Zhenwu nodded: "Exactly." "

It is said that this golden-winged peng is Rulai's uncle, but it is not the case.

Birds grow up with phoenixes, and phoenixes give birth to peacocks and rooks, both of which like to eat people.

When Rulai had just cultivated the right fruit, he was eaten by a peacock, so he opened an opening in his back, and then came out, and after coming out, he wanted to take his life.

But Zhou Tian Shen Buddha persuaded him, saying that you come out of the belly of a peacock, and the peacock should be considered your biological mother in this way, so Rulai brought the peacock to Lingshan and named it the Bodhisattva of the Peacock Daming King, and Dapeng and the peacock were born of one mother, so it was Rulai's uncle!

On the surface, this peacock and Dapeng are one Buddha mother and one Buddha uncle, but in fact they are demons submitted by Fulai, and these demons are all honorific names of King Ming in Western Heaven.

"I was inspecting the human path, but I found that this beast devoured human beings in the small country of the human road, and in one mouthful, the demon wind swept a hundred miles of human beings, and 100,000 people died in the belly of this beast, and before, he had devoured more than a million people."

Xiang Yu said indifferently: "Dogs can't change to eat, kill it." "

The corners of the eyes of the immortal gods jumped, this new Ziwei Emperor was too domineering, as soon as he appeared, he cut Rulai's Dharma body projection, and now he wants to cut Rulai Buddha's uncle, which is simply and Rulai's immortal death.

Although the Zhenwu Emperor is a demon swinging Tianzun and is known as a demon nemesis, he does not dare to kill demons with a backstage at will, especially this golden-winged Dapeng, on the hardness of the backstage, almost no one in the four realms can compare.

This is not the snobbery of the Zhenwu Emperor, but the reality, he directly killed the Golden-winged Dapeng, and Rulai may not come forward under the loss, but if he comes to casually find a reason to ask for the crime afterwards, he may not be able to resist.

He captured this golden-winged peng, not to kill him, but to deal with Xiang Yu and see Xiang Yu's courage, but he did not expect that Xiang Yu's courage exceeded his expectations, making him hesitate slightly.

"Why, don't you dare to kill?"

Xiang Yu glanced at him, took the Golden-winged Dapeng into his hand, and was about to pinch the Golden-winged Dapeng to death, when a Zen chanting containing endless Buddha power sounded:

"Great Emperor, show mercy to your subordinates."

"Medicine Buddha?"

"Rulai actually sent the Medicine Master Buddha to save the Golden-winged Dapeng?"

The immortal gods were slightly startled in their hearts, and then they saw a Buddha one zhang and six feet tall enter the main hall.

Glazed Light Buddha, the Dharma body of Medicine Buddha.

Whoops! Whoops!

The golden-winged peng's eyes were overjoyed, and he chirped madly, and his struggle became more and more intense.

"The Great Emperor asked his subordinates to show mercy, my Buddha's discipline was not strict, and he actually caused this beast to commit heinous crimes, and asked the Great Emperor to let the old monk bring him back to the Western Heaven, and he will definitely be severely punished!"

The glazed light Buddha's palms were slightly folded.

"Millions of people died in the mouth of this beast, and you exposed it with a word of lax discipline?"

Xiang Yu slowly got up, his eyes were as cold as ice for ten thousand years, he looked directly at the Glazed Light Buddha, and said indifferently: "Don't you put compassion on your lips?" Your mercy has been cultivated into your asshole? "

The Liuli Light Buddha's face was calm, and he did not want to argue: "The Great Emperor forgives sins, this beast has committed monstrous sins, Xitian will definitely not belittle him, and also asked the Great Emperor to hand over this beast to the old monk." "

"Interesting threat!"

Xiang Yu's mighty voice was like a chaos divine thunder overwhelming everything, and an extremely cold smile appeared on his face.

This glazed light Buddha has increased the word 'Western Heaven' a little, which is obviously a threat.

