At the same time, Zhao Fei'er flicked his fingers, and a drop of blood catapulted into the puppet's mouth.

The baby puppet ate the blood as if it were breastfeeding, and then stood up at once.

This puppet held a small red tasseled gun in his hand, and at the same time, his red tasseled gun turned, and the wooden texture of his body made a clicking sound, and a strong masculine blood qi, like a scorching sun, emanated from the inside of the body.


The baby puppet soared into the sky, extremely fast, and actually set off a huge sound wave.

"Burning plains!"

Faintly, from the mouth of this baby puppet, three words came, and then, the gun in his hand turned and opened wide.

The strong masculinity of blood qi, coupled with the shock of the mouth and mouth, is even more violent, like a raging fire, and it actually bursts out with amazing power in an instant!

The strength of this puppet is already second only to the human immortals!

At the same time that the puppet flew out, Zhao Feier's eyes flashed coldly, and with a raised hand, pieces of purple-black jade talismans flew out, emitting a strong smell of gunpowder, which was a kind of thunder and fire talisman that could blow up any divine soul.

There are hundreds of purple-black jade talismans in this piece, all of which are more powerful than the Explosive Divine Rune Sword, and when combined, how much explosion can be produced, then you can imagine.

"Boom! Burst! Burst!" In the sharp shroud, the hundreds of thunder and fire talismans also exploded around Yang Zaixing.

There are not many people in the Da Luo faction who can attack Yang Zaixing in the air, most of the dozens of elders are cultivators of martial arts, and cultivating martial arts can not fly at all under the immortals, although the martial saint can punch a long-distance fist such as a hundred steps divine fist, but the Da Luo faction does not have a single martial saint.

As for the elders who cultivated Dao art, there was not a single ghost immortal, with the Qi and blood of the Golden Dragon King and Yang Zaixing, their Dao art would disappear even if they were not close to Yang Zaixing.

In addition to Zhao Fei'er's attack, only a few elders who were proficient in archery shot a few sharp arrows.

"Negative stubbornness, looking for death!"

Yang Zaixing snorted coldly, and the five fingers were blatantly pressed down with one hand.


The sky suddenly darkened, and with Yang Zaixing's hand, a huge incomparable palm overturned like a heavenly dome, straight down the cover.

The palm of the hand was delicate, enough for everyone in the Da Luo Sect to see clearly the huge hairs, and the fingerprints that seemed to crisscross deep pits.

The sky of Da Luo Pai was like the end of the sky falling, and in the huge roar of billions of thunders, all the buildings were crumbling, and cracks appeared on the ground one after another, and spread rapidly.

At the moment when the giant palm appeared, the elders of the Da Luo Sect, including all the disciples of the Da Luo Sect, all had their scalps exploded, their eyes bulged sharply, and their hearts went into cardiac arrest.


Hundreds of thunder and fire talismans exploded under the giant palm, but did not cause any damage to the giant palm, as for the split god puppet, it was directly broken under the pressure of the giant palm and fell beside Zhao Feier.



"I have never offended you!"

"The Da Luo Pai has never offended you either!"

Under such great power, Zhao Fei'er roared hoarsely and desperately:

"There are so many people trafficking in people under the sky, so many people do human business, why are you looking for me Da Luo Pai!"

Thousands of thoughts flew out, and at the same time, several Yang and Qi beside him also separated their thoughts one after another, violently uniting together, producing a strong explosion and burning.

It's a pity that she is just a Three Tribulations Ghost Immortal, while Yang Zaixing is a real Shattered Realm cultivation, which is not inferior to the human immortal peak of this realm and the Seven Thunder Tribulation Creator, which is very different.


In the next instant, all her thoughts were shattered, accompanied by a terrifying scream, the palm print was pressed down, and the void rippled layer by layer, emitting an overwhelmed moan.


Zhao Fei'er was desperate, she flew out of her spirit, wanting to escape, but the void was imprisoned by death, locking her dead in place, facing this Qingtian palm, she could only hard connect, there was no other way.

"Hahahaha... I see, you want to be a saint, there are so many dirty things in time, can you manage it?"


Zhao Fei'er's flesh was burst, and the flesh and blood exploded, without a single bit of blood, it directly turned into flying ash.

Heaven and earth changed color, indescribable terrifying forces and vibrations crushed the mountain gate of Da Luo Pai, every inch of space was filled with unimaginable power, and the Da Luo Pai's mountain protection array appeared ripples one after another, but the next moment it shattered.

Boom rumble!

The entire Da Luo faction shook more and more, and all the Da Luo factions fled in panic, but the next moment, the giant palm had fallen, the earth cracked, the city wall collapsed, countless damages, and mourning was everywhere.


All the screams were gone, Yang Zaixing withdrew his palm, indifferently looked at the Da Luo Pai who had been completely destroyed, his eyes turned, looking in a certain direction, his eyes burst out a hundred meters long, containing strong masculine qi and blood.


"Around me..."

Zhao Feier's living spirit appeared, but he just spit out a word and his soul disappeared.


"I'm not interested. "

Yang Zaixing muttered, his eyes scanning the surroundings to make sure that none of them survived.

"I only know that all the people in your Da Luo faction are involved in human trafficking, and there are countless books. "

"That's all I don't know, since I know, I won't let you go." "

"I'm not a saint and I don't want to be a saint. "

"Punishing evil and promoting good is not, it is just a matter of seeking the understanding of thoughts." "

After a pause, the Golden Dragon King turned around and flew back.

Yang Zaixing does not consider himself a good person, more than ten years of war career, he has a lot of human lives in his hands, good and evil in this world, he can't tell the difference, and he doesn't want to divide.

Good and evil things, even those who are full of supreme people can't understand, not to mention that he thinks he is not a smart person, but just a little talent in martial arts.

As for occupying the moral high ground to criticize others, it is also not what he thinks, if it were not for the fact that he did not have a daughter who was ice and snow smart and extremely pampered, the Annihilation Da Luo Sect really did not have such a big impulse.

Whether the Da Luo faction is good or evil, it is evil, it has nothing to do with him, he only knows that when he knows that the Da Luo faction trafficks people, he has a strong desire to destroy the Da Luo faction.


At this time, Wei Taicang already knew the news that the seven provinces of Nanzhou were attacked by unknown forces at the same time, and that one prefecture capital after another had quickly fallen, and Wei Taicang was the governor of the seven provinces that controlled the military and civil administration of the seven provinces of Nanzhou.

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