The Black Emperor glared: "The Void Mirror is not a dowry?" "

Ji Haoyue shouted, "Didn't that originally belong to the Ji family..."

"It used to be! Not anymore! "

The Black Emperor interrupted him directly and squinted at him: "If Ye Hei hadn't seen Xiao Yue's sake, you would have returned it to the Ji family?" You wouldn't think it wasn't a dowry, would you? "

"Uh oh."

Ji Haoyue has always been unsmiling, and when she met the shameless dog of the Black Emperor, she suddenly became wooden, and she didn't know what to say.

After a while, Ji Haoyue looked left and right, and asked in a low voice: "Black Emperor, who is that great emperor Ye Fan?" How could the Void Mirror appear in Ye Fan's hands? "

The Black Emperor's slightly wagging tail suddenly drooped: "What if I say I don't know?" "

He was now also puzzled, what was the relationship between Ye Fan and the First Emperor, there were many speculations in his heart, but none of them were accurate.

As for how the Void Mirror appeared in Ye Fan's hands, don't say him, even Ye Fan himself was dumbfounded, there were actually two more imperial soldiers in the bitter sea, and there was no such good thing as pie in the sky.

Seeing that Ji Haoyue still looked immortal, the Black Emperor couldn't help but say, "It's useless for you to ask Ye Hei, he doesn't know." "

In less than a day after being in Ji's house, Ye Fan left and went straight to the Demon Race territory.

"That goblin has a deep affection for you, don't let her down." The Black Emperor said, he was very impressed with the goblin.

Among Ye Fan's many red faces, Ji Ziyue was born in the Ji family, his brother is a god king, and his own qualifications are also extraordinary.

Yan Ruyu is a princess of the demon clan with a high status.

An Miaoyi is a saint of the Great Sect, a young generation of Tianjiao, and is the first batch of people to cut the Dao.

Yao Xi is the Holy Daughter of the Shaking Light Holy Land, and she is also ranked among the Tianjiao.

Only Qin Yao is just an ordinary demon clan, Yan Ruyu's handmaiden, and a little demon clan woman who lets people move.

If you are honest, among Ye Fan's many red faces, the Black Emperor's favorite is Qin Yao, and this woman is following Ye Fan's footsteps and paying silently.

The cold wind blew, Ye Fan felt cold, climbed that mountain, loose waves, the pavilion was not there, not a little angry.

In the depths of that pine forest, there was only a lonely tomb, the soil bag was not large, and there was a stone tablet clearly engraved with the name Qin Yao.

Ye Fan felt that he was cold from his head to his feet, and when he came here again, the old man had actually died of jade, and the sky and man were separated forever. "How so?"

He lost his mind for a while, and then he was extremely sad, traveled for more than ten years, and after returning, he only saw her grave, and he stayed in front of the grave.

The Black Emperor also let out a long sigh and patted Ye Fan's shoulder: "Accompany her more." "

"Why, is there a hint of guilt, or a hint of sadness? You could have seen her a few more times in the past, but you never came back and ended up crossing the star field alone. "

A girl in a golden feather coat appeared and said coldly.

Ye Fan knew her, named Jin Yan, a fairy girl in this small world, very disgusting at that time, but now hearing her words, there was no trace of anger, some were just silence, and endless guilt, if Jin Yan could come up and slap a few times, he would feel slightly better in his heart.

Loose waves, this place is very desolate, lonely, only such a lonely grave, people are sad.

"How did she leave and when did she die?" Ye Fan asked after a long silence.

Seeing Ye Fan's deathly appearance, Jin Yan couldn't bear it after all, and said truthfully: "Qin Yao is not dead yet, but it is not far from death." "


Ye Fan was ecstatic.

The Black Emperor suddenly turned his head, his tail wagging rapidly.

Jin Yan said coldly: "Not long ago, she was very happy that you returned, but after the feat you made, she was silent again and began to practice desperately." "

"Take me to her."

Jin Yan was unmoved, staring at Ye Fan coldly: "You are Ye Fan, a high holy body, Qin Yao is just an ordinary demon race, and you are a person from two worlds, your cultivation is too high, she desperately wants to catch up, but the result is wrong, almost turned into a Dao, the princess sent the elixir, and can only barely maintain." "

"Take me to her, I have medicine to save her."

A tear flowed from the corner of Jin Yan's eyes, and she pointed to the grave: "This tomb was erected by Qin Yao for herself in advance, I am a sister with Qin Yao, to be honest, I am not worth it for her!" For you, she may just be a passing guest in life, which is nothing, but for her, it is very different, she has been trying to follow your footsteps, but chasing farther and farther, have you looked back at her? "

"Even if it's just a look back! You don't! You don't know that behind you, there is a humble figure, looking at your back, trying to keep up with you, only to be further and further away from you. "

The wind was strong, Songtao whined, as if in sorrow, the lonely grave was sentimental, Ye Fan stood there dumbfounded, Jin Yan's words were like the sharpest sword piercing deep into his heart.

"If you never appeared, she would be alive and well, and maybe she had already married one of the demon races."

The calm words came in the wind, like a knife slashing in Ye Fan's heart, making him even more silent, unable to say anything, only feeling a sourness.

Jin Yan calmed down: "I'm done venting, you go, Qin Yao's death can be regarded as a relief, living is also suffering, don't look at your back obsessively, a ruthless person who will never look back." "

"If Qin Yao dies, you don't have to be sad, you don't have to be lost, maybe Qin Yao will be happy if there is a spirit under the spring, and she will always become the most important imprint in your heart."

"Take me to Qin Yao, I can save her." Ye Fan begged bitterly.

"Then tell me, Qin Yao is in your heart, what is it?" Jin Yan closed her mouth and did not mention where Qin Yao was.

"She's my woman, I can't watch him die."

The Black Emperor finally couldn't help it: "Little girl, Ye Fan is not as hard-hearted as you said, you should have heard about it, Ye Fan's enemies are too many, his cultivation path is full of killing, he didn't look back at Qin Yao, he just didn't want to burden Qin Yao." "

Jin Yan looked at Ye Fan steadily, Ye Fan looked directly at her calmly, and after a long time, Jin Yan's eyes softened: "I'll take you there." "

Under the guidance of Jin Yan, Ye Fan saw Qin Yao, and the moment he saw her again, it almost made Ye Fan doubt his eyes.

Is this still the bright and colorful woman?

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