Zhongzhou Dragon Vein, a sea of people, ten directions of cloud movement, gathered here.

Outside the first ancestral vein, the mountains are undulating, and the figures of the three religions and nine streams gather here, they want to watch the overlord of Zhongzhou fall, once it falls, it will have a huge impact on the general trend of the world.

Although most people believe that the Feather God Dynasty is difficult to escape this calamity, there are also a small number of people who believe that the Feather God Dynasty is not without resistance, they have a quasi-emperor, and they have imperial soldiers.

Once the imperial army is revived, it is an incomplete emperor, and there is almost no one under the emperor.

The most important place of the Feather God Dynasty is not the imperial city, but the ancestral temple, which seems to hide some secrets, and the quasi-emperor of the Feather God Dynasty guards the ancestral temple all year round, and also enshrines the Feather God Map.

Therefore, after Dezhi Yingzheng crossed the void and came to Zhongzhou, almost all the important figures of the Yuhua God Dynasty came to the ancestral temple.

The oppressive atmosphere of the impending storm was all over the ancestral temple, and the high-level of the Feather God Dynasty looked nervously and inexplicably into the void, and one by one the masters were like great enemies, entering the highest state of alert, as if waiting for something.

After all, he has been the overlord of Zhongzhou for 60,000 or 70,000 years, and there are many people who are willing to coexist and die with the Feather God Dynasty.

The Feather God Dynasty emperor Yu Sedum, Wen Changqing, Yu Qingyang, Li Fuling and other masters stood silently, these four people are the absolute high-level of the Feather God Dynasty.

Among them, Wen Changqing is a quasi-emperor, Yu Jingtian is a saint king, and the other two are great saints, and the four of them are speechless at this time, looking at the heavenly dome.

As the overlord of Zhongzhou, Yu Sedum has always been moody and angry, but at this moment, his eyes are full of anxiety and restlessness.

Wen Changqing's expression was faint, his breath was as unfathomable as an abyss, and there was no threat to the imminent tension, he glanced at Yu Jingtian: "Your Majesty, the reincarnation of cause and effect, this is predestined, life and death are fate, with the feathered god map, we may not die." "

As if infected by Wen Changqing, Yu Jingtian slowly calmed down.

Yu Qingyang looked solemn and slaughtered: "It's useless to be afraid, at all costs, either he dies or we die!" "

For the Feather God Dynasty, and also for my son.

He said silently in his heart.

Yu Qianhua is his son, but for hundreds of years, he can only watch the enemy gallop across the world without any way, hatred is eating his heart every day, this time, Yuhua God up and down to win the government, is his last chance to take revenge.

It is foreseeable that this will be an earth-shattering battle, and of the four of them, one, two, or even all of them may die.

However, the threat posed by Ying Zheng and Huan Xian was too great, and there was no room for both sides to back down, and only by killing them at all costs, or the demise of the Feather God Dynasty, could all this be ended.

The air gradually condensed, and the atmosphere became more and more solemn.

Here it comes!

Several figures appeared in the sky.

Huan Zheng stopped and said softly, "Go and play with your mother." "

Ying Yanhuan chewed something in his mouth, answered vaguely, and obediently held Yanjialan's hand.

"Be careful." Yanjia Blue said softly.

Huan Zheng nodded at Huan Yixian and Yanjia Lan, and walked towards the Feather God Ancestral Temple.

"You still came, this day, waiting for hundreds of years."

Wen Changqing's figure appeared, standing tall before Ying Zheng, inexplicably relieved.

Waiting for death is much more terrifying than death.

In his eyes, although Yingzheng was the strongest in the world, the Holy Body was not yet complete, and it was not completely invincible.

You know, the revived imperial soldiers are equivalent to the emperor who slashed himself, and his strength is no worse than that of the Supreme of the Forbidden Zone.

"Ying Zheng, you are also too arrogant, and you want to destroy my Feather God Dynasty alone!"

Behind Wen Changqing, Yu Qingyang sneered.

One quasi-emperor, two great saints, four saint kings, eleven saints, a total of eighteen people stood above the void, the breath was pervasive, extremely terrifying.

This is the strength of the Feather God Dynasty to suppress Zhongzhou and become the hegemon of Zhongzhou.

Behind them, the Feather God Map floated and swallowed, swallowing divine light, and covering the heavens and the earth.

"God, this is the Feather God Map, the Feather God Dynasty Extreme Dao Emperor Soldier!"

This divine map, which contains all things in heaven and earth, contains three thousand worlds, can suppress and refine everything, make some great powers regress, and spray blood in the mouth.

For a time, all the people who gathered the ancestral veins quickly retreated, and the power of the Extreme Dao Emperor soldiers was too terrifying, it was as heavy as the sky, making people unbearable.

"Not bad."

Ying Zheng glanced at the eighteen people, his breath condensed, and he was mixed.

The feather god diagram was a formation map, eighteen people made a formation, turned into one, and suddenly, seventeen people walked into Wen Changqing's body one by one, fusing into one, making Wen Changqing's strength at least ten times stronger.

"Not bad!"

The aura of victory suddenly erupted, and in an instant it climbed to a terrifying situation, giving people a terrifying feeling, giving people a feeling of incomparable greatness, like an emperor-like void, shrouding Beidou, the entire star field, and even the universe.

"The Emperor..."

Someone couldn't help but mutter, this is a Tianjiao, from outside the domain.

Some people found that the body of this extraterrestrial Tianjiao trembled more and more, it seemed that the Dao heart had been crushed by oppression, and the outbreak of the aura of victory made his Tianjiao's heart tremble.

Ying Zheng was obviously not a great emperor, but it made him feel the feeling of the arrival of the great emperor.

Everyone did not laugh, not only he had this feeling, but everyone inexplicably felt this way.

Someone sighed: "Another Tianjiao Dao heart collapsed because of the Holy Body. "

Since the rise of the Holy Body, the Tianjiao who has fallen in the Holy Body has at least one palm, and it is not an exaggeration to say that it is a Tianjiao killer.

Ying Zheng threw a punch, and the sky shook endlessly, resounding throughout the world like a divine thunder, as if it had been completely unable to withstand his power.

Wen Changqing's hard fist shook Ying Zheng, flying upside down for thousands of miles, and his arm shook.

Huan Zheng turned his hand and pressed down again, Wen Changqing roared angrily and raised his hand to hard connect, and it was a huge earthquake, and flew out backwards.

Ying Zheng's five fingers flicked continuously, each finger popped out, Wen Changqing was shocked, blood oozed from the corner of his mouth, his heart was shocked, and his strength was ten times stronger, and he was not Ying Zheng's opponent.


The air wave rolls like a tsunami, spreading layer by layer.

The earth-shattering collision was like a thunder explosion of billions of thunder, ripples rippled in all directions, and everywhere it went, everything turned into chaos, and the largest dragon vein in Zhongzhou was also violently shaking.

There was a faintly painful dragon groan, like a dragon vein wailing.

Yanjia Blue's face was flat, and with a flick of his palm, he smoothed out the apocalyptic ripples without affecting everyone.

"Wen Changqing, the Quasi-Emperor Triple Heaven."

Ying Zheng walked away, leisurely strolling, the divine power was like the suppression of the heavenly way, and the breath became more and more mighty and domineering:

"And you are old, seven thousand years old, don't say that you are ten times stronger, you are a hundred times stronger, and it is useless."

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