The Holy Land of the Beginning...

Dao One Holy Land...

Zifu Holy Land...

Along the way, Jiang Futian and Zhang Kongpan took turns to introduce it, so that Ying Zheng had a general understanding of the situation in Beidou and the major forces.

In general, there are many demons and more geniuses.

Just the Eastern Wilderness, there are more than a dozen Tianjiao at the level of the two of them, these dozen Tianjiao you do not obey me, I do not obey you, each of them is only me.

All the boats stopped deep in the great lake, because the phoenix boats full of flowers were ahead.

In mid-air, Tiangong Yazao. Standing majestically, it gives people an unreal feeling, and the fairy music bursts, as if coming from the nine days.

Nine women danced, and under the night and moon, like fairies from heaven came to the earthly world, dancing gracefully and bewitching.

The phoenix boat is very large, at least a kilometer long and hundreds of meters wide, like a small city sinking and floating in a lake.

One by one, the descendants of the great forces stood on their own ships, and their breath condensed into various visions, such as the Glazed Pagoda, Baogai Tianhua, Baoding, Cloud City, and Colorful Lotus.

There are also those with exotic beasts, such as dragons, white rhinos, fire phoenixes, luan birds, xuan turtles, jiao zheng...

All kinds of scenes, it is heart-warming.

It can be said that this is a small event of major forces, and in hundreds of years, most of the people here will become the leaders of the major forces.

But in addition, there are uninvited people, mixed and bustling.

The major Tianjiao are extraordinary, dressed gorgeously, and the exotic beasts they follow are auspicious, looking extremely sacred.

"Feng Wuxuan is going to fight with the night moon and night, go and see it!"

Suddenly, there were people in front of them, and someone quickly rushed over.

"One is the Holy Son of the Wind Clan, and the other is the contemporary descendant of the Demon Emperor Hall, both are the most outstanding figures in the world, this battle cannot be missed!"

In the distance, a powerful battle intent rose, and the two looked at each other in the air, and they were about to explode.

The night moon is extremely handsome, the body is full of light, and the divine armor is like dragon scales, golden and brilliant.


The two began a big war.

Ying Zheng watched from a distance, and found that the strength of these two people was indeed not inferior to Yu Qianhua, or even stronger, the two of them controlled the power very precisely, as if in order to avoid affecting others, the battle between the two seemed to be just a mediocre collision, and the wind was light.

In an instant, the two collided more than a dozen times, touching each other, and looked at the phoenix boat at the same time.

Suddenly, the music in the sky stopped, and suddenly it became quiet. Ahead, the blue and white clothes of smoke are dancing, standing in the wind, not eating the world's fireworks, as if they want to go away in the wind.

Yanjia blue An Miao is flying in blue silk, ethereal and vulgar, the connotation of the god show, the jade bone is born, and the fairy posture is unique.

"Today I will only talk about the Dharma."

The light voice of Yanjia Blue sounded.

Zhang Kong was slightly surprised: "What does she mean, inviting people from all major forces to come is to talk about the law?" "

Yanjialan wanted to select some people and talk about the law all night, but he didn't want to chill others, so he decided to play the piano music and dance lightly under the night and moon.

The snow-white long skirt flutters. She flew into the air, and a huge bright moon appeared behind her, and her whole person was reflected in it.

The bright divine moon, which can be three meters in diameter, lining her with incomparable holiness, a veritable Guanghan fairy coming to the world, and she dances the heavenly wind. Peerless city.

Not far away, a Yaoqin was suspended in the air, shining brightly, and the smoke blue ice muscle and jade bones danced in that round of divine moon, graceful and moving, like the nine heavenly goddess.

She flicked her hand, lit the divine light, flew out, plucked the strings in the distance, emitted the nine heavenly immortal sounds, and she danced while flowing out of the fairy light and fell on the Yaoqin.

Many people were intoxicated, and only after the sound of silk bamboo stopped, many woke up like a dream.

"Jialan is willing to talk to you about the law."

The smoke is as blue as the elves under the night moon. Flying lightly upwards, she entered the ball tower Yuyuma, where the palace was in pieces, and she disappeared into a jade pavilion.

Outside the attic, it was quickly crowded with people, all blocked by a fairy light, and few people could follow.

Some people commented: "This is the enlightenment of the Dao Immortal Gate, and you can't feel a certain Dao imprint. Can't get in at all. "

The night moon and night dragon walked, and was not blocked by the enlightenment immortal gate, and walked directly in.

Immediately afterwards, Tianjiao was not blocked and walked in.

"It's over, I'm going to fall under her skirt, it's worthy of being able to compete for the first beauty in the Eastern Wilderness." Jiang Futian patted Huan Zheng and Zhang Kongpan's shoulders:

"Today I want to hug the beauty home!"

Zhang Kongpan glanced at him obliquely and spit out two words: "Dream!" "

The two walked a few steps, but found that Huan Zheng was motionless in place, and a smile appeared at the corner of Huan Zheng's mouth: "Good means, she is not to break away from Miaolu to be the holiest fairy, but to grasp people's hearts more thoroughly, Brother Zhang, Brother Jiang, I don't want to play with her, the two have fun." "

"Don't, it's coming." Jiang Futian wanted to persuade.

Huan Zheng gently stroked the green silk of Huan Qianxian: "I have reunited with Ying Xian after more than twenty years, and I have not been alone yet, so I leave." "

Without waiting for the two to speak, he left the place directly.


In the northern region, there are sacred mountains, beautiful mountains and waters, pleasant scenery, small valleys of sacred mountains, all kinds of small beasts play, milky white spirit clouds evaporate.

This was originally a spiritual vein, occupied by a foreign beast king, and now this spiritual vein was occupied by Ying Zheng.

On the swing, Huan Yixian lay on Huan Zheng's lap, leisurely looking at the blue sky and white clouds.

It has been three days since they came here, and the two have exchanged heartfelt complaints, but most of the time it is Ying Xian who is talking and Ying Zheng listening.

Because Ying Zheng had nothing to say, for more than twenty years, he spent most of his time cultivating on the sacred mountain, monotonous and boring.

Ying Zheng couldn't imagine how a little girl of a few years old could survive without him by her side.

Ying Zheng couldn't imagine how a mortal body could cultivate to the realm of the Dragon Transformation.

The hardships in this, Huan Yixian said it word by word, and Huan Zheng knew that the hardships in it far exceeded his imagination.

Among them, more than a dozen times wandered on the line of life and death, and after Huan Yixian was wanted by the Feather God Dynasty, several times he was seriously injured and dying, but miraculously survived.

She spoke calmly, calmly as if she was telling someone else's business.

Ying Zheng felt more and more sorry for her, and he knew that it was because she was used to it.

Huan Yixian looked at Huan Zheng's chin, looked at the outline of Huan Zheng's mouth, nose, and eyes, as if he had thought of something, his little face was red, and he bit his lips lightly: "If it weren't for my brother supporting me in my heart, I definitely wouldn't be able to support it, I want to survive, and I want to wait for your return in the red dust!" "

Huan Zheng said, "What if I don't come back?" "

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