His Yuan Qi Cannon that was prompted by Rashomon was ten times more powerful than his own urging, and even the masters of the Nine Tribulations or flesh and blood would be bombarded to death, but the enemy army could actually be blocked.

However, the news did not indicate that the enemy army had such a master, which was the reason why the god of vitality and the Pope were confident that he could destroy the nightmare army.

Even if the Nightmare Group Army is all immortals, as long as no one can block the Yuan Qi Cannon, under one shot, the Nightmare Group Army will go to the sky and stand shoulder to shoulder with the sun.

"No, my God, he didn't block it, he only blocked it temporarily."

The fiery red and white of the sky were competing for hundreds of miles above, but it was obvious that the white wave of annihilation overwhelmed the fiery red wave.


Li Cunxiao suddenly spat out a mouthful of reverse blood, his body was thrown away, and the next moment, Li Cunxiao's roar entered the ears of all the terrified and inexplicable Nightmare Group Army soldiers: "Column Nightmare Fighting Heavenly Array!" "

The soldiers of the Nightmare Group Army are extremely high-quality, although the feeling of destruction brought by that cannon makes them slightly frightened, but it does not make them despair, as soon as Li Cunxiao's voice sounded, the conditioned reflexes caused by countless training immediately made him react, and roared in unison, forming a soldier battle formation, the magnificent qi and blood will condensed, straight to Xiaohan.


With the formation of the battle formation, the nightmare soldier above them suddenly changed, stood upright, and turned into a giant god, towering like a sacred mountain, surrounded by black divine armor, and the armor on his head was topped with a single horn, and the giant god raised his fist and roared, and then punched out.

In an instant, the will, qi and blood of 500,000 soldiers were all condensed into this, with the momentum of breaking the sky dome and piercing through the scorching sun, and bombarding the Yuan Qi Cannon.

The giant god's fist direction, layer by layer of space constantly shattered, crushed by the fist print, turned into billions of debris, and was wrapped in the strong wind, becoming the sharpest blade in the world.


The Yuan Qi Cannon was crushed, and after crushing the aftermath of the Yuan Qi Cannon, the giant god's fist disappeared and slammed directly on Narashomon.

The overwhelming fist intent, the killing intent full of killing intent, and the aura of destruction that was rich to the extreme, attached to the giant god's fist and slammed on Rashomon.


Rashomon let out an overwhelmed groan and trembled, and the beast head on the portal let out a fierce roar.


The ten-zhang-tall Rashomon was directly blasted away, and several beast heads fell directly, flying out hundreds of miles and crashing through several mountains.

Ashoka's face changed wildly.

Although the Western Regions all believe in the Yuan Qi God under the domineering rule of the Jingyuan Temple, he is the emperor of the Fire Luo Country, and if he believes in the Yuan Qi God, the Fire Luo Kingdom is really a subsidiary of the Jingyuan Temple, so he does not believe in the Yuan Qi God.

But it doesn't mean that he doesn't recognize the power of Genki God.

The strength of many ancient war gods is only so, and he can kill the Nine Tribulations masters with the Rashomon Yuan Qi Cannon, but they are actually blocked by the enemy army, but they blast Rashomon away, and it is obviously damaged.

"Destroy the Western Region Alliance!"

After one punch, Li Cunxiao gave the order to withdraw the battle formation.

The Nightmare Fighting Heavenly Array is too domineering, once it is arrayed, it will continuously damage the soldier's body, if it is too long, it may cause irreversible damage, so it is not a last resort, Li Cunxiao will not be listed in the Nightmare Fighting Heavenly Array.

At this time, tens of thousands of soldiers in the Western Region Alliance Army suddenly strangely formed a formation, loud hymns chanted, and a platinum light rushed into the air, condensing into a giant hammer.

This platinum giant hammer floated in the air, unexpectedly with a violent masculinity, gathered without dispersing, and violently slammed down! It covered a radius of tens of thousands of meters and slammed down towards the Nightmare Group Army.

This is the Judgment Heavenly Hammer Dao Art of the Jingyuan Temple, which requires tens of thousands of masters of cultivating Daoism.

"No wonder there are people who have the courage to take the initiative to attack us, it turns out that there are such strange Dao techniques."

A thought flashed in Ying Bu's mind, this realm of Dao techniques can rarely be stimulated on the battlefield, this kind of battlefield of millions of people, but where the cultivation of Dao techniques has not survived the thunder calamity, there is no pure Yang Qi in the thoughts, not even a single Dao technique can be stimulated.

Even if he is a thunder tribulation master, in this environment, the power of the Dao technique emitted will be weakened by the anger on the battlefield, and the masculinity will be weakened by no power at all.

Therefore, since ancient times, Daoist masters have rarely made moves on the battlefield, and a martial saint comparable to a ghost immortal master has been successful on the battlefield, and every martial saint is a thousand enemies.

The Judgment Heaven Hammer Dao Art of the Jingyuan Temple is different, the Yin God gathers together, uses qi and blood conversion, and the Qi protection of the Platinum Saint Pill, so that the Dao Art can be completely stimulated on the battlefield.

"Break this hammer!"

Yingbu roared, and suddenly, thousands of Heavenly and Human Realm sergeants in the Nightmare Group Army roared in unison towards the giant hammer in the sky, and the qi and blood converged, and slammed into the huge platinum giant hammer.

Cracking sound! The Judgment Hammer made a cracking mark.


Another roar sounded, and the Judgment Heavenly Hammer directly cracked.

They are already very experienced in dealing with Daoist masters, no matter what realm of Daoist masters, they can solve most of them if they are mixed with masculinity in their roar.

When besieging the Great Zen Temple, Xiao Changfeng, a master of Fang Xiandao who survived the thunder calamity, was seized by the four supreme martial saints of the Great Zen Temple, the Hundred Zhangtian King, the Holding Kingdom Heavenly King, the Earth Ninja Heavenly King, and the Secret Treasure Heavenly King, and the True Word Buddha Roar, joined hands to strike a blow, and his soul flew away.

A master at the peak of martial arts, with a loud roar, can break through demons and subdue ghosts and gods, which is beyond doubt.

What is even more outrageous is that the Yinyue monk once fought with the Peacock King, and with the five elements of the Peacock King's four thunder tribulations that year, the changes are endless, and no matter what, he can't help the Yinyue monk.

Regardless of the opponent's means, the monk of Yin Yue roared from a loud roar, all broken, the Peacock King's five-element sword is powerful, famous in the world, but when he encounters the giant roar of the immortal, he can be broken clean.

But the next moment, the Judgment Heavenly Hammer condensed again, and Yingbu roared: "Follow me to destroy that group of people!" "




The shadows of guns flew everywhere, and the Nightmare Group Army used Yingbu as an awl, thousands of people formed a battle formation, straight to the heart of the Western Region Alliance Army, and killed towards the group of Daoist masters.

Li Cunxiao wiped a handful of blood from the corner of his mouth at this time, and laughed viciously, and the horror sounded like the sound of beating the heavenly drum, like Wang Yang's sea, the qi and blood surged wildly, and his whole person crashed towards the Yuan Qi God.

The distance of tens of miles flickered by, and the Yuan Qi God looked at the broken Rashomon, roared furiously, and his eyes burst with killing intent: "Give me a shot together, kill him!" "

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