Xie Yuan was in ashes, only his book was not destroyed, Ying Zheng grabbed the book in his hand, opened it, there were thousands of pages, each page was a world, the last page said "Daqin World" but the handwriting was very light, the penultimate page was "Blue Star Civilization", the handwriting was very clear, as he said, "Blue Star Civilization" will soon be reduced by him and become the world in the book.

And the thousands of pages in front, each page represents a world in a book, each page has hundreds of millions of words, representing magnificent stories, deeds, great civilizations, and magnificent worlds.

But now, they have all become words in books, heroes in civilization, and they have become immobile fonts.

"It's a pity, the dimensionality reduction is irreversible."

Huan Zheng shook his head slightly, turned the previous page of the "Blue Star Civilization", there are 283.4 million words, the entire civilization million years, billions of living beings, turned into 283.4 million words, the last place is more than 10,000 words, is the story of the destruction of civilization.

Compressed is "the great demon from the sky, gather the power of the world to fight the devil, the demon injury, we die"

It is this civilization that seriously injured Xie Yuan, otherwise Ying Zheng may be far from Xie Yuan's strength, and he vaguely feels that Xie Yuan's strength may be extremely terrifying.

Close the book and shake it at will.

As for where this book would float, it was not in his consideration.

It's over!

It's finally over!

Bluestar is saved!

Some cry with joy, some laugh, some shout, some crazy.

But the happiest is the heads of state, originally Blue Star has fallen into the abyss, but was pulled up from the abyss.

How not to like it?

"This mess is difficult to deal with."

While everyone was still in ecstasy, madness, and shouting, one nation began to move.

And the mess in the Republic is undoubtedly difficult to clean up, the war took place in the Republic, and the aftermath of the war directly turned a hundred miles into ruins, and the aftermath caused hundreds of miles to be affected.

There are also fighters who died on the battlefield, planes mutilated, corpses to converge.

But there is also one biggest mess in front of the countries, and their biggest fear is that the wolf is dead and the tiger is coming.

Although this tiger has not yet shown its fangs and claws to them.

But there is no doubt that this tiger has such abilities.

Ying Zheng ignored them, looked at the door, and ordered lightly: "Come in." "


Huge creatures flew in from it, covered with golden yellow patches that glowed with dazzling metallic luster, with heads and tails more than fifty meters in length and a height close to two. A pair of flesh wings spread more than sixty meters, and the huge head was hideous, covered with blade-sharp and hideous bone spurs.

More than 100,000 golden dragons came from the Gate of Time and Space, each of which was at the lowest of the strength of the Heaven and Human Realm, and hundreds of golden dragon kings had reached the strength of the Shattered Realm.

The golden dragon summoned the strength of the grandmaster from the dragon cliff, but their strength is not fixed, but if you stay in the Daqin world for a period of time, and are affected by the rich aura of Daqin, the strength will generally increase, and over time, the strength will become stronger and stronger.

There is a knight on every golden dragon.

Golden Dragoon Group Army, has been formed, group army commander, Zhao Yun.

【Zhao Yun】

[Strength: Avatar Realm Outside]

【From the World of Three Kingdoms】

This was summoned by Ying Zheng some time ago, and as soon as the strength appeared, it was an external incarnation realm, and Ying Zheng also understood what is called the comprehensive Three Kingdoms world.

The Three Kingdoms of Wushuang are also Three Kingdoms, the Three Kingdoms of Mythology are also Three Kingdoms, the Three Kingdoms of Xian Xia are also Three Kingdoms, the Romance of the Three Kingdoms is also the Three Kingdoms, and the Three Kingdoms of Wild History are also Three Kingdoms.

Zhao Yun is from a comprehensive of all the strength of the three countries, that world water can not be described as deep, Zhao Yun's strength has actually reached the external incarnation realm.

Xie Yu looked at the Golden Dragon Legion that appeared in a daze, and countless sketches in his heart collapsed.

There are also countless players whose three views have collapsed directly.

Countless people almost suspected that they were dreaming, rubbed their eyes vigorously, but found that everything in the video remained the same, and the terrifying behemoth was still suspended in the sky.

"Did the game characters really come to invade reality?"

The Great Elder was extremely wise, and he was also frozen at the moment, although he probably knew in his heart that the game was not the real game world, but he subconsciously thought that it was a game.

But what the hell is reality in this game with the Golden Dragon Legion counterattack?

"Fiction is really going to become reality."

Xie Yu thought about the novels he had read before, including the bridge where fantasy myths became reality, but he didn't expect that today actually happened in front of his eyes.

"Your Majesty! The Golden Dragon Group Army has assembled! Zhao Yun, dressed in silver armor, stood straight in front of Huan Zheng, sonorous.

Huan Zheng nodded lightly: "Relax, this is just a military training battle, intended to publicize the completion of the formation of the Golden Dragon Group Army." "

Killing Xie Yuan does not mean that the government will not invade and occupy this world.

"Groove! All the games we've played together aren't going to go back to reality, are they? If the Burning Legion attacked, Izaglas, wouldn't Blue Star be destroyed? "

"Maybe even the characters in the novel are going to rebel!"

"When is it, are you still kidding?"

Everyone in Blue Star has just experienced a doomsday catastrophe, and they haven't completely relaxed, and the person who saved them is actually going to invade their world with the Group Bureau?

A terrifying wave no less than the end of the world once again swept the entire Blue Star.

"N, this is a 100% real game, game characters invading reality? Could it be that our world is also a game in other worlds? "

"The legion that came out of that portal is not something that the Blue Star weapon can defend against!"

In the conference room of the Republic, the seven great elders, the think tank looked at each other, and the great elder squeezed out a smile, but it was even uglier than crying: "Just out of the wolf's den, and into the tiger's den, but there is indeed good news, at the very least, we will not experience the apocalypse of the heavens." "

A wise man spoke: "Great Elder, there is no chance of winning this battle, with the strength of that Great Qin Emperor, it is easy to destroy our Blue Star, what is this battle to fight?" "

A wise man shook his head: "Whether or not to fight this battle is not decided by us, but by the enemy, ruling a world has never relied on one person, in my inference, the reason why the emperor of Daqin did not make a move himself, but let the group army of the Great Qin Empire dispatch, is to subdue us, even if he does not make a move, the Great Qin Empire can stabilize us." "_

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