The lake of Lingquan is steaming mist, hazy, like a fairyland, and wisps of vitality are scattered.

The place where the Spirit Spring is located is the most concentrated place in the sacred mountain, more than ten thousand times the outside world, even the Quasi-Emperor has certain benefits in practicing here.

Such a spirit spring is only afraid that if I search the entire Beidou, I can't find a few.

By the lake, a tree stands tall, thousands of zhang, thousands of qi, and the light of the road, full of light.

The canopy of this thousand-zhang-tall tree almost shrouded the lake of spiritual springs, swallowing vitality, as if it was cultivating.

The big trees are lush and green, the leaves are verdant, shimmering with crystal light, and there are many spirit beasts inhabiting them.

This tree is an ancient tree of life, belonging to the medicine of immortality, as the name suggests, this tree has extremely strong vitality, even if the vitality of the Great Emperor is strong.

Unlike other immortal medicines, the ancient tree of life does not bear fruit, and each leaf of its tree represents its rich vitality, if a cultivator can carry a leaf of the ancient tree of life at will, it can subtly enhance its vitality.

According to Yue Zheng's speculation, this ancient tree of life is far from growing to the limit, and its limit, the canopy can cover a planet.

Under the ancient tree, a woman closed her eyes and held a white fox, gently stroking the white fox's soft white hair, at his feet, a small black dog jumped around and frolicked, the little black dog was probably not born for a few days, often fell to the ground, shook his head and got up again.

She wore a delicate and gorgeous Luo skirt, and the thin silk ribbon inlaid with blue jade outlined her waist with a grasp.

The skin is snow-white and delicate, the red lips are conspicuous, lightly pursed, the bridge of the nose is very straight, and the sides look beautifully curved.

"Here you are."

Huan Yixian opened his eyes, and his beautiful eyes like a little paint injected soul into this delicate face, but it was like a smile, which made Huan Zheng slightly embarrassed.


The little black dog jumped and ran, and Huan Zheng kicked and flew more than ten meters, and after the little black dog fell, there was nothing to do, shook his head and chased after Ying Zheng's pant legs.

As long as I don't show embarrassment, I'm not embarrassed.

Huan Zheng sat down and hugged Huan Yixian, his mouth and nose were full of refreshing fragrance, he thought so in his heart.

"My Heaven Swallowing Skill is almost complete,"

Huan Xian lowered his head, stroked the white fox with his bare hand, the white fox screamed, and the little head took the initiative to rub Huan Xian Xian's hand.

Most of the spirit beasts in the sacred mountain were brought back by the Immortals.

She has a cold nature, except for Huan Zheng, she doesn't like to get along with other people, that is, Jiang Futian, Ji Chengkong, these friends who have known Huan Zheng for hundreds of years, and the words spoken with Huan Xian are only afraid of no more than a hundred sentences, and most of these hundred sentences are still greetings.

But Xian Xian likes some spirit beasts, exotic beasts, these exotic beasts brought back to the sacred mountain, spirit beasts are either gorgeous, or cute, or holy.

"What's wrong?"

Heaven-swallowing gong is a method of preaching created by Huan Yixian, and his ideas are amazing, which makes Ying Zheng also sigh.

"I don't know, I always feel like there's a flaw, not perfect."

Huan Qianxian's eyebrows frowned slightly: "If the Heaven Swallowing Skill cannot be flawless, and I cannot preach within fifty years, it may take me hundreds of years, not necessarily thousands of years." "

"If not, you preach first?"

After hundreds of years of getting along day and night, I know Yuzheng best than her.

The outside world is speculating whether the Holy Body of Yingzheng has a great success, and even the forbidden land sent headless knights to test it, paying the price of a quasi-emperor's supreme existence and a wisp of supreme will, but still did not get the correct answer.

At that time, there were only two people who knew about the Victory Eucharist, Ying Xian Immortal and Yanjia Blue.

She also knew that Victory was not only the Eucharist, but she could even begin to preach.

The Great Body of Yingzheng was already incredibly strong, and if he was an emperor, he didn't dare to imagine how strong it would be.

"You are my woman, I don't wait for you, wait for whom?"

Ying Zheng smiled softly and lowered his head to kiss her white jade forehead.

Huan Qianxian snorted softly, adjusted his posture, and the green silk fell on Huan Zheng's arm.

She knew very well that whether it was the Great Emperor or the Ancient Emperor preaching, it was the ultimate sublimation of her own Dao in a certain field, and using this Dao as the foundation of the Dao, it was united with the Universe Heavenly Center, and together it became a combination of ten thousand Dao, so she suppressed the ten thousand Dao under the world to preach.

Once enlightened, others simply do not have the opportunity to become enlightened!

So the path of preaching is a one-way bridge, and there is only one victor.

Therefore, often after the fall of a great emperor, the residual Dao Yun is still suppressed for about 10,000 years, and after 10,000 years, it will slowly dissipate, and it generally takes at least tens of thousands of years to completely disappear.

Now that the Feather Emperor has fallen for 50,000 years, the Great Emperor Daoyun has completely disappeared, and this has ushered in the golden age.

From ancient times to the present, there has not been a great emperor, and the ancient emperor preached when others preached.

And her man, Zhengzheng, is to do what this predecessor could not do.

If you can preach when others have already preached, the tempering will be far better than that of ordinary emperors, ancient emperors, foundations, and combat power.

If someone else let her, Ying Yixian would disdain, but if Ying Zheng let her, she would accept it very sweetly.

During the quasi-emperor tribulation, Huan Yixian witnessed with his own eyes that the nine quasi-emperor-level ancient emperors who were transformed into a heavenly tribulation by Yingzheng alone killed them alive.

Today's unpreached political combat power is comparable to the Great Emperor, the ancient emperor, if he preached, the Dao suppression at that time would be unprecedentedly strong.

No matter how amazing she is, she has absolute faith to preach, but she does not have the confidence to preach when others preach.

And the stronger the preacher, the stronger the Dao suppression.

What's more, this person is still a good government.

The more you know him, the more you know how powerful he is.

"I will preach and stay with you."

Huan Yixian held Huan Zheng's hand, she did not preach, she would go before him, if she could, she hoped that she would watch him leave, so that all the pain would be borne by herself.

"How long." Huan Zheng looked down at her crystal clear eyes, with a smile in his eyes, his favorite was Huan Qianxian's eyes, no matter how many storms and tribulations she went through, she still retained a trace of childhood innocence, cleanliness, and clarity.

"10,000 years, 20,000 years, 30,000 years." Huan Qianxian's voice trembled slightly.

Huan Zheng smiled: "No, too short, too short, 100,000 years, more than a million years." "

"A million years."

Huan Qianxian was silent for a moment, and shook his head slightly: "From ancient times to tens of millions of years, the Great Emperor, the Ancient Emperor, and the Supreme, live one life, but one or twenty thousand years, and live two lifetimes, but at most 30,000 years, unless it is a self-cutting knife to live in the forbidden area." "

"Such an eternal life, I will die, and I will not set foot on this road."

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