The young man Yingzheng snorted and quickly closed his eyes, only then did he feel that his soul seemed to return to his body.

After a while, the four people sitting next to the immortal pond reached out and probed into the immortal pond, and the light in the pool was dispersed, revealing some filamentous nets in the pool wall, the roots were crystalline, flowing fairy light, like the blood vessels of living beings, and even able to breathe and breathe.


The young man only felt a pain in his fingers, and saw a drop of blood dripping from his index finger and falling into the mysterious pattern on the eighth layer altar.

With just a drop of blood, all the mysterious patterns on the eighth-layer altar of the hundred zhang square circle turned blood red.


The 'dragon head' of the tens of thousands of dragon peaks suddenly moved slightly, spewed out ten thousand zhang blue light, and shot a volley towards the immortal pond that was no more than one zhang square circle.

Knock! Knock!

The crystal silk threads in the immortal pond became more and more blood-red, and then it seemed that a heart was beating, beating faster and faster, more and more urgently, and the sound became more and more huge.

Knock knock knock!

Gradually, the young man only felt that his heart beat and frequency began to approach the inexplicable heart beat frequency, and his qi and blood boiled like a river.

I only feel that my heart seems to be burning, and there is a kind of unhappiness without vomiting.

"It's so hot!"

It was as if he was in a furnace, and the skin of the young man turned fiery red, like a red-hot shrimp.

He wanted to escape, but the altar bound him to death, let alone escape, even his eyelids could not move.

"My flesh, my blood, my internal organs, are going to burn!"

Knock knock knock!

The frequency of Xianchi's beating became faster and faster, and suddenly, a harsh scream sounded in the ears of the young man.

I saw dozens of people on the first floor of the altar and the whole person began to burn, first clothes, hair, followed by flesh and skin, fascia, bones, internal organs... Step by layer, and finally even the soul burns, and the soul phantom struggles in the flames.

After a while, the people on the second floor of the altar also began to burn, following in the footsteps of the first layer.

The third layer... The fourth layer... The fifth layer... The sixth layer...

The fairy pond beats incredibly fast, and the crystal red is delicate.


One by one, the dragon peaks emitted dragon groans, as if they were alive, and there were pieces of stony dragon scales on their bodies, and their eyes even emitted a shining light.

The aura of the supreme supreme saint permeated out, above the nine skies, and at this moment, the hearts of all the cultivators on this huge blue planet throbbed, and the more powerful the cultivators, the more obvious they were, and even heard the dragon groan.

"Am I going to die?"

The young man's thinking gradually blurred, dying in the sacrifice, even the soul would cease to exist, completely disappeared, and the screams of those who died, the shouts before dying, echoed in his ears.

"I don't want to die!"

The young man Yingzheng desperately grabbed the ghostface mask, and the ghostface mask was full of cracks because of his force at the moment.

"If I die, what will I do..."

The young man whispered softly, with regret, with reluctance, with pleading.

In a trance, the young man seemed to see Chanting looking at him, she was only a few years old, her figure was very blurry, combed with a pair of horn braids, her face could not be real, only saw a pair of big eyes pure, containing tears, crying pitifully, small clothes with patches, wearing small shoes that showed her toes, helplessly stretching out her little hands, trying to grasp something.

"Shhh You have to survive..."

"It's so hot... It hurts..."

In a trance, the young man saw the fire burning on his hand, and his consciousness became more and more blurred, and the young man sighed softly in his heart: "Am I really going to die?"

Before his consciousness completely disappeared, the young man heard the roar of the majestic middle-aged man in his ears: "Failed again!"

"What is this? The First Emperor Sutra..."

The young man subconsciously ran according to the "First Emperor Sutra" that suddenly appeared in his mind, and his consciousness suddenly became much clearer, and the blazing pain on his body also subsided a lot.

"Hey, there are actually two more who are not dead?"

"Desolate Ancient Holy Body, Divine King Body... Since you can't give birth to the hope of becoming an immortal, bring it back to cultivate. "

A smile appeared at the corner of the young man's mouth: "It's good that it's not dead..."


When the young man woke up and returned to the warship, the warship stepped into the starry sky again.

"Are you awake?"

The young man Huan Zheng straightened up, and saw a young man about his age sitting next to him, holding a book in his hand.

With a gentle smile on his face, the young man was the Divine King Body.

Hundreds of boys and girls, only the two of them survived.

The young man was silent: "How long have I slept?"

The Divine King Body boy smiled and said: "Not long, by the way, my name is Ji Chengkong, you are the Desolate Ancient Holy Body, the Divine Dynasty can pay more attention to you, but we are all people who are focused on cultivating by the Divine Dynasty, you and I will be partners in the future, what is your name?"

The young man was slightly surprised in his heart, and looked at Ji Chengkong, only to see that the smile on his face was still gentle, and after only one day, he didn't seem to be affected by the previous sacrifice and almost died.

"Hello, my name is Yingzheng. "

The young man nodded gently.

"I heard that the Desolate Ancient Saint Body Dacheng can match the Great Emperor. "Ji Chengkong looks very ordinary and not handsome, but the combination of facial features gives people a feeling of affinity, especially the gentle smile on his face, which inexplicably gives people a sense of closeness, although there is a trace of envy at the moment, but it is not boring at all.

Young Huan Zheng shook his head and said, "Since ancient times, there have been few Dacheng Holy Bodies, and Dacheng is too far away..."

In the following time, the young Huanzheng and Ji Chengkong chatted for a long time, side knocking, and finally determined that Ji Chengkong did not have the previous memories related to the sacrifice, and it seemed that the memories had been erased by the Feather God Dynasty.

After chatting for a while, Ji left by air, and the young man Yingzheng was alone in the room, thinking silently:

"These special physiques of ours were supposed to be sacrificed, and if nothing else, we all died, but Ji Chengkong and I survived unexpectedly, and the two of us have extraordinary physiques, since we are useless for the hope of cultivating immortals, the Feather God Dynasty turned to cultivate us. "

"In order to avoid resentment towards the God Dynasty by sacrificing sacrifices, it is natural to erase our memories, Ji Chengkong's memory was erased, but I was not erased because of some accidents... For what reason?"

"Yes, the First Emperor Sutra!"

In the mind of the young man Yingzheng, the emperor scripture that suddenly appeared in his mind before.

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