
The man smashed the thundercloud with one palm, and fought with the unknown existence, its power was earth-shattering, making Ye Fan's heart feel like a boulder was pressed, and his breathing became rapid.

The next moment, Ye Fan saw the woman handing the baby in her arms to an invisible figure, and also rose up into the sky, fighting with unknown existences.

"It's time for the dream to end."

Ye Fan breathed a sigh of relief, the dream was over here.

Sure enough, he woke up and stared at the ceiling for a long time.

This time, the dream is clearer than before, like watching a thrilling movie, but the hero and heroine can't see it clearly.

"Huh? Wrong. "

"I see clearly."

Ye Fan sat up in vain and carefully recalled that the moment he woke up, the pair of men and women looked at the baby together, and he also saw the appearance of the pair of men and women clearly at this glance.

Ye Fan quickly took out his painting tools.

This is his hobby in college, and he did not leave it after graduation, and he is considered to be the top 20 among painting enthusiasts.

When he was a child, Ye Fan looked at the drawing board in a daze, and he couldn't believe that this painting was painted by himself.

There is a man and a woman in the painting.

The man stood with his hands in his hands, looking at the heavenly dome, his black hair fluttered slightly, his temperament was like a majestic breath, and his breath was majestic like an ancient lord, standing above the heavens, all the heavens and emperors, the heavens and the earth, all of them must bow down at his feet.

Ye Fan seemed to see that at the feet of this man, billions of living beings were kneeling on the ground, praying sincerely, and respecting from the heart.

Looking at that woman again, Ye Fan couldn't believe that there was such a beautiful woman in the world, what kind of allure was not enough to describe her, compared with her, any stars, models were like wildflowers and weeds.

She was like being born of the Avenue of Heaven and Earth, beautiful and incomprehensible, Ye Fan could almost guarantee that if such a look was in ancient times, it would be the root of the cholera world.

However, Ye Fan thought that the moment anyone saw her, people would not pay attention to the absolute beauty.

She is noble and powerful, like a high-ranking empress, looking down on thousands of people, making people dare not raise their blasphemous thoughts.

Ye Fan looked at this painting blankly for a long time, and thought in his heart: "Is this painting really painted by me?" "

He knows his level, he is just a painting lover, and he will never be able to paint such a lifelike painting that can be passed down through the ages.

"Oops, the party is about to start!" Ye Fan hurriedly framed the painting with his tools and hurriedly put it on his back. Backpack and drive outside.

Find a parking lot at the agreed location, then get out of the car and wait on the side of the road.

About ten minutes later, the Toyota stopped on the side of the road, revealing a beautiful and delicate face, and Lin Jia opened the door and walked over. Ye Fan greeted him and said with a smile: "There is also a special car to pick up, then I will have a soft meal today." "

Although there has been contact since graduation three years ago, but only met once two years ago, Lin Jia is as young and beautiful as ever, dressed very casually, tight jeans with a purple T-shirt, the slender and feminine body outlined more curved and undulating, graceful, heard the words and said with disgust: "Poor mouth, this is Liu Yunzhi's car." "

"I haven't seen you for two years, I heard that you resigned, and this year you are sightseeing?"

Lin Jia's hair is shoulder-length, black and smooth, light can be seen, she has a pair of danfeng eyes, under the cover of long eyelashes slightly upward oblique, naturally has a special charm, charming and moving.

The Toyota window was lowered, Liu Yunzhi glanced at the backpack behind Ye Fan, and teased slightly: "The party is still carrying a bag, are you looking for a job now?" My company is still hiring, do you want to give it a try, the old classmates will not let you suffer. "

Like Ye Fan, he went to a neighboring city after graduation, benefited from the care of a relative with some background, opened a small company, and was regarded as a person who had achieved something among his classmates.

The two have been classmates for four years, and they can count the words they have said on their hands, and the two have never contacted each other after graduation.

During this time, he met Lin Jia again and began to plead.

But what kind of woman Lin Jia was, she knew his thoughts very well, and kept a close distance, which made Liu Yunzhi feel that he had hope of pursuing it, but also knew that it was not so easy.

Just listened to Lin Jia and Ye Fan's words, much more intimate than talking to him, I couldn't help but feel a little jealous, listening to Ye Fan's resignation, I had this lofty posture.

"Not thinking about finding a job at this time."

Ye Fan said lightly, he was not interested in being jealous now.

After he resigned, he made some investments, and although Xunxian visited the Dao spent a lot, his net worth did not decrease but increased, and there was no problem in taking out a thousand.

Liu Yunzhi's company is worth millions at most, and it is a problem for him to take a million.

Liu Yunzhi's ostentatious attitude was very low-level, and with his understanding of Lin Jia, he had no hope at all.

The reason why he felt that there was still hope was just that Lin Jia's communication skills were superb and he didn't want to offend a good classmate.

Lin Jia is a rather shrewd and clever woman, naturally she can feel the atmosphere in front of her, and smiled at Ye Fan: "This time I came in a hurry and called several old classmates who stayed in this city, let's take Liu Yunzhi's car and go together." "

"I'm afraid I won't be able to sit down in my car, and I promised a few classmates before." Liu Yunzhi seemed to speak slightly apologetically, and Ye Fanfeng's light attitude made him a little annoyed.

Ye Fan817 was too lazy to pay attention to him. Swept a shared bicycle.

It's only a few miles from the meeting place, so it's much easier to ride a bicycle.

The Toyota drove by, Lin Jia showed an apologetic look in the window, and Ye Fan smiled back.


Ye Fan shook his head slightly, after a few years out of campus, Lin Jia was indeed more realistic.

However, everyone has been polished by social morality, and they will be more or less realistic, but Lin Jia is more adaptable.

He didn't care much either.

If he had been searching for immortals before visiting the Dao, he might still be uncomfortable in his heart, but he met a few people who were highly qualified in the Dao, especially after living in Wudang Mountain for more than a month, getting along with Changdao people, and not learning much else, but learning enough about the light and cloudy mentality of Changdao people.

Chang Daoist's favorite phrase, Ye Fan agreed: "There are so many stupid people in the world, you have to think about everything, don't make yourself angry." On the contrary, if you don't pay attention to the fool, the fool himself will pissed himself off. "

In just five minutes, Ye Fan arrived at the meeting place.

Not everyone has a background like Liu Yunzhi, most of them have no background, and everyone's career is still starting.

Some students have become as realistic and smooth as Lin Jia in the collision of society, and some still retain the innocence of their time on campus. _

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