However, Zhang Kongpan could conclude that it was almost impossible for a mere mortal body and a well-qualified Winged Immortal to break through to the Dragon Zhen to Sendai.

And stepping into Sendai, the life span is at least a thousand years, and if you do not step into Sendai, even if you are in the Nine Realms of the Dragon, the life expectancy is only five or six hundred years.

If he can leave alive and become a Eucharist, he will have a lifespan of more than 10,000 years.

A lifespan of more than 10,000 years, a lifespan of hundreds of years, such an ending, is not destined to be good.

"This is the end!"

Huan Zheng laughed and looked bright, while Yu Qianhua was injured everywhere, and the corners of his mouth sprayed blood, and he was hit hard.

"Yu Qianhua, send you on your way!"

As Ying Zheng's voice shook, a domineering will stirred the universe in an instant, and in Yu Qianhua's pupils shrank sharply, the palm of the Immortal King behind Ying Zheng slowly raised.

In a trance, the figure of the Immortal King coincided with Ying Zheng, and the blood around Ying Zheng's body became more and more majestic, as if it turned into a blood-colored starry river, dyeing the earth red.




It was like a big sun bursting out, in this hundredth of an instant, Ying Zheng stepped nine steps in a row, step by step, the dense spatial cracks under his feet burst out, and at the same time, a thousand punches were punched.

That's a thousand!

But his speed was too fast, and this thousand punches that were fast turned into one punch.

The bursting sun broke everything, as if the fire god had descended into the world and burned the eight wastes, shrouding Yu Qianhua with an unstoppable momentum.

"I can't die here!"

Yu Qianhua had the heart to retreat, and his heart moved: "Baogai Tianhua!"

As long as Baogai Tianhua levitates above his head, Ying Zheng cannot kill him.

It's a pity that the speed of Ying Zheng is faster, almost when his thoughts have just arisen, Ying Zheng is mighty, and the invincible and domineering punch has arrived.

Yu Qianhua's heart trembled, and his heart was terrified.


It was as if thousands of nuclear bombs exploded at the same time, the terrifying bright light flooded thousands of miles, and the shock waves visible to the naked eye swept in all directions at more than a thousand times the speed of sound, swept thousands of miles, and quickly swept farther away.

On the earth, layers of crust were lifted, as if billions of earth dragons were rolling and roaring, and there seemed to be a "earth wave" like a monstrous tsunami on the earth.


Yu Qianhua, who could only be parried, was like a thunderbolt, and the whole person was like a shooting star, under this unparalleled power, the bones around his body crackled and exploded, flying hundreds of miles away, and blood spilled into the sky.

Only at this time, a huge fist mark in the sky that was thousands of miles long and more than ten kilometers wide slowly dissipated.

One punch to divide the world!

From confrontation to defeat, it is only a few breaths of time.

It's just this few breaths, and the two collided.

But no one expected Yu Qianhua to lose so quickly.

That is Yu Qianhua, who is known as a demon and is based on the Seven Forbidden Realm.

In the shock of everyone, Ying Zheng's figure had disappeared in place, and he caught up with Yu Qianhua, who flew out, in just a few steps, and his hearty laughter was deafening:

"Yu Qianhua, you are a trash!"


Yu Qianhua punched sideways, and the collision between the two emitted a light like the collapse of the starry sky.

Blood rain flew, Yu Qianhua's cape was scattered, and his arm was broken, revealing Sensen's white bones, and this pain made Yu Qianhua's facial features distorted and extremely hideous.

The next moment, a flash of light covered the province, and Yu Qianhua's broken arm became intact: "He roared!

Before the words fell, the overwhelming fist power had already overwhelmed the world.

Cracking sound!

Half of Yu Qianhua's shoulder was directly separated from his body, and his body was bloody, but the brilliance was covered, and his shoulder recovered in the blink of an eye.

Bang bang bang!

The sound wave of the collision between the two is too amazing, like the huge sound of stars erupting, the people under the Sendai can no longer bear it, their hearts are beating, their heads are dizzy, and they retreat and retreat, retreating thousands of miles away.


Yu Qianhua vomited blood, his body shook, and he roared: "Give me recovery!"

But this time, his recovery was exceptionally slow.

"Yu Qianhua, you're just like that!" laughed Ying Zheng.

Yu Qianhua was unwilling to bother and roared: "I want to know, are you based on the God Forbidden!"

Yu Qianhua asked like this, and no one made fun of him, because this was also everyone's question, they were all guesses and were not confirmed.

The performance of the victorious government can simply be described as miraculous, it is incredible!

The Feather God Dynasty is the top force in Beidou and the overlord of Zhongzhou, strictly speaking, the Great Yan Holy Land and the Tianxuan Holy Land are inferior to the Feather God Dynasty.

After all, the Feather Emperor is the closest emperor to the present.

The remnants of the Feather Emperor still protect the Feather God Dynasty.

And Yu Qianhua himself has top qualifications, his father is also a great saint, the pillar of the Feather God Dynasty, and his status is not inferior to the Holy Emperor of the Feather God Dynasty.

Yu Qianhua was still in his belly, and his father washed his bloodline every day, and his starting point exceeded nine out of nine.

After he was born, he had the Feather God Dynasty as his backing, and he could mobilize most of the resources of the Feather God Dynasty.

Whether it is combat power or realm, he is the top of the younger generation, and many of the older generation have been trampled under his feet.

His strength is obvious to all, not blown out, but proven by war after war.

Only Yu Qianhua has always crossed the level to fight, and now, he has been defeated by the leapfrog level.


The momentum was like a dragon, once again drowning Yu Qianhua, he coughed up blood, and the voice of Ying Zheng sounded in his ears: "You are right, I have stepped into the God Forbidden!"

"It turns out that you really stepped into the God Forbidden!"

Yu Qianhua's eyes suddenly brightened, and he said to himself with confidence: "God forbidden is not an obstacle to me. Give me time, and I will definitely be able to step into the forbidden gods!"


"You have no chance of living!"

Ying Zheng's voice was very cold, and the punch that destroyed the decay made Yu Qianhua fly sideways again, and his recovery speed became slower and slower.


Yu Qianhua screamed, his body was bent like a cooked shrimp, and blood and water not only sprayed from his mouth, but also from his ears, nose and eyes.

He was extremely resuscitated, and his victory was as fast as lightning, punch after punch, and the overwhelming punch power spread throughout every space, leaving him no room to dodge.

Yu Qianhua's hands were broken, revealing miserable white bones, his chest exploded, back and forth were transparent, one leg left his body, and his body was covered with dense cracks, like porcelain about to be broken.


Ying Zheng descended from the sky, stomped on top of his head fiercely, stomped his head into the ground, looked down at him, and smiled:

"I said, you, but that's it. "

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