But who is he, he is Xiang Yu, a person from the Great Qin Empire, leading troops across many worlds, encountering many strong enemies, but he has never been afraid, retreated, how can he be threatened by the Western Heavens?

Moreover, no matter how hard your background is, there is my Daqin Empire First Emperor this background hard?

Almost before the words fell, Xiang Yu's five fingers squeezed sharply.

With a loud bang, the Golden-winged Dapeng only had time to let out a short scream, and burst his flesh and soul alive, and he didn't even have the opportunity to be reincarnated and reborn, and directly disappeared between heaven and earth.

"Honza help you discipline!"

Xiang Yu's voice echoed in the hall, and when he spread out his palm, the golden-winged Dapeng was already gone.

This Ziwei Emperor is too domineering!

The corners of the eyes of all the immortal gods jumped wildly, but their hearts were greatly happy.

Ziwei Emperor has a wide range of powers, and the Zhenwu Emperor under him has the power to destroy demons, in theory, any demon who lays down his sins, Emperor Zhenwu has the authority to arrest and deal with it.

As the boss of the Zhenwu Emperor, Xiang Yu certainly had the right to deal with the demons who committed their sins, and in theory, if the Golden-winged Dapeng wanted to survive, only the Jade Emperor's words would be useful.

The Glazed Light Buddha said that he wanted to take away the Golden-winged Dapeng, which was already exceeding his authority, and the immortal gods were naturally very unhappy in their hearts.

However, what kind of figure is this Medicine Buddha, one of the few Buddhas in the Western Heavens, second only to the Buddha of the past Buddha in terms of qualifications, such as the Buddha who came to be ancient, and among the golden immortals, he is also one of the deepest golden immortals.

Xiang Yu actually didn't give any face in front of him, and directly pinched the Golden-winged Dapeng, which made all the immortal gods feel dark in their hearts and at the same time quite shocked and admired.


After a few moments of silence, the Glazed Light Buddha smiled slightly: "It is worthy of being the Ziwei Emperor, and his courage is amazing, but punishing demons is also the mandate of the Great Emperor, since the Great Emperor helped me Xitian deal with this evil beast, I can't say that I have to thank the Great Emperor in the future." "

This old Buddha spoke, ostensibly grateful, but in the ears of all the immortal gods, it was already a clear threat.

Xiang Yu's face remained unchanged, and said indifferently: "How much thanks Xitian has, this seat is next, old monk, go back and strictly manage your Xitian Ming King, this seat is jealous like hatred, the most unwilling to see demons raging, this seat heard that the Buddha mother also likes to eat people the most, and you must discipline more." "

Xiang Yu's eyes looked directly at the eyes of the Glazed Light Buddha, and he said word by word: "This seat, if you see it, see one and kill one." "

It's crazy!

It's so exciting!

It's so cool!

It's so painful!

You threaten me, I threaten you!

All the immortal gods looked at it, and for a moment, most of the immortal gods were pleased with this new Ziwei Emperor.

"The words of the great emperor, the old monk remembers."

The Glazed Light Buddha clasped his hands together, took a deep look at Xiang Yu, and disappeared into the hall.

Rulai's Dharma body was all cut off by Xiang Yu, which shows that the strength of this new Ziwei Great Emperor is unfathomable, and his Dharma body cannot be Xiang Yu's opponent, and he didn't want to make a move.

A golden-winged peng is not so important to Xitian.

I just wanted to get a glimpse of Xiang Yu's attitude towards Xitian from this matter.

Now he already knew that the contradiction between Xitian and this Ziwei Emperor could not be reconciled.

After the Glazed Light Buddha disappeared, Emperor Zhenwu bowed long: "Great Emperor Shengming!" "

How did he not want to kill the Golden-winged Dapeng, but did not dare to kill, Xiang Yu killed, or in front of the Medicine Buddha, this kind of courage, he did not accept it.

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