This armor is as if it has life, and it actually breathes on its own!

Moreover, between the breaths, it was very huge, emitting a thick nasal sound, as if it was thunder, which made the entire space of the Emperor Heavenly Jade Seal tremble.

Boom, the self-breath of this armor is stronger than the breath of the human immortal, as if it is really an ancient dragon turned into armor.

First dragon, first dragon, ancestor of the dragon.

"Break free from the shackles, return to my body, the ancestor of the first dragon, and incarnate into armor!"

Hong Xuanji paused word by word, the words were like thunder, the voice was getting louder and louder, and his breathing gradually became the same as the frequency of the Emperor Tiankai's breathing.

A dragon's breath, a person's immortal breath, between each other, the breathing rate gradually resonated.

When the breathing of the two fully cooperated, and the resonance reached the maximum, a strong sound suddenly sounded above the Emperor's armor, far and deep, and finally the entire armor changed drastically, and it actually turned into a mad dragon with red gold all over and teeth dancing claws.

This mad dragon is completely different from ordinary dragon images, long claws, pieces of scales, all show an ancient precious aura, it seems that it is really the ancestor of all dragons.

Then, this mad dragon struggled to groan, and the whole body shook, clicking, clicking! The explosion did not stop, and then all the golden chains around him were broken.


After breaking the shackles, this mad dragon flew like Hong Xuanji.

And Hong Xuanji was not afraid at all, but a faint smile appeared on his face, stretched out his hand, the skin of his palm was crystalline, showing a magical color, holding the palm of the most terrifying power in the world, touched the head of the mad dragon rushing over.

This mad dragon immediately shrunk and turned into a small golden dragon phantom, which was printed into Hong Xuanji's eyebrows.

Subsequently, Hong Xuanji's eyebrows, together with the entire "Heavenly Court" area, showed a looming red gold divine dragon phantom, but when you look closely, it seems to be an illusion.

In this way, his body, which originally seemed to be the king of the gods of heaven and earth, added a touch of immeasurable mysterious aura.

The thought moved slightly, and his whole body immediately surged with palm-sized scales, like dragon scales, and at the same time, horns and beards on his head, the dragon's head-like helmet, were directly put on his head.

His palms also surged with scales, and his two palms completely turned into strong dragon claws, with long sharp nails that could penetrate all the hard substances in this world.

Then, his body broke away from the ground and floated quietly, motionless. Towering like a mountain.

After putting on the Emperor Heavenly Dragon Armor, this kind of unfathomable strength, any expert looked at him with trepidation, as if this Great Qian Master was no longer a living person, but a supreme ghost god from an unknown space.

However, Qian Emperor Yang Pan seemed to enjoy Hong Xuanji's breath very much, and his expression was serene, as if the stronger Hong Xuanji's power, the more relieved he was, and he was not worried about the Gong Gao Zhen Lord, nor did he worry about Hong Xuanji's plot to usurp the throne.

Yang Pan, Hong Xuanji, this pair of monarchs, can be described as the most mutually reassuring pair of monarchs in history.

Yang Pan and Hong Xuanji both knew that this was a battle related to the life and death of Daqian, so they took out all their hidden strength.

After swallowing the Great Zen Temple and swallowing the Creation Dao, no one knows how strong the strength of the Great Qian is.

Some people estimate that twenty years ago, Daqian had to unite many sects, and even joined forces with Humoupi and Mengshen Ji to destroy the Great Zen Temple, but now the Great Qian can destroy even a hundred Great Zen Temples.

A tense atmosphere filled the entire Daqian, and the troops mobilized by Yang Pan rushed towards the south wave after wave, and the daily intelligence was transmitted to Yang Pan and Hong Xuanji like snowflakes.

The newspapers distributed in various parts of Daqian were snatched up every day, and ordinary people, scholars, readers, merchants, wealthy families, and families were extremely concerned about this war.

Many forces have already sent spies Anza to the side of Tianyang Henan Prefecture, and there is no one in Nanzhou who can Anza enter to spy on, but as long as the situation outside Nanzhou comes out a little news, they will know everything clearly.

Now the whole Daqian, the final thing, is the military affairs with Nanzhou Daqin.

Even if the rebel army corrupts the land of a state, it can shake the foundation of the social grass, and once the military affairs in Nanzhou are unfavorable, it will immediately corrupt the entire south, and then the great army will lose a quarter of its territory.

Nanzhou has a large area, and it is also the largest and most populous state in the ten southern states, one is not good, the Great Qian was defeated, and Daqin could immediately radiate the entire south through Nanzhou, and then the whole country was rotten, and the wealthy families from all over the country flocked to return to the era when the princes rose together.

Although the power of the Great Qian Imperial Court now exceeds that of the previous dynasties, not all of the Ninety-nine Continents of the Great Qian are subordinate to the Great Qian, but only superficially submitted.

For example, Fanzhou and other hundreds of families, some thousand-year-old families, big families, their own strength is very strong, Yang Pan and Hong Xuanji dare not force their dogs to jump off the wall.

Now they are watching the drama, and once Daqian is defeated, these forces may immediately rebel under the banner of aiding Daqian.

Sixty years ago, the Daqian Yang family was also a big family, but it was not the kind of thousand-year-old wealthy family, descendant of saints.

But because of all kinds of support, the struggle for world domination was successful, but it was still not valued by some families, even more than twenty years ago, the Yunmeng iron cavalry came to the city and almost broke the capital, in addition to the power of Yuwen Mu, Yuwen Mu, some of these families played some key roles.

The weakening of the authority letter of the royal centralization and the obstruction of the family are an important reason.

In this case, even Daqian Taizu, Taizong, and Gaozong have no way.

Only the current Qian Emperor Yang Pan and Hong Xuanji were born, first destroyed the Great Zen Temple, shocked the world, and then had to create the Dao Relics, so that the family did not dare to move, and then retreated to the clouds and the iron horse, no one has resisted in the past twenty years, this is the real establishment of royal authority, centralized power, once the decree is issued, the passage of the four seas, even those saint families dare not come out to make trouble in the wind and rain.

But once Daqian weakens, they will turn into the most vicious evil wolf and pounce on Daqian fiercely.

Since the news of the Nanzhou military incident spread all over the world, countless pairs of eyes, wealthy families, and families in Daqian have been staring at Yujing all the time, watching how Emperor Yang Pan moves.

The reason why it was just that countless pairs of eyes paid attention to the war in Nanzhou was because the Yuantu in the north, Yunmeng in the east, and the countries of the Western Regions did not have the leisure to set their eyes on Nanzhou, because they themselves were also facing a powerful enemy.

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