling commercial street became empty.

"The location of the crocodile god Thorton has been tracked."

"Arrest operations are launched immediately."

Thorton was excited, and his blood-colored eyes shot around: "Who... Who called me... Which fairy sister..."


In an instant, dozens of laser volleys shot at Thorton, and the fire was radiant, and he stumbled back a few steps, but the battle armor was intact.


In the distance, three or four flying machines flew in the sky that obviously did not belong to the earth, rushing at extreme speed, faster than the speed of sound, and the sound wave exploded.

Bang bang bang!

It couldn't help but be said that the overwhelming artillery fire directly covered this commercial street, like hundreds of thunders rubbing together, huge artillery fire sounded, dense jade-like shells spanned thousands of meters of distance, and the sky and ground exploded more than hundreds of roaring flames.

The commercial street trembled violently, rubble flew and one shop after another collapsed.

Thorton was attacked by this cannon fire, holding his head and jumping like a flea, while jumping in his mouth and cursing:

"You actually dare to hit me!"

"Don't let me catch you!"

"Catch you, I'll rip you off and cramp!" _

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