But all Tianjiao did not expect that after the holy body, a mortal body popped out, because there was the protection of the holy body, no one dared to lay a black hand on the Yingying Immortal, and watched the Huanying Immortal trample them under their feet and become everyone's biggest opponent.

The Eucharist cannot preach, and although it is powerful, they will fear, revere, and fear, but they will not be regarded as opponents of the government.

Huan Xian is able to preach, and she faintly oppresses everyone, so she is everyone's opponent.

Jiang Futian said lightly: "Although she is one step ahead of us, she may not be able to lead the sermon. "

Everyone who was talking to Qianfeng suddenly stopped at the same time, and their eyes looked at one place in unison.

All attention, energy, gaze, is not projected by the Lord on the comer.

It was as if the whole world was left with only the figure of that man, and this mountain, this heaven, this earth, and all things seemed to be born only to carry him.

Huan Zheng pulled Ying Yanhuan out, his eyes swept over, and he spoke: "Everyone, sit." "

Ying Zheng's voice was very calm, like a greeting between friends, and everyone who got up subconsciously sat down.

The pupils of the second human body shrank sharply, and only a few people who came could detect the mystery of Ying Zheng's words, and he was one of them.

When Ying Zheng spoke, everything in heaven and earth was in line, and his words followed his words, and Ying Zheng said that when he was sitting, there should be no standing.

The second person slowly exhaled, his eyes lowered, just in time to meet Zhou Taiyue's gaze, and they both saw the surprise in each other's eyes.

In the end, has the Holy Body been accomplished?

One thought is the scene of heaven and earth.

There are some signs of the law of the great emperor.

Ying Zheng is called the strongest in the world, not because he claims to be himself, but because of the common feeling of most people in the world.

This was laid with the blood and corpses of two quasi-emperors.

Before the golden age was at its peak, there were few quasi-emperors, and every quasi-emperor could almost sweep the world, and there were two quasi-emperors who died at the hands of Ying Zheng.

Even now, the golden world fire cooking oil to the extreme, the road of preaching is about to divide the victory and defeat, and there are still not many quasi-emperors in the world.

Now, the only question for everyone is whether the Holy Body of Victory has been completed.

That's where everyone fucks.

It is different from the preaching emperor.

There is no thunder tribulation in the Eucharist.

As long as the Eucharist is not displayed, no one knows whether his Eucharist has attained perfection.

Zhou Taiyue looked away, and his heart shook, is Ying Zheng already so strong?

If the Eucharist is acceptable.

If his Eucharist has not yet attained enlightenment, then how strong should a Eucharist be Eucharist?

Everyone sat down, and Ying Zheng said with a smile: "I didn't want to publicize it, but I didn't expect you to be so appreciative and come to celebrate my birthday, but I don't like red tape, you guys are casual." "

In fact, his disciples only want to invite some friends of Ying Zheng, people with good relationships, and everyone knows if they accidentally do it.

"Thank you for coming, and I toast you."

Ying Zheng raised his glass with both hands.

"I wait to congratulate the political emperor on his immortality, and his blessing stretches like the sun and the moon."

Thousands of people drank in unison and toasted.

Each of these thousands of people is a giant arm, or a sect leader, or a holy lord, or a family master, all of them are extraordinary people, and in an instant, the sky and clouds are all empty.

Huan Zheng hugged Ying Yanhuan and said with a smile: "There is another happy event today, this is my son, you may not believe it, my son was born two years ago, I only saw it for the first time." "

"Double happiness, no, it should be three happiness, congratulations."

The second person toasted.

He is a chaotic body, and he used to be enemies and friends with Yingzheng, but he has no grudge, but later Yingzheng transcends them, and Yingzheng becomes his opponent.

The same is true of Zhou Taiyue, the Taishang Immortal Body, also friend and foe, no grudges, with Ying Zheng as an opponent in the front, and Huan Yixian as an opponent in the back.

I have to say that the two are very sad.

Coupled with Yanjia Blue, Zhang Kongpan, Jiang Futian, people who are interested in preaching and hope to preach, Tianjiao gathered six, accounting for half of them.

At that time, everyone was violently beaten by Ying Zheng, including Ying Yixian and Yanjia Blue, as for what kind of violent beating, emmmmm.

Not everyone is like Zhou Taiyue, the second human world is so broad-minded, turning enemies into friends.

Three Hi.

Yixi is the 400th birthday of Yingzheng.

The second joy is to win the smoke.

Sanxi is the arrival of smoke blue.

Ying Zheng and Yanjia Lan's little broken things, who here does not know, as long as it is a man, everyone is envious and jealous.

For Yanjia Blue's scruples, most people are also clear, while envy and jealousy while gloating.

The younger generation, many people look at Win Yanhuan's gaze with implicit envy.

My father was invincible.

The mother is the world's Tianjiao and is expected to preach.

As their crystallization, they stood at the end of the vast majority of people at birth, and they had to make people jealous.


Immortal Mountain.

The magic clouds were shrouded, and a creature flew out, which was blurry at first, and then after passing through the black fog, it suddenly became clear.

"He has no head!" Some people see it, and what they see is strange.

It was a headless knight, dressed in black iron, tall and martial, holding a black spear, with the posture of subduing heaven and earth, but unfortunately there was no head, and there was a lot of blood stained on his neck.

Under his seat was a tall stone horse, shaking its head and tail, raising its head and hissing, powerful and terrifying, with a large stone hoof with a large bowl, and every time it fell, it stepped on the void.

The appearance of such a headless knight in the center of the undead mountain is really terrifying, the headless knight, emitting monstrous fluctuations, riding the tall stone horse rushed out, the horse's hooves were as big as a sea bowl, and every step that fell, it smashed the void, terrifying.

The only thing that made people feel reassuring was that he did not stop after stepping out of the Immortal Mountain and disappeared outside the Immortal Mountain.


"Immortal Mountain Birthday."

The headless knight is tall and majestic, the iron clothes on his body flow cold light, and the momentum is compelling, like a majestic mountain pressing!

He was like a god who had lost his head, and his power overwhelmed the heavens and the earth, and even the firmament trembled because of him, and the endless mountains rumbled and shook.

He held a black war spear, his horse stepped into the sky, like an abyss like the sea, and his powerful battle intent rushed straight to Xiaohan, like an immortal ancient god of war, killed from that ancient time!

The endless black mist was raging, the whole heaven and earth trembled under the hooves of the horses, and everything was wailing under the spear.


The Death Knight horse stepped into the void, the void shattered, and the endless black cracks spread in all directions.

"Immortal Mountain Birthday?"

"This is a provocation!"

"So daring, visitors from forbidden lands actually dare to come to celebrate their birthday!"

Everyone immediately recognized the headless knight, a quasi-emperor belonging to the Immortal Mountain.

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