"After the Holy Body left Beidou, his friends were hunted down, and even a few died, extremely miserable, only this dead dog is very moist, this dead dog is more hated than the Holy Body, at the beginning he was chased and killed the most, but almost all of them were killed by him, and the legend has it that there is also a king who died in his hands, and I don't know if it's true."

"Yes, although this dead dog is treacherous, its attainment in formation is too high, and it is always arranged in unexpected places, and the pit of the dead is not worth the life, and now no one dares to chase and kill this dead dog."

"You have probably forgotten that dead fat man, this man is also hated by people, and whoever dares to hunt him down will be dug up by him."

Some of the cultivators looked at the Black Emperor with resentment and jealousy.

This dead dog's reputation in Beidou is now like a sky, after Ye Fan left Beidou, after Ye Fan left Beidou, he lived more and more moisturized and high-profile after endless chasing, and did not change the arrogance of shouting for favors before.

The most hateful dead dog also did what he said, several holy sons and holy daughters were favored by him, and one holy lord was trampled under his feet as a mount.

However, this dead dog is strong and has the most feared formation talent, so although this dead dog is hated, no one dares to make a move against him.

Because once he strikes against him, he will not only be retaliated by the dead dog, but also dug the ancestral grave by Duan De's dead fat man.

It's not that no one invited the saint to kill him, but this dead dog is too agile, directly across the void and run, and soon after backhand digging your ancestral grave, who can withstand it.

After all, only a thousand days to be a thief, there is no reason to prevent a thief for a thousand days.

"Haha, Black Emperor, thank you!"

Ye Fan laughed, after leaving Beidou, the last thing he was worried about was the Black Emperor, with the treachery of the Black Emperor, it was more difficult to make him suffer losses than ascending to the sky, so far, the Black Emperor had suffered several small losses in Ye Fan's hands.

The big black dog shook his head, dashingly flicked off his sunglasses, jumped to Ye Fan's side, and patted Ye Fan's shoulder heavily: "Ye Hei, you kid is worthy of being carefully cultivated by me, did not fail me, and I am very relieved to do such a big thing as soon as you come back." "

The corners of Ye Fan's mouth twitched slightly, and the excitement and joy of seeing the Black Emperor again after more than ten years were swept away by the words of the dead dog, replaced by a thought:

Dogs eat, wolves eat meat, and nature is difficult to move.

"How's that, did you kid get home? Can't you forget that I came back after only ten years? "

Ye Fan shook his head: "The universe is so big, I almost got lost, I arrived at Ziwei Star and walked around before coming back." "

"Ziwei Star, it seems to be a superstar no less than the Big Dipper."

The two have not seen each other for more than ten years, and they are both a little happy, and no one on the side chats.

Ye Fan talked about what he saw after leaving Beidou, which was very thrilling.

The big black dog also said that since Ye Fan left, he has suffered many chases and killings, and he is not a person who suffers losses, and those who chase and kill him have been killed by him, but several times, the big black dog appeared and explained himself.

"Those friends of yours are also being hunted down, and they must be targeting you."

"Little Moon, Ji Haoyue, Pang Bo, Black Water, and that dead fat man, Saint Prince..."

The big black dog's face became gloomy: "Pang Bo was seriously injured several times and hammered to death, and was saved by Yao Xi once, Heishui once ran to the territory of the demon clan, and was saved by your little girlfriend, and the Ji family was also targeted, it should be several forces united, thinking that the Ji family did not have a void mirror, and wanted to jointly divide the Ji family, but I didn't expect that you gave the void mirror to Xiaoyue, and most of the masters were killed by those forces." "

The big black dog said a few words, but Ye Fan could glimpse the danger: "I know, so I will destroy the Wang family when I come back, destroy the masters of the ancient clan, the danger you suffered, I will return it ten times!" I want to tell the world that I, Ye Fan, are back!" I'm not trying to prove how amazing I am! I'm here to prove how open I am! Whoever dares to reach out, I will cut off his head! "

The void suddenly trembled, and just above the ruins of the Wang family, nine killing swords came out at the same time, stabbing towards the center, and at the same time laid out an ancient killing array to refine Ye Fan in it.

These are nine old men, all of them are full of anger and murderousness, they definitely crawled over in the pile of dead people, and they don't know how few people have been killed.

Nine terrifying old killers come out together!

The big black dog did not turn its head, and its legs gently lifted and fell.


One day fire appeared, instantly shrouding the nine old killers, and with just one breath, it burned to ashes.

The big black dog was contemptuous: "A regional killer, dare to be presumptuous?" "

In the distance, a golden ancient chariot cut through the sky, Wang Teng's shawl was radiant, full of light, standing on the golden chariot, motionless, did not take a step forward.

Farther away, a vague burly figure stood alone and said, "The holy body of the Terran race, I came from the Northern Region specifically for you, and I can kill the Purple Heaven, it is worth my attack." "

Ye Fan said lightly: "Why don't you dare to make a move?" "

"Are you afraid of the Black Emperor's formation?"

Ye Fan stepped forward, and his gaze fell on Wang Teng: "Wang Teng, in the past, your father once preached that 'Wu'er Wang Teng has the posture of a great emperor', and now, I will destroy your Wang family, I am here, you will not dare to make a move!" "

"I'll kill you! I'll kill you! "

Wang Teng's expression was grim, his eyes were deep, his pupils were filled with hatred light, almost crazy, the hand holding the golden holy sword was trembling slightly, and half of his body was spasming.

Ye Fan's eyes fell: "If the Wang family does not destroy the Nanling barbarians, colludes with the Gu clan, and kills my friends, how can I destroy your Wang family." "

"The winner is king, I will not kill you easily, I will cut off your limbs, abolish your cultivation, maintain your life with elixir, and torture you for a thousand years!"

Wang Teng's tone became more and more grim, and he suddenly struck, holding the golden holy sword and slashing, the ancient chariot also rumbled, crushing all obstacles, mountain peaks, ancient veins, etc. were all powdered, his fighting spirit was cloudy, and the magic aura was boundless.

"One shot!"


A spear appeared in Ye Fan's hand, like a true dragon cave breaking through the void, breaking the firmament, let your ancient chariot battle qi overwhelm, and you can't stop it.

The cold tip of the spear shook the golden sword, and the peerless spear shot out, piercing his eyebrows, and a blood hole the thickness of an arm, appeared on his head.

Wang Teng froze in place, laughing maniacally: "Haha... I am Wang Teng, I am the Northern Emperor, I want to become an emperor, I will not die! "

The shiny and sharp tip of the spear flashed with a dark golden sheen, and there were shocking blood stains dripping down, a head nailed to it, and black hair stuck to a lock of blood.

Wang Teng's expression was fierce, and his eyes were endless cold and blood-red, full of unwillingness.

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