It looks like some kind of metal material, but it doesn't look like it to the touch.

Luo Feng looked at it as he walked, but he didn't see what it was: "Who dropped it?" "

Seeing that he had arrived home, Luo Feng stuffed the metal sheet into his trouser pocket and walked into the community.

As a low-cost housing community, the efficiency of land use in the South Bank Community is almost close to the limit, and each residential building is like a huge square cement column, and the spacing between residential buildings is designed without considering sunlight.

Luo Feng's home is on the 32nd floor of one of the 36-story residential buildings.

Luo Feng ran wildly in strides, four steps in one step, as fast as a leopard, and reached the thirty-second floor in less than a minute, and his breath was still relatively calm.

"Dad, Mom."

His family is very small, only thirty-six square meters, and the family of four has lived in it for more than ten years.

On the balcony, a thin boy with some sickly fair skin was sitting in a wheelchair, holding an English book in his hand, and every time Luo Feng saw his brother's legs, his heart tingled inexplicably.

When he was a child, his brother was crushed by a car and his legs were completely crushed from his thighs down, making his younger brother disabled, a disabled person, and it is very stressful to survive in today's society. Even the younger brother's cultural education can only be received through the Internet and distance online education.

"I must become a warrior!"

"I must change the fate of our family!"

"Otherwise, our family will be abandoned by this era at any time!"

"I must let my parents, let my brother, live in a big house, a big house with an elevator."

"Let parents really sleep in a big bed without sleeping on the sofa in the living room."

"Let my brother, you don't have to work so hard next time."

"The house must have large floor-to-ceiling windows, so that the sunlight can fully shine in, so that the younger brother can snort the sun!"

These words, I don't know how many times I have recalled them in Luo Feng's heart, because of this, so he has worked hard since he was a child, he has been very mature since he was a child, he rarely plays after school, as long as he has time, he trains crazy to make up for his weaknesses diligently, so he can become the only three senior students among more than five thousand students.

After chatting with his brother for a while, sitting on the bed in the bedroom, Luo Feng suddenly remembered the metal sheet, couldn't help but take it out again, flipped it over and over and looked at it many times, and finally couldn't help but reach out and press the slight bulge.


The metal sheet suddenly vibrate, broke away from his palm, and was suspended in the air, emitting a faint light, and a mechanical sound sounded.

"Ten Thousand Realms Talisman Activation!"

"The rules of heaven and earth are being tested, and the rules of heaven and earth are being adapted... is searching for civilizations, starting to match languages..."

"The match is complete, bind user Luo Feng!"

Luo Feng's eyes widened, and he didn't understand a single sentence in the first two sentences, but the last sentence suddenly became a language he understood.

"What the hell is this?"

Luo Feng was at a loss, only to see that this metal sheet turned into a stream of light and merged into his body, his mind moved, and a light curtain appeared in front of him.

"Brother, hand me that book."

The younger brother appeared at the door, pointing to Price's book on the table, Luo Feng handed the book to the younger brother, and couldn't help but ask: "Didn't you see anything strange?" "

The younger brother blinked his eyes blankly: "Brother, everything is normal." "

"It's okay."

Luo Feng looked strange, looking at the forum in the light curtain.

The top display is the 'Wanjie General Knowledge Center', and there are many categories below, including forums, live broadcasts, shopping malls, and search engines. What 'Iron and Blood Great Qin', 'Jianghu Night Rain', 'On the Dao Yang God', 'One Sword Breaks Ten Thousand Laws', a tall, bunker sky's name made Luo Feng stunned.

What else is 'Ten Thousand Realms Martial Arts Teaching', 'Martial Arts on Paper', 'Ying Song Yan Dance'.

The more Luo Feng looked at it, the more confused he became, suspecting that he was dreaming, and couldn't help but randomly click on 'On the Dao Yang God'.

The first thing that catches your eye is a post "On the Seventh Thunder Tribulation of the Ghost Immortal Degree"

Ghost fairy?


Luo Feng smashed his mouth, clicked on this post, and saw an image begin to play, accompanied by sound.

"Hello everyone, in Xiabucai Huang Qiyuan, he survived the seventh thunder tribulation three days ago and became the creator."

"As we all know, there are two heavenly grapes of ghost immortals, one is the ghost immortal who has not crossed the calamity and the ghost immortal who has survived the thunder tribulation, this is the first heavenly graben, the second is the six tribulation ghost immortal thunder tribulation, and the time is the creator, but the degree is turned into flying ash."

"Once you have survived the seven thunder calamities, it is the sky that allows birds to fly and fish to swim, can create things in the void, and can travel to the outer heavens with thoughts reaching one yuan."

"In the next cultivation technique for twenty years, barely a genius, when I survived the first thunder tribulation, I was thinking about how to survive the seven thunder tribulations without risk, when crossing the tribulation, what can be assisted, after ten years of exploration, I have some answers, and practical application in the seven thunder tribulations."

"Facts have proved that most of my experiments are correct, this is a video of my tribulation, and now I have released the video of the tribulation, so that you can observe the process of the tribulation and the application of auxiliary artifacts, and I have also added my explanation to it to inspire every Daoist practitioner."

I saw a person with fluttering clothes, standing with his hands in his hands, standing on the peak of 10,000 meters, seemingly an immortal of Feng Qiu.


A dark cloud shrouded thousands of miles in all directions was suspended above the sky, and among them thunderclouds rolled.

"This... Even the God of War is far less powerful. "

Luo Feng felt like he was in the scene and almost held his breath.

I saw the thunderclouds in the sky tumbling, not only many lightning bolts, blinding lasers shooting wildly, but also a ball of lightning as large as a house floating in the sky, attracting each other.

Every time the two ball-shaped lightning bolts attracted each other, collided, and suddenly, there was a shocking thunderbolt, thunder and fire, directly fell to the peak, exploded a large pit with a radius of tens of hundreds of meters, and burned the jungle, towering trees, rocks and plants of the mountain peak.

In Luo Feng's heart, the God of War was already very powerful, but he thought that even the God of War might not dare to face this rolling thunder calamity.


In an instant, thousands of electric snakes and thunder dragons chopped down.

Soon, Lei Hai drowned the man, Luo Feng couldn't see anything clearly except for the doomsday-like scene, even the explanation in the video, although he understood every word, but what it meant together, he didn't move at all.

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