The giant ape's big eyes looked at Ye Fan with doubts and puzzlement, but he refused to leave.


Ye Fan felt that something was wrong, the giant ape roared twice, pulled his hair, exposed his lower body, and then looked at Ye Fan expectantly.


Ye Fan was stunned, crying and laughing, and cursed angrily: "Get out!" Don't roll me for real! "

It turned out that this giant ape was actually a female, who was subdued by Ye Fan and wanted to reproduce with Ye Fan.


When this giant ape saw Ye Fan casually raise a boulder and throw it, he was so frightened that he collapsed three meters high, and even jumped and rumbled and ran away.

Compared with reproduction, life is still important.


The huge sound sounded again, and a majestic vitality came.

At this moment, more than a dozen flying rainbows swept by in the sky, and more than a dozen divine rainbows cut through the long sky and rushed to the depths of the jungle.

Ye Fan recognized several of them, it was none other than the elders of the Spirit Market Cave Heaven.

"I don't know what secrets there are, follow and see..."

A strong curiosity arose, and he knew that the danger was very great, but he just couldn't suppress the curiosity in his heart and wanted to find out.

After five hours of running wildly, and I don't know how many kilometers he ran wildly, Ye Fan felt that he was finally approaching the place where the voice came from.

The dull sound here is even more powerful, ringing every once in a while.

And every time is like beating people's hearts, Ye Fan's face is snow-white, stumbling, with his physique after arriving here, he can only barely support it, in other words, as an ordinary person, the heart must have already exploded.


With another dull sound, Ye Fan climbed a high mountain and looked forward.

The ancient buildings in front of them are densely packed, and although they have all been half-collapsed and turned into ruins, you can imagine the grandeur of that year.

And the most surprising thing is that the endless ancient building complex is actually surrounded by a volcano, where the fire is bursting into the sky, and there is rolling magma boiling in the crater, although it does not flow out, but it is already very scary, burning half of the sky red.

The endless magnificent ancient buildings surrounding this volcano make people feel very strange.

At this moment, Ye Fan was very shocked, because he saw an incredible picture, with the boiling magma surging, a magnificent ancient hall with crystal clear body in the crater, floating and sinking, appeared from time to time.


The dull sound came out from the inside of the volcano, or to be precise, from the ancient hall that floated in the magma, it was brilliant and crystalline, there was a breath of time flowing, and at the same time there were gods circulating.


The next scene made Ye Fan stunned, his eyebrows danced, the demon race, the human race, the major forces, sects, holy lands, great sects, one by one masters you sing and I appear, all kinds of magical confrontation, the fight is earth-shattering, more exciting than the movie special effects on the earth.

Divine drums, fairy lanterns, copper furnaces, golden swords, gossip mirrors, blood knives, scale blades, etc., like a living side, swallowing divine light, crowding together, constantly colliding, sonorous sounds are endless, every time is a contest of divine power, making the sky tremble.

Ye Fan, who was watching from a distance, was excited and fascinated, and he didn't know when he would reach this realm.

Boom rumble!

Several forces red-eyed, corpses fell, saw the corners of Ye Fan's eyes jump, and quickly ran backwards, for fear of being affected.

Laugh at!


Ye Fan's heart thumped wildly, and he couldn't help but reach out and touch his face, and a dazzling blood appeared on his fingers.

If he hadn't braked the brakes earlier, I'm afraid that his entire head would have been cut in half by the golden paper.

The golden paper pierced deep into the rock wall, and Ye Fan pulled out the golden paper with force.

Suddenly, a dazzling brilliance rushed up, and Ye Fan, who was dazzling, could hardly open his eyes.

This is a golden piece of paper with endless divine radiance flowing on it, dazzling.

This golden page of paper is heavier than metal, densely packed with countless ancient characters, tiny and almost unwatchable, each ancient character is like a star shining, brilliant.

Ye Fan's heart suddenly "pounded" and jumped, feeling a little dry mouth, and his eyes narrowed by the divine light on this golden paper.

"Can I pick up treasures while watching a play?"

Ye Fan's excited heart beat faster, and he suddenly thought of the treasures that several forces were vying for.

This golden paper is so extraordinary, as if it is condensed from the essence of the rainbow, brilliant, people can't open their eyes, and it is heavy, many times heavier than metal.

"Just a palm-sized page of paper, I'm afraid there are tens of thousands of words..." Ye Fan squinted his eyes and carefully looked at the brilliant golden paper in his hand, but even if he was lucky, he could only see the vague outline, and the engraved handwriting was too tiny.

The front and back sides are full of words, densely packed, and each word is like a star, blooming with divine brilliance, very dazzling.

"Dao Jing Wheel Sea Scroll..."

Ye Fan had enough eyesight to finally see a few of the words clearly, similarly, in addition to these four words, the other words on the reverse side could not be distinguished, because every tiny ancient word was like a round of miniature sun, dazzling, and one after another divine radiance flew out like a golden needle, stinging people's pupils, hot and uncomfortable.

"Doze came to send pillows, no matter who called, I thank you..."

The Dao Scripture of the Spirit Market Cave Heaven is only a foundation building chapter, which is owned by every force, as for the later Dao Scripture, it is a priceless treasure, if anyone knows that it is in Ye Fan's hands, it is a crime!

Ye Fan was about to hide the Dao Sutra when the golden paper suddenly disappeared, and then Ye Fan found that it appeared in the sky above his bitter sea.

Quietly enter the village, do not shoot the gun.

Getting the Dao Scripture Wheel Sea Scroll was a complete surprise, and Ye Fan was very contented and decided to leave immediately.

Laugh at!

A green light plunged into the rock wall in front of Ye Fan.

Ye Fan was stunned.

Could it be that I am a child of destiny?

Sent me treasures without doing anything?

It was a turquoise dagger that, when completely pulled out, emitted a crisp metallic trill, shrouded in green and sharp. It was no more than half a foot long, like a pool of blue water, crystal clear, with gusts of cold air.

"Hahaha, Master Dao, I'm so lucky, I just came here and met the treasure..."

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