The First Emperor is not the First Emperor on Earth, but a Supreme Emperor in this world.

"So, the man in the dream is the First Emperor..."

Ye Fan had heard the name of the existence of those forbidden areas roaring in his dreams many times.

According to historical records, the first emperor appeared about 200,000 years ago and was known as the first emperor in ancient and modern times, and the most unheavenly was his wife who was also a great emperor, named the ruthless emperor.

The ruthless emperor became emperor first, and the first emperor became emperor after the heavens, and there were several powerful beings who prevented him from becoming an emperor, but all of them were killed by him.

That battle can be said to be the most shocking battle in ancient and modern times.

Even after two or three hundred thousand years, it has been widely spread.

The First Emperor and the Ruthless Emperor are the emperors with the shortest preaching time in history.

The First Emperor was able to kill powerful beings in the forbidden area before he preached.

And before there was a great emperor preaching against the heavens to become an emperor.

After preaching, he fought a battle to kill all the powerful beings who besieged him.

The first emperor's performances against the sky one by one have achieved his prestige as the first emperor in ancient and modern times, and coerced the universe for 50,000 years.

"Fifty thousand years..."

Ye Fan closed the book, the shock in his eyes still did not dissipate, the civilization of the earth has not exceeded 10,000 years, and this great emperor has coerced the universe for 50,000 years.

"There is no record in history of how the First Emperor disappeared..."

Ye Fan closed his eyes and thought in his heart.

There is no record in the history books that the First Emperor and the Ruthless Emperor suddenly disappeared without warning, so all the books in history jointly deny that the First Emperor and the Ruthless Emperor Shouyuan withered and disappeared.

Because in the year when the first emperor was 50,000 years old, the first son of him and the ruthless emperor was born, the universe moved, and countless people recorded that the first emperor and the ruthless emperor did not have the slightest sign of life exhaustion, and some people even suspected that the first emperor and the ruthless emperor had embarked on the road of eternal life.

Ye Fan opened his eyes, his eyes flashed, combined with history books and dreams, a clear vein had been outlined in his mind.

"The man and woman in the dream are undoubtedly the First Emperor and the Ruthless Emperor."

"That baby is the son of the First Emperor and the Ruthless Emperor."

"The powerful existence of the forbidden area is the enemy of the First Emperor and the Ruthless Emperor, who once tried to strangle them who did not preach, but were counter-killed, so many powerful existences in the forbidden area were all hidden because they were afraid of the First Emperor and the Ruthless Emperor."

"For a full fifty thousand years, those powerful existences in the forbidden area did not dare to appear."

"Fifty thousand years later, the First Emperor and the Ruthless Emperor fought against the sky and disappeared."

"The powerful existence of the forbidden area immediately appeared and launched a catastrophe."

Ye Fan got up and paced, his mind spinning wildly.

"So, what was the outcome of the battle between the First Emperor and the Ruthless Emperor and the Heavenly One? Is it life or death? "

"Is that baby alive or dead?"

"I will have this dream, what does I have to do with the First Emperor, the Ruthless Emperor?"

"Am I the baby?"

"That's not right!"

"More than 200,000 years ago, the ancestor of my ancestor, the ancestor of the ancestor, the ancestor of the ancestor... of ancestors are still cells. "

Ye Fan came to the most likely conclusion.

The First Emperor and the Ruthless Emperor may be his ancestors for more than 200,000 years, and the baby may be lucky to live and reproduce, and I don't know why he reproduced to the earth, and he Ye Fan.

"The First Emperor and the Ruthless Emperor are my ancestors..."

The corners of Ye Fan's eyes jumped wildly, and his legs were a little soft.

"If the powerful existence of the forbidden area is discovered, it will not cut the grass and remove the roots..."

This night, Ye Fan did not dream for the first time in several years, and when he woke up, he found that a Dao map appeared in his mind.

"The flawless inheritance of the Desolate Ancient Holy Body!"

Ye Fan was startled and looked left and right like a thief.

He actually received the flawless inheritance of the Desolate Ancient Holy Body!

This is a secret method tailored for the Eucharist,

It was a supreme Dao map, turning into a vast ancient scroll, flowing mysterious qi machines, and endless chaos was surging.

Ye Fan was excited, the Eucharistic Perfection Secret Method meant a lot to him, and its value was immeasurable.

Everyone thought that he was decadent and ready to be a mortal, but only Pang Bo knew that his heart was still surging like a volcano.

Why is the path of the Desolate Ancient Body cut off!

Why can't I get out of a way!


Pang Bo came back sneakily and quietly handed Ye Fan a copy of the classics: "This is a practice exercise, I specially copied it." "


Ye Fan hurriedly covered this book, his heart was surprised and moved, he didn't have to think about it, the most important thing in a sect must be the cultivation text, Pang Bo was willing to take such a big risk for him.

Pang Bo smiled: "It's okay, Elder Wu Qingfeng acquiesced, this is not a very important text, this is known as the strongest basic method in the world-the Dao Sutra, every sect has it." "

"But for the sake of insurance, don't be known by others, after all, you are not a disciple of the Spirit Market Cave Heaven."

The Tao Scripture, dare to take such a name, is enough to explain the problem, record the Dao Scripture, is the supreme method.

Legend has it that it is an immortal scripture, and in the vast Eastern Wilderness Region, there are only a few ancient scriptures that can be juxtaposed with it, and there is no one who completely transcends it.

Of course, it is impossible for Linghu Dongtian to grasp the true Tao Sutra, and with a cave heaven blessed land, there is no such background, and what they include is only the beginning chapter of the Dao Sutra.

Moreover, this first chapter is not unique even in Yandi, otherwise it will definitely lead to the disaster of destruction.

There is no doubt that having the opening chapter of the Tao Sutra is a great boon for talented disciples, which can build their foundation extremely solid, which will be of great benefit to future practice.

"Tao Sutra" is indeed a broad and profound ancient scripture, otherwise it would not be famous for the endless years of the East Desolation, just this first chapter contains the supreme true meaning, but it is only a few thousand words, but it was explained by the old man Wu Qingfeng for half a month.

Every sentence of the Tao Sutra contains deep meaning, endless mysterious reasoning is collected in it, and the interpretation of practice is wonderful to the pinnacle, even if the strong get this initial chapter, they must sigh, the original basic practice can also be so mysterious.

No matter how good the classics are, there is no way to start without a master leading the door, and all the words explained by the old man Wu Qingfeng have been copied down in detail by Pang Bo, combined with the Taoist scriptures, which is equivalent to a master explaining.

"Thank you, Pombo!"

Ye Fan took a deep look at Pang Bo, and when he came to sleep, Pang Bo sent a pillow, the Holy Body Perfection Secret Method is not an orthodox heart method, but an auxiliary secret technique, which needs to be combined with an ancient scripture, which can be continuously deduced to cultivate a single secret realm to the extreme.

Pang Bo shivered and looked at Ye Fan with horror on his face: "Don't look at me so affectionately, I'm straight!" "


Ye Fan scolded with a smile.

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