"Hmph! Tongue in mouth! After all, you have not yet become enlightened, although you can be called the Emperor of the Board, but I want to kill you, it is easy. "

A supreme snorted coldly.

"A person who has slashed himself and survived by regularly stripping away the lives of hundreds of millions of people is also worthy of saying the word emperor to me, and he will kill you today!" The Dacheng Holy Body is extremely strong, swallowing the galaxy, and possesses a world-beating spirit.

"Going against the general trend, does a Dacheng Saint Body also want to stop the seven supremes, but can only fall!" Xiaoyao Tianzun said coldly, with a cruel look on his face.

Dacheng Holy Body was bathed in blood and abruptly stopped the seven supremes, and the price was that his body was almost torn apart.

The Dacheng Saint Body can barely protect the Big Dipper, but it can't completely protect the North Creature.

Beidou doesn't know how many people died, blood flowed and drifted on the ground, and the bones were endless.

Almost half of the strong die and only the old and children remain, as do the rest of the races, leaving only the old and weak, and a small number of strong to continue as the seeds of life.

But the sun has already burst, how can it continue?

These supreme rats who have been rats for 50,000 years have obviously erupted into 50,000 years of anger, angering Beidou and wanting to destroy this place in one fell swoop.

The Western Desert was dead silent, but Mount Meru was still there, and faintly the sound of ghosts chanting Buddhist scriptures came.

Nanling collapsed, the ancient beasts of prey in the wild were lying in endless corpses, and many small beasts were waiting to be fed, and it was miserable.

The Seven Forbidden Areas of the Eastern Wilderness are very peaceful, but they are still awe-inspiring and unfathomable, and perhaps some supremes will come back and continue to sleep here.

The northern plains are desolate, and there are few traces of life.

Zhongzhou cries the most, and the most people die, unlike other places where people are thinly populated, it is very dense, and the bones are really mountains and seas.

"First Emperor, please come back, take a look at this earth, is there still a way to live, the lives are in ruins, and the corpses and blood are everywhere..."

Some people roared up to the sky, their faces were full of old tears, and the people around them shivered, waiting for death to come.

This world is overwhelmed by an atmosphere of despair and fear, there is no glimmer of light, the killing continues, it never stops, and people do not know how many living beings need to be devoured by several supremes.

By now, the Supreme has washed many ancient stars in blood, and he can no longer look at individual individuals, and he will not hunt for them, if there are great saints and many saints who are found at the same time, it will attract their attention, it will definitely be a tragedy.

In the end, the ancient supremes gathered, killing too many people, I don't know if it is hundreds of billions or trillions, and the entire universe is crying and bleeding.

"This is just the beginning, it's not enough, the feast is still to come." Because our loss this time is too great, even if we are safe in this life, we may not survive after some time. "

No one can live forever, even if he cuts himself and hibernates for eternity, he can't! After all, they have been born several times, breaking through the immortal source and appearing, so even if they are not extremely sublimated and ascended to the pinnacle, it is a huge harm to themselves.

Surviving, although it has paid a price, but it is not really immortality, there are too many restrictions, and it will turn into dust after all!

All they can do is to delay this trend, not to die forever, and when the time comes, it will also be worn out.

"Destroy the inheritance of the First Emperor!"

The Lord of the Divine Ruins avoided the Eucharist and stopped fighting him.

"Flat Shihuang Mountain!"

"The First Emperor pressed me to wait for 50,000 years, and I let him cut off his descendants!"

The beast god said calmly.

"Coward! Fight me! "

The Eucharist roared.

The premise that he can block the seven supremes is that the other party wants to kill him and fight him, and once he doesn't want to fight him, it's easy to avoid him and go to Beidou.

The four supremes sneered and walked towards the First Emperor Mountain.


"Little junior brother, you take him away, incognito, no matter what, keep the ancestral bloodline." Gu Chuan's expression was light.

"Senior Brother... You guys..."

Chi Tianci hesitated slightly, glanced at everyone, there were dozens of people in the hall, each of these dozens were great saints, quasi-emperors, at this moment, no one had a look of fear on their faces.

Gu Chuan is more than two thousand years old, is the master brother of that generation, and the highest strength of the first emperor mountain, for nearly a thousand years, the first emperor mountain is responsible for all matters, alternative enlightenment of his strength is not inferior to a supreme, in addition to strength, everything is also very fair, there is no disobedience up and down the first emperor mountain.

Gu Chuan sat still, like a dragon coiled and a tiger, and his voice was calm: "These supremes will destroy the First Emperor Mountain." "

"Moreover, the ancestor has coerced the universe for 50,000 years and protected the creatures of the universe, how can I fall the prestige of the ancestor?"

"Senior brother! There is nothing to say! Fight to the death! The ancestor destroyed the nine supremes in a battle, and all of us in the First Emperor Mountain, even if they are not as good as the ancestors, will tear off a few pieces of meat from these supremes! "

"Little junior brother, take the ancestral bloodline and go, this battle, there is no return!"

The people in the hall spoke one after another, and a majestic anger, killing intent filled the hall.

The entire hall echoed with sorrow, indignation, murderous aura, and other incomparable breaths, and the space was about to solidify.

"If you want to trample on the First Emperor Mountain, you have to see if we agree or not!"

"Even if my strength is not as good as the Supreme, even if I crush my bones, I don't hesitate!"

Gu Chuan slowly scanned the circle and nodded slightly: "Very good, the whole of the First Emperor Mountain is united, and I am very proud." "

"We, all cultivated by the First Emperor Mountain, carry the glory of the First Emperor Mountain, our lives, in the face of the glory of the First Emperor Mountain, of course we can escape, and I am confident that they will not find us, but I will not be a coward, and none of you want to do it."

"As a senior brother of Shihuang Mountain, if you don't even dare to fight, you will trample on the prestige of the ancestor master, and you don't want Shihuang Mountain to have such a senior brother!"

"Therefore, I can't retreat, and you can't retreat, even if it is death, tell everyone, me!" Gu Chuan is a man! You guys are also good! The prestige of the ancestor and the glory of the First Emperor Mountain are still in our hands! "

His tone was flat, firm, full of the smell of generosity to death, and every word was as heavy as a thousand pounds, hitting everyone's heart deeply, making them boil and their breath short.

"Senior brother..."

Chi Tianci's eyes were red, and he felt everyone's will to die and never back down.


Gu Chuandao.

"You guys... Take care..."

Saying that, Chi Tianci left the First Emperor Mountain with the baby in his arms.

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