"What do you want?" Rena frowned slightly.

"That's up to you Lieyang civilization to decide for yourself, let's see your sincerity first."

Yingzheng took a deep look at Rena.


Huan Zheng raised his eyebrows, his eyes flashed, and he felt a thunderous sound in the distance quickly approaching, and it flew at an extremely fast speed.

With a move in his mind, Ying Zheng stepped out of the base, came to the sky, and looked into the distance: "This should be regarded as the absolute existence of this world, let me try the water of this world for the first time." "

He naturally saw that a hundred miles away was a monkey-like figure, which was obviously Sun Wukong.

In Rena's memory, more than a thousand years ago, a fleet of the main force of the Flaming Sun Civilization came to the solar system, including the main battleship Yunxiao Heavenly Court and hundreds of warships, the leader was Pan Zhen, and the status of the Flaming Sun Civilization was second only to Di Hongkun and Di Rena as the number three figure.

But in terms of real power, he is the number two person, more than the still young Fierce Sun Lord God Di Rena, which is equivalent to the regent left by Di Hongkun to Di Renna, and the existence of Gu Ming minister.

More than a thousand years ago, the Lieyang civilization has recovered from the war with the Denuo civilization, Pan Zhen led a fleet, expected to take the earth easily, but did not expect that the earth actually had Sun Wukong, a hard bone, with the power of one person to intercept the Yunxiao fleet, destroyed hundreds of warships, and then fought with Pan Zhen, although suppressed by Pan Zhen, but Pan Zhen did not kill Sun Wukong for some reason.

Rena didn't know the reason.

Huan Zheng guessed that Pan Zhen did not kill Sun Wukong, I am afraid that he did not intercede with the Tang monk in Rena's memory, Tang Monk is an ordinary monk, what qualifications does Pan Zhen have to give face?

Sun Wukong crippled a main fleet of the Lieyang civilization and killed hundreds of thousands of soldiers, in addition to the war with the Denuo civilization, this is the biggest loss, it can be described as a blood sea deep feud, an ordinary monk, can Pan Zhen let go of this hatred?

Or do not dare.

Either it is taboo about something, and killing Sun Wukong is not worth the loss.

But also because there is the tricky existence of Sun Wukong on the earth, the Lieyang civilization has not invaded the earth again.

Ying Zheng just wants to test how deep the water of this world is through Sun Wukong.

Although Rena is also a three-generation divine body, her three-generation divine body cannot be compared with Sun Wukong's three-generation divine body.

As for the fact that this sci-fi side world also has Sun Wukong, it is not surprising that some super powers can incarnate ten thousand worlds, use ten thousand worlds as food, and push themselves forward.

But there are exceptions, such as the various characters of the martial arts world, and the various characters of the mummy world.

Many worlds exist like them.

They definitely can't be that kind of super guy.

Then, in the view of Yingzheng, perhaps a distant time ago, an infinitely vast world was born before all worlds.

Because this world is infinitely large and was born first, its imprint was engraved on the heavens, and eventually affected many worlds born later.

Therefore, under the influence of the imprint of this world, the big and small things that happen in this world, and the big and small characters, will affect many worlds.

Therefore, there are some that are obviously very weak, but they can exist in the heavenly worlds.

Of course, they have the same name, and even the development trajectory is similar, but they are not the same person.

And the sci-fi side world of the Super Divine Academy is obviously the same, Ying Zheng does not know whether the earliest Monkey King is a super boss, incarnating into the Ten Thousand Worlds, or that side of the world has the Monkey King, leaving a brand, so that it affects this world and gives birth to the existence of the same name.

As soon as the thought fell, the golden light cut through the long sky, and landed thousands of meters away from Ying Zheng, and it was a monkey wearing a purple gold crown with phoenix wings, wearing chain gold armor, stepping on the clouds, red eyes, and a hairy face and thunderous mouth, with a huge momentum around his body, and his breath was domineering.

"Monkey King?"

Huan Zheng's eyes swept and looked at the monkey.

Sun Wukong grinned: "You are the mysterious man? "

Among the messages sent by Ducao was a picture that looked exactly like this person.

"Ugh! Eat me a stick! "

Sun Wukong's figure moved, and the dark river golden rod fell from his ear into his hand, turning into a two-meter-long dark golden stick.

A stick swept away, tore through the sky, flattened the clouds, and the huge unparalleled power shattered a hundred miles of space, with a domineering momentum, booming away.

He is also known as fighting and defeating Buddha in this world, the best at fighting, born for fighting, his powerful combat power is comparable to Kiran's 3 major god-making projects, and even more optimized in combat genes and stronger execution.

That is to say, in terms of pure combat effectiveness, Sun Wukong is stronger than the three major god-making projects that exert 100% of the genetic strength.

Sun Light Rena and Sun Wukong are also three generations of divine bodies, but Sun Wukong may have mastered ninety percent, or 100% of the divine body, and can exert the strength of the three generations of divine bodies close to the limit, while Rena, may not even master half of the sunlight divine body, and her combat effectiveness is very different.

Since the enemy is sure, call him three seven twenty-one, fight and talk again! He Sun Wukong is not good at using his brain, and without the slightest hesitation, he directly crushed it with a stick.


The stick in Sun Wukong's hand became huge in an instant, and in an instant, endless smoke and dust were discharged, and the billowing air was squeezed into a terrible ghost crying wolf howl, and an inch of space was directly shattered and turned into a black hole.

Huan Zheng's eyes were faint, and he stepped out above the void, lightly punched out, and the qi and blood and fist intent were entangled, turning into a fist seal and booming out, with a fist intent that seemed to be the will of the Vast Heavenly Emperor, rushing up.

"Rena, are you all right?"

Ducao immediately rushed into the conference room with a group of people, and after seeing that the group of people was okay, he let out a long sigh of relief.

Rena shook her head slightly: "You called that monkey?" "

They heard Sun Wukong's trembling roar in the conference room.

Ducao nodded slightly: "Even you can't get out, I have to go to find Goku." "

"Sun Wukong, what you said about the Qi Heaven Great Sage, fighting to defeat the Buddha Sun Wukong?" Ge Xiaolun's eyes widened and he said excitedly.

Ducao said helplessly: "Fighting Buddha is his title, but he does not have the title of Qi Tian Great Sage. "

"Really, it's the Monkey King!"

"Can I see Sun Wukong later?"

"Groove! So excited! Ah, ah, I'm going to take a photo with Sun Wukong later, send a circle of friends, and see that the group of people don't envy me to death! "

"Brother Monkey! Hahaha! I didn't expect Brother Monkey to be real! "

"I tell you, I like Brother Monkey the most, especially the section where Brother Monkey makes trouble in the Heavenly Palace, the Jade Emperor takes turns to sit, and when he comes to my house this year, he is really domineering..."

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