"The countries of the South China Sea have fallen, but they don't even know which country invaded them?" Hong Xuanji frowned slightly, not angry, his gaze only fell on the person who gave the retribution, and the person knelt on the ground and shivered.

"Your Majesty, Imperial Master, so far, Yunmeng and Yuantu have no traces of large-scale mobilization of troops, and Yuantu is far away in the west, it is basically impossible to invade from the South China Sea, and our spies in the South China Sea countries have all disappeared in a short period of time, and their eyes have disappeared, and the situation in the South China Sea countries has been blackened. "

"It's not that we haven't tried to send probes to the South China Sea countries, but we have never returned. "

The one who pays the retribution bows his head and trembles to report.

Shangshu Li Shenguang stepped out of the column and raised his voice: "Emperor, the geographical location of the kamikaze country is very important, the most important thing now is not to find out which country has captured the kamikaze country, the most important thing is who occupies the kamikaze country, can use the kamikaze country as a pedal, easily step into the southern realm of our Daqian, and categorically cannot fall into the hands of any country." "

Li Shenguang does not practice martial arts or Daoism, but his own ability is very outstanding, and he is also very trusted by Yang Pan, otherwise he would not be able to rank in the rank of Shangshu as an ordinary person.

Hong Xuanji has always been at odds with Li Shenguang, and at this time he also agreed with Li Shenguang's point of view: "The emperor, the ministers also believe that the kamikaze country cannot fall into the hands of other countries. "

Yunmeng has the biggest suspicion, Yuantu, Huoluo is not impossible, and Rouran is also possible..."

Yang Panduan sat on the dragon chair, his fingers lightly clasped the armrest, and his eyes flashed in thought.

Yang Pan didn't speak, but the ministers below were anxious.

"Emperor, your lips are cold, you can't sit idly by!"

"Emperor, send troops!"

Yang Pan raised his head slightly: "Xuanji, who do you think is the best to lead the troops?"

Hong Xuanji heard this, Yang Pan didn't wait for him to speak, and smiled slightly: "How is Hong Xi?"

Hong Xuanji's face changed slightly: "Emperor, the dog's ability is not enough to lead the troops, this South China Sea war cannot be lost, if the failure is unimaginable, the minister thinks that the most suitable candidate is Prince Yu, and Wen Tao is outstanding." "

Hong Xi is Hong Xuanji's eldest son, the commander of the Great Qian Shenji Battalion, and he is also a high authority, and when his qualifications are sufficient in the future, Hong Xuanji has the idea of putting him outside to lead troops.

But now, it is definitely not the best time, this war in the South China Sea is a good opportunity to make meritorious achievements, if it successfully recovers the kamikaze country and other countries, it must be a great achievement, but if it fails, Hong Xuanji may not be able to save Hong Xi.

And the Prince Yu he proposed is not a simple character, he is Yang Pan's fourth son, twenty-four years old, in full bloom, taking care of the household of the imperial court, straightening out money and grain, opening teeth to build a mansion, widely collecting people from the door, Na Haojie, and competing with the prince.

But Prince Yu was also a ruthless character who led troops and made great achievements.

"Well, Xuanji, what you said is also reasonable, then Yang Qian is the main general and Hong Xi is the deputy general in this South China Sea war. "

"Emperor Shengming. Hong Xuanji didn't say anything more.

The minister dispersed, but Hong Xuanji was left behind by Yang Pan, and Yang Pan opened his mouth to surprise Hong Xuanji: "Xuanji, do you know about the Zhao family?"

"I don't know. He had also heard a little about the Zhao family, but it was impossible to admit it in front of Yang Pan.

Yang Pan turned around: "When Daqian raised troops from the east, destroyed the Great Zhou, and finally settled in the south, the war was particularly tragic, and the remnants of the Great Zhou resisted continuously. The war lasted for 30 years before it completely stopped. "

"In the south for decades, the people have been displaced, their bones are exposed, and there are no chickens crowing for thousands of miles, but some of them have made a fortune that has lost their conscience, such as plundering people, buying and selling slaves, and even selling teenage girls into Daqian military camps to become prostitutes. Among them, it can be inseparable from the Zhao family of the Da Luo faction. "

Yang Pan said lightly: "This war in the south, when Da Luo sent his strength, Hong Xi contacted them, and if the war went well, the slave trading business would be stopped after the war, and Xu could be lightly pursued." "

The Da Luo school in the south was originally a martial arts sect, and it was more or less connected with the major famous families in the south.

Sixty years ago, the world was in chaos, the masses rose together, the big Qian raised troops to fight for the world, and the Da Luo faction attached itself to the dragon and contributed a lot of strength.

Later, the imperial court banned military force and disbanded various sects, and the Da Luo faction responded by disbanding its forces nominally, thus gaining more favor from the imperial court.

However, although the Da Luo faction was disbanded on the surface, it handed over some business to the imperial court government, and also dissolved all the previous martial arts halls and dojos, and disbanded thousands of disciples of the sect, and now it does not come out to blatantly accept disciples, nor does it have any private soldiers.

But their core strength has not wavered at all; on the contrary, their roots are deeper.

Because twenty years ago, the Da Luo sect also sent people to participate in the operation to annihilate the Dazen Temple.

There are countless martial arts classics, thousand-year-old Buddhist monastic texts, notes, treasures, divine weapons, etc., etc., all of which have been plundered, and the Da Luo faction does not know how much advantage it has taken advantage of in this plundering activity. Now the Da Luo sect has basically been transformed into a martial arts family type sect, not showing mountains and leaks, and the people in the south have forgotten this sect, but the secret strength is like a giant beast in the depths of the sea, and no one knows how big it is.

The seven great families in the south and dozens of famous families are all connected by the bond of the Da Luo faction.

It can be said that the forces of the Da Luo faction are entrenched in the south, and the power is so huge that even Yang Pan is afraid of it, and this southern war will greatly amplify the blood of the Luo faction.

This is the reason why Yang Pan wanted Hong Xi to be a deputy general, using Hong Xi as a link to contact the Da Luo faction.

Hong Xuanji was not stupid enough to defend, but said in a deep voice: "The minister understands." "


"Fire! Fire!"

Seeing the tide of the army in the distance, Yan Zhen's face changed wildly, and he roared and howled immediately.

Boom! Boom! Boom! Boom!

Tens of thousands of warships opened fire with a bang, the entire sky dome was illuminated a little, the strong smell of gunpowder filled the entire sea, and each warship turned into a fire-breathing monster, swallowing out more than a dozen flames, like ten thousand thunder roars.

In the flames and smoke, several pitch-black iron balls mixed with the roar of the air smashed fiercely!

This is Daqian's thunder fire iron cannon, which was developed by Fang Xiandao, and it was a mass of iron armor when it was sent, but it exploded and bloomed when it met people, and under the martial saint, it died when it touched.

Tens of thousands of warships opened fire in unison, even if the South China Sea countries formed all the masters into an army, and bombarded them for a few rounds, they would all be bombarded into slag.

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