The mountain peaks collapsed and the earth shook.

Sun Wukong turned out to be seriously injured and lost the ability to resist.

Countless immortal gods looking at this side were slightly sluggish, but full of disbelief.

This is Sun Wukong, a peerless demon who crisscrossed the four realms five hundred years ago, and only a few people in heaven and earth could stabilize him, and he was seriously injured and dying like this?

"Me! How could I lose! I've been lying down for five hundred years! "

Of course, Xiang Yu would not give Sun Wukong time to breathe, and the vast will and qi and blood turned into a big hand that covered the sky, and the huge palm overflowed the sky, overflowing with divine light, and grabbed Sun Wukong, wanting to directly pinch him to death.

The terrifying power crushed over, and Sun Wukong was like a small animal in amber unable to move, emitting an incredible roar, but as Xiang Yu's giant palm fell, his huge body cracked a crack, like broken porcelain.

No matter how he struggled, he couldn't escape Xiang Yu's palm.

"Waste, you kind of evil beast also deserves the name of Sun Wukong?"

Xiang Yu was indifferent.

"Monkey King isn't going to die, right? What should I do if I travel west? "

Some immortals said to themselves.

On the other side, Chen Xuanzang, who was at the core of Sun Wukong and Xiang Yu's fight, was not injured at all, but just lowered his head and chanted.


The sound of Zen singing in Chen Xuanzang's mouth expanded rapidly, and in an instant, it resounded in the heavenly dome, floating for nine days, followed by Yu Guo, the entire human Dao, Meru Dao, Heavenly Humanity, and Hell Dao can hear this Dao Zen singing sound.

At this moment, hundreds of millions of living beings in the four realms were like spiritual rhinos, looking up in the direction of Yu Kingdom, only to see the heavenly dome above Yu Country, a golden light exploded, and the Buddha was radiant.

Like the direct sun shining, it is still wild, and the light is everywhere and pervasive.

In the vast and brilliant light of the Buddha, a majestic, solemn, sacred and honorable Buddha appeared.

This Buddha sits on a lotus platform, incredibly large, and just a pair of eyes is the size of a star.

The vast day is nothing more than a ball in front of this Buddha.


Everyone on earth could see this apparitioned Buddha, and those who believed in the Dharma knelt on the ground and chanted the sutras.


Above the Nine Heavenly Gate, in the Lingxiao Treasure Hall, countless immortal gods watched Xiang Yu violently beat Sun Wukong through the Heaven-watching Mirror, and the Jade Emperor suddenly sneered.

Taibai Jinxing on the side asked softly, "Great Tianzun, do you want to help this person?" "

The Jade Emperor was silent, and Li Jing frowned, "If you want to help this person, only Erlang God can help." "

Although the battle between the Heavenly Court and the Western Heaven has become a daylight, it has not torn its face, so that the people of the Heavenly Court cannot make a move, although Erlang God is subordinate to the Heavenly Court, no matter who knows that this nephew and his uncle are not compatible.

Even if he makes a move, the Heavenly Court can push two five or six at that time, saying that Erlang God does not obey the order, and Xi Tian has nothing to do.

"Wait a minute..."

The Jade Emperor's voice was faint: "If this person can not die in Rulai's hands, it will not be too late to make a move." "


This huge and unfathomable Buddha lowered his eyes, chanted the trumpet of the Buddha, looked down on the human path, and the Buddha's face was full of compassion and compassion.

The sound of the Buddha spread throughout the four realms, and the next moment, the Buddha slowly raised a palm.


The light of the Buddha blooms, the palm of the Buddha falls, it seems to cover the path of the world, and there is nothing to escape.

In the light of the immeasurable Buddha, countless arhats, bodhisattvas, and Buddha's chanting sounded.

Just as soon as he pressed it, the human road seemed to be beaten together, the mountain peaks shook, the rivers flowed, the Buddha light spilled, countless demons had an epiphany, put down the butcher knife, fell and sat down, their hands made flowers, and converted to the western heavens.

Although the mountains were shaking and the rivers were flowing backwards, the billions of living beings in the world did not have the slightest sense of panic.

It was as if they naturally realized that although this Buddha's palm was huge and boundless, it would not harm the pond fish.

"What if? Want to stop me from killing Monkey King? You have to have that ability, too. "

Xiang Yu raised his head and sneered, and whispered:

"Rulai, can you block this knife of mine?"

A long black knife suddenly appeared in Xiang Yu's hand, heavy, tyrannical, flashing with thunder.

Looking directly at the vast and boundless Buddha, looking down on the human path, looking at the Buddha's seemingly compassionate, but in fact cold and indifferent eyes, he waved the thunder knife and whispered:

"This sword of mine can kill immortal gods and Buddha demons."

"My sword can set the sun, moon, and starry river."

"This knife of mine can break the cause and effect of reincarnation."

The thunder knife sprayed thin knife light, and the sword light was like a unique light that opened the world in the chaos of the chaos god thunder.

Heaven and earth changed color, the light of the firmament Buddha was swept away, and the light of the Buddha was replaced by the light of the sword.

Xiang Yu is arrogant, invincible, domineering, as said, his sword can kill immortal gods and Buddha demons.

Buddha, is a Buddha.

The purple sword light rushed into the heavenly dome, separating heaven and earth, brilliant, and the domineering will made heaven and earth tremble.

The void cracked, and the firmament bowed.

Buddha light, dissipate.

Buddha palm, crush.

Buddha, cracked.

"I'm Nima! Lao Tzu is going back! "

The broken wave who ran for his life felt numb in his scalp, his heart was terrified, and he let out a howl like a beast.

He just wanted to complete the task safely, why did these two big guys appear?

For example, the appearance of the Buddha was expected, but according to their assumption, as long as they were honest, the Buddha would not pay attention to such ants.

A mysterious big man actually appeared in the Journey to the West Devil World, and the two-punched Monkey King was dying, and the aftermath almost shocked them, and then this person actually split the Buddha in half with a knife.

"This sword of mine can kill immortal gods and Buddha demons."

"My sword can set the sun, moon, and starry river."

"This knife of mine can break the cause and effect of reincarnation."

This person's domineering muttering lingered in their ears, and the hero just wanted to cry.

Big guy, you cut off your immortal gods, fall your sun and moon, cut off your reincarnation, none of us are touched, why do you harm the pond fish.

The five masters and apprentices of Xiongba, you look at me, I look at you, and I see that the other party is covered in blood.

Xiang Yu's sword was too domineering, although it was only affected a little by the sword intent, but their divine souls were also greatly traumatized, and the divine soul wounds appeared on the flesh, and it looked like they had been cut by a thousand cuts.

"The overlord is worthy of being the overlord, this domineering, cut Rulai in half." Yue Buqun's face was full of adoration.

Xun Cheng muttered, "What are we doing with the director?" It was as if nothing had been done, but the director was seen beheading the Buddha. "

Ghost Guzi patted him on the shoulder: "Some of them are good to see, they know what happened, can killing Sun Wukong really confuse the will of heaven?" "

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