Daqian has been established for more than 60 years, known as the kingdom of the heavenly empire, but the surrounding countries are not weak, there is the Yunmeng Empire in the grassland in the east, the Fire Dynasty in the desert in the west, the Yuantu Dynasty in the north, and many island empires in the southern sea.

Twenty years ago, the iron horse of the Yunmeng Empire reached outside Yujing City, which shows that the national strength of the Yunmeng Empire is not inferior to Daqian.

The kamikaze country is the most powerful group of many island countries in the south, but it is only the tall of the short, although it is the strongest of the many southern countries, but it is still much weaker than Daqian, Yunmeng, Yuantu and other countries.

In the sea area next to the kamikaze country, first dived into the depth of 10,000 zhang under the seabed, and below was the seabed magma layer, which was replaced by a layer of dark viscous liquid after descending by 10,000 zhang, but it was a lot of hell gas, constantly rotating and flowing.

Some of the evil qi in the layer of hell is violent, some violent, some mysterious, and some spiritual, the so-called seventy-two hell evil.

Great annihilation, but desperate is to collect a lot of it, to refine the means of attack.

In the midst of the earth's anger, some strange life beings were nurtured, and even elixirs, all of which were swallowed by Immortal and others to restore their strength.

Through the earthly layer, is where the immortal monument is located, an immortal monument quietly stays in the earth milk essence layer, sinking and floating, like a ghost ship drifting in the sea, changing in the dense fog.

"So much earth milk essence!"

Immortal, the four people saw the earth milk essence like Wang Yang, the whole body was shocked, and greed appeared in their eyes, and the breath of the whole body burst out, and they were about to devour the earth milk essence.


Ying Zheng glanced back at them, and the four of them felt the endless strength to solidify themselves in all directions.

"Master forgives!"

The four immediately lowered their heads and confessed their mistakes.

"The essence of the earth milk here is a masterpiece of this region for 100,000 years, it is the milk of the earth, it is the root of the earth, if it is harvested too much, it will affect the balance of the ground, causing volcanic earthquakes, vegetation withering, and endless troubles."

Ying Zheng's voice is faint:

"It has been the essence of 100,000 years, how much, you can't use half of it to restore your strength, you can't swallow it all, it's enough."


Four people promised.

"Okay, you guys recover your strength here, I'll go to the monument space by myself."

Immortal's face changed slightly: "Master, the horror temper is the most irritable, I am afraid that he will offend the master, it is better to let them recover their strength here, I will go with the master." "

"No need."

Ying Zheng waved his hand and disappeared from the sight of the four in one step.

In the monument space, there is still a four-sided monument, and on the top of the monument, a demon god with a handsome man on the upper body and a centipede and a scorpion on the lower body is carved.

This demon god is tall and big, although his whole body is imprisoned in the inscription, but he does not have a little decadent expression, his face is very leisurely, and when Ying Zheng comes in, his eyes fall on Ying Zheng.


The Terror God King made a chuckle sound, very surprised, he found that he couldn't see through the strength of Ying Zheng.

At the same time, his body became tall, and the body of the demon god also moved slightly, as if he was not bound by the inscription at all, his body shook slightly, and the body of the centipede scorpion with a hundred zhang long body actually escaped from the inscription.

"Who are you? It seems that the great world has long been in decline, and there are no such figures. "

The horror god king sighed softly, the body suddenly became smaller, smaller, and then smaller, becoming the same size as ordinary people, the centipede on the lower body, the body of the scorpion was also taken in, and became a normal person, it seems that the fairy wind Dao bone, floating out of the dust, how is it a fairy person, no one can imagine that this man, is the king of the demon gods who traverses the heavens and the earth, looks at the ancient world, and masters the terrifying overlord.

It was not at all consistent with the fact that the Immortal said that the Terrifying God King was the most violent of their tempers.

"It's just you."

Ying Zheng said softly.

"Send me one? It seems that they came to trouble me. "

The words of the Terror God King did not fall, and suddenly a dream-like magic light shot out from his eyes, and at the same time, he bombarded out with a punch.

"Ocean of Nightmares! Mindstorm! "


The little Pixiu on Huan Zheng's shoulder opened his sleepy hazy eyes, shook his fluffy hair, saw the punch of the Terror God King, and his small eyes showed a surprised gaze, opened his mouth and inhaled, like a whale swallowing, the whole space shook, and the Terror God King was swallowed by the little Pixiu in his mouth.

"What is this?"

The Terror God King never left the Immortal Monument, and on the monument, he shrunk his head, revealing a look of fear, and facing Xiao Pixiu, he was like encountering a natural enemy.

In folklore, Pixiu warded off evil spirits, and the least afraid of ghosts and fantasies, while the spiritual storm was the best means of the terrifying god king.

"Small things, eat as much as you want in the future."

Ying Zheng gently stroked Xiao Pixiu's head, this little thing looked at the Terror God King longingly, babbling, as if to say that the Terror God King would create some more psychic fantasies for it to eat.

Said, flicked his fingers, the fate cause and effect chessboard fell, the horror god king seemed to feel something, covered in cold hair, and roared fiercely:

"Want to submit me! Don't! "

"Nightmare Star Soul! Curse kill! "

The head of the terrifying god king suddenly changed into a starry sky, and there were constantly planets in the starry sky that exploded and died, and those planets seemed to have spirituality when they exploded with a lot of grievances, and then that resentment condensed into one ghost soul after another, violently slaughtering towards Ying Zheng.


Little Pixiu jumped up excitedly and devoured all the hundreds of millions of ghost forest souls in one bite.

The Terror God King still wanted to attack again, and suddenly an immeasurable stream of data drove straight in like a torrent, destroying all resistance in his divine soul, his eyes widened sharply, and after a few stiff breaths, he knelt down on the ground for a long time, extremely respectful: "Terror meets the master." "

With a sudden step on Ying Zheng, the entire immortal monument space shattered under the feet of Ying Zheng, and the Terror God King was completely freed from trouble.

The entire Immortal Monument Space was composed of 480 million extremely tiny runes for individuals.

Moreover, these 480 million tiny runes are all different, absolutely not similar, it is like a ghostly work, as if the quicksand in the inner river, each quicksand is enlarged, it is absolutely different, each has its own structure.

It shows the power of this Immortal Emperor's means.

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