"I haven't had time to test it yet." Luo Feng said truthfully.

Jiang Nian nodded: "Then you will participate in a quasi-martial artist assessment today." "

Luo Feng was slightly surprised: "But hasn't the martial artist assessment arrived yet?" "

Jiang Nian smiled: "Genius, there are always privileges, Luo Feng, how much do you know about the Extreme Martial Arts Hall. "

Luo Feng said: "The Extreme Martial Arts Pavilion was founded by Hong the world's number one powerhouse, and all martial arts halls are all over the world. "

With a drop, the elevator door opened, and Jiang Nian walked out of the elevator: "It seems that you don't know much about our Extreme Martial Arts Hall, Luo Feng, do you want to join the Extreme Martial Arts Hall?" "

Luo Feng hesitated slightly, pondered, and was about to speak, Jiang Nian raised his hand and said, "Don't answer first, participate in the assessment." "

This building is very large, at least tens of thousands of square meters, full of instruments, among which there are naturally force testers, speed testers, and nerve reaction speed testers.

A woman wearing a tight suit, delicate and clear, with a bumpy figure and a beautiful face is waiting.

"Annie, give him a quasi-martial artist assessment."

"Yes, instructor."

The strength and speed tests were completed quickly, similar to the previous tests, except that this time the data would be entered into the martial artist assessment data.

"The neural response speed test is over here."

Annie led Luo Feng to a room next to her, and Luo Feng followed Anne, his eyes occasionally glimpsed her buttocks, and he couldn't help but blush.

In the room, I saw a tall valuable instrument on the ground, and the front of this instrument was like a six-barreled Gatling machine gun shooting out of the hole one by one, but this hole was much more than the Gatling machine gun, there were dozens of holes.

Standing in the red circle, the muzzle of the test machine in front of him was facing him, Luo Feng took a deep breath, when he was not entering the martial arts hall, he often practiced his body technique at home, which has always been his strongest point in dodging: "In the past, I was generally hit 50 to 55 times in 60 seconds. Now I'm physically better, I react faster, and I have no problem passing the test. "

"Remember, don't go out of the circle, if you walk out of the circle, you will fail directly, and the body will be deducted points when it touches the red light." After Anne finished speaking, she pressed the red button.

"Toot - toot - " The muzzle of the nerve response tester accelerated rapidly, and soon rotated to an extremely fast speed, and then dozens of muzzles in the muzzle almost instantly burst out with red light, and rubber bullets immediately shot out.

Sixty seconds passed quickly, Luo Feng's breathing was still steady, and Annie said with a smile: "In 60 seconds, I was hit 18 times, and I didn't touch the red light, which is excellent!" "

"Very good!"

Jiang Nian's clapping voice sounded, and he laughed: "Not bad, Luo Feng, congratulations, as long as you wait for the official documents to be issued and your information is entered into the citizenship information." You are a quasi-warrior. "

There is one extreme hall and 12 extreme martial arts halls in Yangzhou City. The owners of the extreme martial arts halls in each district are called 'instructors'. The owner of the headquarters extreme hall is called the 'chief instructor'.

It was also a great credit for a genius to walk out of the Extreme Martial Arts Pavilion under his jurisdiction, and now, he was going to grasp this credit in his hands.

Let Luo Feng join the Extreme Martial Arts Hall.

"Thank you, Coach." Luo Feng also had an unconcealed smile on his face: "But coach, I always wanted to join the army before. "

Warriors generally have four paths.

The first way, join the army, become a member of the army. The advantage is that the safety is high, the state cannot easily let the warriors take risks, and the state will also give a lot of benefits to the families of the warriors, so that the warriors have no worries.

The second way, join the martial arts hall. The management system of the martial arts hall is relatively loose, belonging to a relatively loose group, and the extreme martial arts hall was founded by the world's strongest 'Hong', and after becoming the 'martial artist' of the extreme martial arts hall, there are many benefits, and the management is loose and relatively free.

The third way, joining a certain group consortium, a certain family, a certain big force, etc., belongs to the kind of thug.

The fourth way is to join the mercenaries, which is the most adventurous and at the same time the most free from birth to death.

Jiang Nian still smiled: "I know, you have a younger brother, parents, joining the army, indeed the benefits are good, the security is also very good, but you don't know much about our extreme martial arts hall, for a genius like you, our extreme martial arts hall also has a great welfare treatment." "

"First, as long as you become a martial artist of my extreme martial arts hall, my extreme martial arts hall will arrange a set of single-family villas to be assigned to you in the best place, of course, within five years, you have no ownership of this single-family villa, and after five years, it will completely belong to you."

"Second, you still have a base salary of 50,000 a month."

Luo Feng's eyes lit up: "Detached villa? 50,000 yuan base salary? "

Fifty thousand basic salary is definitely a high salary, but compared to a single-family villa, it is nothing, and now in the entire Huaxia Kingdom, there are only six major human bases, that is, six major cities.

Land is extremely precious, single-family villas are subject to huge luxury taxes, and now ordinary commercial houses are tens of thousands to hundreds of thousands of yuan per square meter, which also leads to the vast majority of ordinary people living in low-cost housing.

Ordinary commercial houses are so expensive, superimposed villas, townhouses, and super-large mansions, each square meter costs hundreds of thousands of Chinese dollars.

And single-family villas, in this day and age, the state is restricted, not rich can live in. Only if you have money, power, and special status can you live in it.

And also the huge luxury tax, the price of the general single-family villa, a square meter must exceed millions.

A single-family villa, there are no hundreds of millions of people who want to take it down.

"Luo Feng." Jiang Nian smiled: "A genius like you, joining the Extreme Martial Arts Pavilion definitely has more benefits than joining the army, and there are more benefits, I can't disclose it to you, only after you join." "

"In short, add extreme facial features, money, status, everything! You can safely pursue the limits of human beings, the limits of martial arts! "

"Like I have a brother, not long ago hunted a monster, bought three hundred million, your talent, no worse than him, you think about it, if you join the army, the monster hunted, the ownership belongs to the state, three hundred million, up to 30 million can be rewarded, and in the extreme martial arts hall, you get, most of it belongs to you!"

"Think for yourself."

Luo Feng stood in place dumbfounded, but a fire burned in his heart.

I have a good talent and I also have the Ten Thousand Realms Talisman, can I still be safe?

I'm still young, why don't I run wild and break into a career?

The founder of the Extreme Martial Arts Pavilion 'Hong' can leave a name in the world, and even in the future, it may be left in the history books, why can't I!

This world is not only one earth, thousands of worlds, why can't I go and see?

"I join!" Luo Feng said forcefully.

"Hahahahahaha..." Jiang Nian hadn't gone far, and laughed when he heard this: "Very good!" Luo Feng! You'll know later that you've made the right choice! Welcome to the Extreme Martial Arts Hall! "

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