"Hmph! It's just a secret! "

The Black Emperor was mad with jealousy, but his mouth did not admit defeat.

He also wants to see the Beginningless Sutra, and he wants to learn the secret of fighting words.

It's a pity that it hasn't been opened for so long, and only Ye Fan can see the charm of Jiang Taifu's secret of fighting words.

"Or let's both rehearse."

Ye Fan was eager to try.

Seeing Ye Fan's villain's deliberate appearance, the black emperor's teeth itched, and his snow-white teeth rubbed: "Warning, don't provoke me... Hmph, forget it, this emperor does not know you in general. "


Before the words fell, while Ye Fan relaxed, the Black Emperor jumped up: "This emperor can't help it!" Woof! "

"Dead dog! You cheat! "

"It's you who bites!"

"Don't bite me in the face! I still have to eat by my face! "

"Don't brush the hair on my face!"

One man and one dog got grappled, and dust splattered all over the sky.

"Groove! Dead dog! How come you don't fight for ten days, you get tough again! "

"Your emperor or your emperor, obey or not!"


"Hehe, you look at it, this emperor is open, I have to bite you to death today... Aaaaa It hurts... This emperor has no descendants yet... Let go! Let go! "

"Dead dog! Obey or not! "

"Obedience... You let go... Hiss... Boy, don't call Ye Fan at all, Ye Hei is very suitable, thick skin, black heart as carbon, ruthless..."


"The Great Emperor is going to Beidou?"

A big demon asked, Hanguguan and his party, and the thirteen great demons also knew that Ying Zheng was not a quasi-emperor, but a great emperor, and he was more and more respected.


A smile appeared on Ying Zheng's face, and suddenly, his face moved slightly, looking into the depths of the heavenly dome.

Finally took the absolute advantage...

In the depths of that underworld, two figures were entangled and confronting.

This state has lasted for more than 200,000 years.

One is Huan Xian Xian, and the other is a black and white face with no face.

More than 200,000 years ago, the will of the Heavenly Dao discovered that Ying Zheng, an outsider, Ying Zheng and Huan Yixian fought with the sky, and did not distinguish the victory and defeat, the two could not get out, entangled in the depths of the avenue, faced each other for more than 200,000 years, and gradually occupied the advantage in these 200,000 years.

In these more than 200,000 years, Ying Zheng and Huan Xian have become stronger and stronger, but the will of Heavenly Dao has been worn out weaker and weaker.

Until Ying Zheng came to this world, the avatar of Ying Zheng escaped and merged with Ying Zheng, leaving Ying Xian Immortal and Heavenly Dao will entangled alone.

Just now, the Immortal of Victory has already occupied an absolute advantage, and there is no possibility of the will of the Heavenly Dao to turn over, but it will take a certain amount of time to wear him out, and he cannot get out at present.


The will of Heavenly Dao is unwilling to roar, killing intent rushes to the sky, faceless faces transform into faces, there are emperors, immortal emperors, fighting holy emperors, green emperors, demon emperors... One by one, the law divine chain wrapped the will of the avenue, wanting to destroy the immortals.

"It's useless..."

The voice of the Xian Xian was cold and calm, containing a will that could not be changed, shaking the avenue.

"This war was doomed from the very beginning."

The two palms of the Heavenly Immortal Tilt pushed horizontally, and the will filled the heavens and the earth, annihilating all the magical powers of the will of the Heavenly Dao, and the law divine chain, bursting out hundreds of millions of thunder, grinding out the will of the Heavenly Dao.

"Outsiders! All damn it! Damn it! "

The will of the Heavenly Dao turned into a divine voice and bloomed, a face turned into the appearance of Yingzheng, and one after another divine powers belonging to Yingzheng burst out.

"It's useless! Useless! It has to be unexpected! "

The Immortals wielded their magical powers arbitrarily, and were not afraid of the divine powers of the will of the Heavenly Dao.

In the next moment, the will of the Heavenly Dao turned into the appearance of a Ying Immortal.

"It's useless! Useless! I am who I am! You're me! Not us either! "

The voice of the Immortal became more and more calm, almost cold, firmly suppressing the will of the Heavenly Dao and grinding him out at a speed visible to the naked eye.

Since the birth of this realm, all powerful existences have been deeply imprinted in the Dao, so the will of Heavenly Dao can easily transform any great emperor, ancient emperor, and Tianzun.

In fact, the birth of the Desolate Ancient Holy Body is also related to the imprint in the depths of the avenue.

There are bloodline and non-bloodline traditions of the Desolate Ancient Sacred Body.

Even if all the Desolate Ancient Sacred Bodies in this world are severed, the Desolate Ancient Sacred Body will be born one day in the next life.

Therefore, the bloodline of the first Desolate Ancient Body was originally the bloodline born from the fusion of several imprints.

The entire Heavenly Dao Will burned with fiery immortal flames.


It's going to be desperate!

Huan Xian Immortal's face was calm, and he directly went deep into the Flame of Flame Immortal with his bare hands.


Billions of pitch-black thunders containing the power of endless destruction fell, shrouding the Immortals in it.

The Heaven Covering World is a higher world, and the Heaven Covering World is a crippled world, and the will of the Heavenly Dao born is also incomplete.

Otherwise, the outcome of this war is really difficult to say.


"Since there is no possibility of turning over..."

Ying Zheng turned around and stepped into the Hangu Pass and came to the sky above the earth.

"This planet is terrifying..."

A big demon looked at the planet under his feet and said to himself.

The other great demons nodded slightly, the weakest of them was also the Great Sage, such a common planet in the universe, a random blow would turn into cosmic dust.

But looking at this blue planet, the back is a little cold.

A big demon whispered: "I heard that millions of years ago, this planet was very large, not smaller than Beidou, or even bigger than Beidou. "

"I've heard this legend too..." a demon echoed.

"Millions of years ago, ninety-nine dragon mountains were born in the universe, each dragon mountain was hundreds of millions of miles long, and the ninety-nine dragon mountains did not know which star domain they came from, let alone how long they passed, from one ancient star of life to another."

"Planet after planet gives birth to Ninety-nine Dragon Mountain, the price is the exhaustion of ancient stars of life, where it passes, heaven and earth are exhausted, spiritual energy is dried up, grass and trees wither, primates are degraded, all things are in decline, rapid decline, and at the worst time, the vitality of an ancient star may disappear."

"The Ninety-Nine Dragon Mountain absorbed the essence of heaven and earth and swallowed the spirit show of the ancient star of life, and once descended to the glow, which was the most serious one, almost exhausting the entire ancient star. In later generations, because of a big turmoil and a big war, Ying Yu finally couldn't bear it and turned into a death star. "

"All this is rumored that ninety-nine dragon mountains gave birth to the hope of becoming immortals, and finally ninety-nine dragon mountains fell on the earth, but it seems that ninety-nine dragon mountains have been bred successfully, and have not completely taken away the essence of the earth, and in the following years, ninety-nine dragon mountains overflowed with essence in reverse, and the earth was not dry and completely dry, but because of this, it was full of spiritual energy and ushered in a peak period."

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