No one has a concrete idea.

And this giant hand derived from the southern region of the Eastern Wilderness to the northern region seemed to have a terrifying existence stretching out from another universe, causing the stars to shatter and the stars to shake.

The huge giant hand even covered the entire Northern Territory.

Everyone, whether it was the Great Sage, the Saint King, or the Saint, all looked at this giant hand in a daze, their throats seemed to be strangled fiercely, and they couldn't say a word.

In an instant, heaven and earth were still together.

Everything seemed to be mastered by this big hand, unable to move.

All creatures in heaven and earth, like mosquitoes in amber, cannot move.

Yu Qianhua's Dao Protector's pupils shrank sharply, and he saw that his divine powers were frozen, and at the same time, a vast and boundless power surrounded him.

This kind of power suppressed him to death in place, and compared with this power, he was like an ant facing a person.


The sky shook, and the void was like a rag being torn violently, and the huge palm was pressed down.

The majestic aura gushed out overwhelmingly, as if it was about to spread to the end of heaven and earth.

Bang bang bang!

Everyone was overwhelmed by this intimidation and fell to their knees with a thump.

"This is to kill us all!"

Jiang Futian's heart was awe-inspiring, and he also knelt on the ground, wanting to resist, but he couldn't help himself.

"It's over, it's really dead!"

"I don't want to die!"

"A thousand years of cultivation, one death. "

"I'm not willing..."

Everyone roared, fear, despair, unwillingness...

But in the face of such a doomsday giant palm, no matter what they cultivated, they were in trouble.

Just like mortals facing waves, volcanic eruptions, earthquakes, mudslides, they can only watch disaster befall in addition to prayer.

"My killer?"

A whisper spread through the void and scattered in all directions.

"You want to kill him, bully the small, don't say I'm a big bully, kill you." "

Every word, like the roar of the avenue, does not pass through their ears, directly vibrates in their minds, deafening.

Bang bang bang!

Yu Qianhua's protector was like a tomato squeezed to the extreme, bursting apart, and there was no corpse.

Immediately afterwards, the protectors who had a murderous intention against Ying Zheng all exploded, and the dead could no longer die.

At this time, the others found that the restraints had disappeared and they were able to move, but no one dared to move, and they all looked at the giant hand with fascination.


That giant palm pierced through the void with one finger, regarded the Holy City Defensive Array as nothingness, and directly smashed the station of the Feather God Dynasty in the Holy City.

"Lord of the Forbidden Land!"

"Who provoked this Great Enlightenment Eucharist?"

"The fool of the Feather God Dynasty provoked it. "

There were also masters in the holy city, and some thousands of years old immortals recognized the owner of this giant hand.

Zhang Kongpan suddenly lost his voice and said, "I know who he is!"

Jiang Futian's face was pale, his face changed, and he was fascinated by the power displayed by this giant hand.

"The last generation of the Great Cheng Holy Body, the last Holy Body of the ninth generation of the Great Cheng Holy Body, the Lord of the Forbidden Land of the Desolate Ancient Past!"

The origin of the Desolate Ancient Holy Body has been traced back to the mythological era, but the physique that really made the Desolate Ancient Holy Body famous and was called the favor of the heavens began from the Desolate Ancient Era.

More than 100,000 years ago, a Dacheng Holy Body rose and competed with the demon emperor who had become a great emperor.

At that time, all of them lamented only the perversion of the Holy Eucharist.

However, after the death of that generation of Dacheng Holy Bodies, in the later years of the Demon Emperor, another generation of Dacheng Holy Bodies rose, and the edge even overshadowed the Demon Emperors in his later years.

Just when everyone sighed, the second generation of the Dacheng Holy Body passed away, and thousands of years later, another Dacheng Holy Body rose.

In this way, nine successive generations of Dacheng Holy Body, passed down from generation to generation, everyone is a Holy Body Dacheng, invincible in heaven and earth, shaking the ancient and shining the present, but fighting the Great Emperor, laying the status of the Dacheng Holy Land.

And the last generation of Dacheng Holy Body rose more than 20,000 years ago, more than 10,000 years ago, this Dacheng Holy Body rushed into the forbidden land, killed the lord of the forbidden land, and occupied the Magpie's Nest, and since then there has been no news of him, and everyone has sat down when his life is exhausted.

As we all know, the life span of the Dacheng Holy Body is less than that of the Great Emperor, only more than 10,000 years, according to common sense, this Dacheng Holy Land that rushed into the Desolate Forbidden Land should sit down, but I didn't expect to be alive, longer than some Great Emperors.

This is the Great Cheng Holy Body, the Great Cheng Holy Body that can fight the Great Emperor.

Their pursuit is to become an emperor, and in front of them, there is a great Cheng holy body that can be fought as a great emperor.

Who can be the enemy?

One saint, dozens of half-saints and kings, all dead without corpses.

That's not a nonsense.

The saint of the Feather God Dynasty had such a noble status and strength, but in front of the Dacheng Holy Body, he didn't even have the power to resist, and he was directly killed.

This scene, which gives people shock, is incomparable.

The major holy places, families, and divine dynasties all had a chill rising in their hearts.

"The younger generation fights with the same rank, I don't care, the younger generation, people of the same rank, if they can kill the government, they can kill it." "

The voice that was calm as the sky sounded, without a trace of ripples, but it had the momentum of looking down on the heaven and the earth, and the king of the world:

"If anyone wants to bully the small with the big, don't blame me for suppressing Er and so on!

The huge palm levitated above the Northern Domain, reflecting a terrifying shadow that made the heart palpitate.

The giant palm came quickly, disappeared quickly, and the giant palm has disappeared.

Ying Zheng smiled gently, he left a mark on himself and could strike at any time.

But this hole card, he will only use once, can not be relied on.

He spends very little time awake, most of the time he is half-asleep or goes berserk.

Perhaps this is the price of his life expectancy of more than 20,000 years.

But once is enough, the shock of a great holy body, I believe that no one dares to break the rules again and make a big move against him.

Among his contemporaries, he is not afraid of anyone.

As soon as the giant palm disappeared, Ying Zheng's body moved, and he slammed into the people of the Feather God Dynasty, and these people all followed Yu Qianhua.


Ji took advantage of the air to vomit blood and flew out upside down.

Ying Zheng opened a killing ring, and a master of the Venerable Feather God Dynasty was severely injured by him and killed.

"The people of the Feather God Dynasty! Give me death!"

Ying Zheng burst into drink, like a big millstone of flesh and blood, a master of the Feather God Dynasty was strangled, and in the blink of an eye, most of the hundreds of masters died.

Although the Feather God Dynasty is the overlord of Zhongzhou and the top force of the Big Dipper, the Sendai masters are not many, and the dragon masters are their backbone.

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