However, even so, he could not use this secret to save himself.

Looking back on the past years, the glory years are gone, the mythical era, after he became enlightened. He became the most powerful person, ruled the universe, and was once revered by all spirits and guarded them.

Later, he lost to the years, chose to cut himself off, dormant in the forbidden area, and hid in the immortal tomb.

Until the emperor Zun appeared, that person was the strongest to the peak, asked him to come out of the mountain, extended his peak emperor life for two thousand years, let him take over the prefecture, and opened another legend.

But he will also become an immortal!

Once a supreme Heavenly Venerable, how willing to become the cornerstone of others on the road to becoming an immortal, naturally have to fight, so later there was a bloody disaster.

The two-thousand-year-old peak emperor came to an end, and he returned to the Immortal Tomb and lay dormant.

"I wonder if I'm the longest living creature in heaven and earth?"

Immortal Tianzun muttered, the light in his eyes getting brighter and brighter: "Maybe it is, maybe not, Emperor Zun, are you still alive?" "

His body slowly turned into a brilliant rain of light, and the immortal sword also wailed, exploded with a bang, self-destructed, and followed the Lord 18 people.

Ying Zheng's eyebrows are like stars and moons, and his temperament is like ruling the heavens and realms, nine heavens and ten lands, and the overlord of ancient and modern times, the Heavenly Emperor, smiled and said:

"Kneel, Rao wait for his life."

Qilin Ancient Emperor's whole body trembled: "Arrogant! I was once an ancient emperor, how you accept me to wait!" "

Ying Zheng was high above and looked around at the Venerables with a smile: "Ying Zheng is Ying Zheng, but I still want you to call me Your Majesty, and the emperor name of Xu is the First Emperor." "

"Now, you can kneel."

"First Emperor!"

The Spirit Emperor, Immortal Grandma and others were shocked, throughout the ages, there were not at least hundreds of God Dynasties, and there were dozens and hundreds of ancient emperors Tianzun, and the emperor number, emperor number, and honorific number were different.

But no emperor has such arrogance, such domineering, and so magnificent.

First Emperor.

The beginning alone shows supreme majesty.

It can be understood as the first emperor in ancient times, the first emperor, heaven and earth, ancient and modern and future invincible.

This emperor number seemed to them to be arrogant, and a domineering attitude that ignored everything rushed to their faces.

The mysterious Daoist smiled dumbly: "Ying Zheng, are you just so arrogant as you just preached?" Throughout the ages, Tianzun, ancient emperors, and great emperors have been so many before you, how dare you call yourself the first emperor? "

Immortal Mu said with a slight sarcasm: "Although you are a Dacheng Holy Body preacher, and your combat power is against the sky, you may not be worthy of this emperor number, this emperor number, you can't deserve it." "

The head is not laughing, the laughter is not stopping, it is getting louder and louder in the universe, the blood of the gods is boiling, and the breath is uncomfortable., you have forgotten. "

Huan Zheng put his hands on his back, and his eyes were light: "Although you were once invincible for nine days and ten lands, but now you, the losers, a group of rats who are surviving, a group of rats, also dare to make a big deal about Xuan?" "

"And Xu is the winner."

"Shut up!"




Huan Zheng's eyes suddenly opened.

As his eyes opened, the place swept by Ying Zheng's gaze suddenly folded hundreds of times, and hundreds of thousands of cages were formed between the whiskers, indestructible, locking the five supremes firmly in place, unable to move.

The faces of the five changed wildly, and their breath was like a volcanic eruption, fierce and violent.

Although in the eyes of Ying Zheng, they are already turtles in the urn, but after all, they are all supremes in the state of extreme sublimation. In an instant, fluctuations that easily destroyed countless star domains erupted, surging horizontally and horizontally, shattering dozens of cages.

But that's all, the remaining cages sealed them in place, like insects in amber, angry, roaring, struggling, shattering a space-time cage, and then two more, and their destruction can never match the speed of increase.

"If you don't kneel, you die."

With an understatement, Ying Zheng pierced the corpse emperor's eyebrows, grinding out his Yuan Shen.

Easily suppressing the five supremes, the powerhouse who saw this scene was shocked and almost speechless.

"Dacheng Eucharist enlightenment, how strong should he be?"

"I'm afraid that the ancient and modern, even the future Great Emperor Gu Huang, he can compete for the strongest name."

Some of the almost all the supremes in the forbidden area woke up, and they were shocked, frightened, and panicked.

"Probably Emperor Venerable, the Immortal Emperor is just such a strength."

"I wait, even in his heyday, he is far inferior to him."

"Run! Hide. "

The Forbidden Zone Supreme was silent at first, and then the lively Forbidden Area became dead silent.

Since his family knew his own affairs, once he preached, he could easily imprison the five extremely sublimated supremes with a turn of his hand, which was more difficult than killing them.

The supreme of every forbidden area had once reigned in the world, proud of the world, but he also had to admit that he was far inferior to this newly preached existence.

Plus that Ying Yi Immortal who survived the Nine Nine Eighty-One Heavenly Tribulation.

If you don't run, you die.

Ying Zheng concocted as the law, obliterating the mysterious Taoist, the Spirit Emperor, with a grim expression, and seemed to obliterate the two supremes as if stepping on two rats to death.

"I beg for mercy! I beg Your Majesty to take my life. "

When she killed in front of the immortal grandmother, this old woman knelt on the ground.

Ying Zheng unlocked the time and space cage, and this old woman burst into murder at Ying Zheng the moment the blockade was lifted.


Ying Zheng flicked her fingers on her body, only heard the sound of 150 bangs, her body opened, and the next moment the flesh and blood gathered, and her face was fierce and attacked towards Ying Zheng.

Ying Zheng lightly bounced her away, and she was like an unyielding warrior with fierce blood, killed again, and exploded again when she was beaten.

Gradually, the body gathered and was covered with cracks, the face was covered with blood, and the spirit was also traumatized, and he was unyielding, laughing miserably: "I am a heroic name, how can I be humiliated by you, kill me, so that I can die vigorously." "

"Heroic name?"

Ying Zheng walked past her: "What is your heroic name?" The heroic name of the forbidden area? The heroic name of unleashing dark turmoil and devouring billions of living beings? Or besiege Yingming with the nine supremes? Or the name of the hero after the riot on his knees? "

"The reputation of the fish is pretended to be a four, the heroic name... Huh..."

Immortal Mu froze, her blood-covered face twitched violently, and suddenly turned around and roared: "Kill me!" Kill me! "

Ying Zheng ignored her and walked towards the Qilin Ancient Emperor.

Immortal Grandma was still roaring behind her back: "Kill me!" Since I am so disdainful in your mouth, why don't you kill me. "



The cactus smashed her with a palm, and her voice was extremely cold.

Walking to the Qilin Ancient Emperor, Ying Zheng did not make a move and untied his cage. _

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