The ancient being, like a disturbed rabbit, suddenly disappeared in place, replaced by a pair of eyes in the darkness watching this side.

"What the hell is going on here?"

One person and one dog look at each other.

Judging from the previous situation, the ancient existence was undoubtedly companion with the people in the sarcophagus, and they were probably all people from the First Emperor Mountain.

The big black dog guessed that he might also be sleeping in the divine source, and he didn't know when he would wake up and guard this place.

But just now, he looked like he was very afraid of the goddess who woke up.

One person and one dog are confused and scratching their heads.


The goddess opened her eyes, and her eyes were like a burning sun, which was very terrifying, and the sun-like eyes fell on a person and a dog, bringing more pressure than that ancient existence.

"You guys..."

The goddess spoke, her voice very difficult.

"Do seniors know who they are?"

Duan De asked cautiously.

"I am..."

The goddess looked confused, but after a while, the confusion disappeared, the long gun in her hand shook, the blood dripped from the tip of the gun, and the fierce killing machine almost cut the body of a person and a dog, frightening them to urinate, and thought that this goddess was going to kill.

"I am! Shihuang Mountain Tangtai Jing! "

"Junior Brother!"

Tangtaijing found the eyes in the darkness and blurted out, and the eyes in the darkness disappeared instantly.

Lantaijing sighed slightly: "Junior brother, are you still guilty?" Don't you dare to see us? Who would blame you? "

A trace of color flashed in the eyes of the big black dog: Sure enough, they were all from the First Emperor Mountain.

"Wait, who is it?"

Tangtai Jing, who had come awake, had a dusty air.

Duan De pondered: "It was the senior who invited us to cut out the senior." "

"Well, you?"

Tangtaijing looked at the big black dog and frowned slightly.

The big black dog said lightly: "The first emperor once adopted a dog as an emperor's playmate. "

Tangtai was quiet: "You are the dog, so it is, the emperor was born, do you need me to wait for the guardian?" "

The ancestor had two sons, and one son was sealed into the divine source when he was a few years old, of course Tangtaijing knew.

"What time is it?"

The big black dog shook his head: "It has been more than 200,000 years since you calmed the dark turmoil back then. "

"More than 200,000 years." Tangtai muttered.

The big black dog continued: "The emperor also preached more than a hundred thousand years ago, and he was called the Beginningless Emperor. "

Lantaijing smiled slightly: "It is worthy of being the son of an ancestor, a family of three emperors, which has never existed since ancient times." "

The big black dog shook his head: "No, one family of four emperors, the mother of the beginningless emperor, the mother of the Dao number West Emperor Mother." "

"And you?"

Tangtai Jing looked at the big black dog, and the meaning was clear.

This dog of yours has been with four emperors in total, why is his cultivation so poor?

The big black dog's old face was red, but his hair was too black to see at all, and he was slightly proud: "My cultivation at the peak was not worse than yours, but the Beginningless Emperor cut me off and made me recultivate, and I was only born not long ago." "

"But you were born just right, there are indeed things that need your help, the ancient race was born, the Terran is weak, but the ancient race is not clear about the power of the Terrans, and they can't bear it, but this time will not be too long, and you were born just to help the Terrans support the field."


Tangtai Jing took Duan De's cutting knife, and instantly split out countless knives, cutting eight divine stones, and the people inside woke up from their slumber one by one.

In addition to the quasi-emperor of Tangtaijing, these eight people have one quasi-emperor, six great saints, and one saint king.


In the Pure Land of Ten Zhang, the God King smashes, erases, picks, ticks, and picks with his right hand, and smashes with his left hand, touching nature, divine detachment, and the whole person is filled with clear light.

The sound of the gods is like water, peaceful and peaceful, the sound waves are not very high, but they sound thousands of miles of rivers and mountains, washing people's souls, this is the true song of the gods!

At this time, the white-clothed God King was otherworldly, as if he did not belong to the whole world, sitting in front of the Void Immortal Qin, his hands flicking, heaven and earth were peaceful.

"Ah..." Finally, with a loud shout, the head of the Tai Hao Zu King rolled down, was cut off by a clear sound that shot out, and then exploded, blood all over the air.

"What, the Tai Hao Zu King is also dead, how can this be, what kind of powerful power does that Renxiong have?"

Everyone was shocked. In the pure land, falling flowers flew, like tears of the gods, spilled down, shimmered with brilliance, floated beside the white-clothed god king, and fell in front of the guqin.

At this time, blood continued to overflow from his mouth, and he couldn't swallow it back, and the crystal petals that fell were stained with blood, and he also paid a considerable price.

Jiang Tai's body was shaky, and the blood in his mouth couldn't stop dripping.

All the ancient kings, the ancestor kings, lost the courage to continue attacking.

Because they were not sure, although they felt that the god king would fall in the next moment, they failed repeatedly, and the ancient king was constantly beheaded, making them lose their courage. This is an unforgettable picture, a bloody man in white sitting cross-legged in front of the guqin, beyond the world, surrounded by a rain of flowers, calmed a group of ancient kings, and no one dared to move.

One person town ancient clan powerhouse!

Just after the battle, four ancient kings and two ancestor kings died at the hands of Jiang Taihu, this situation is too terrifying.

"One person has blocked the kings for so long, Jiang is too vain, you are proud enough!"

Five brilliant rays of brilliance descended from the sky, and the person at the head was actually a saint king, with scattered purple hair and a tall figure, almost the same as the Terrans.

Another ancestral king and four ancient kings.

The Western Emperor Pagoda on the heavenly dome emitted thunder, and wisps of qi as thick as a mountain descended, as if to destroy all ancient kings.

However, the Purple Forest Ancestor King was not afraid, looked up at the firmament, and said, "Yaochi Holy Land, do you really dare to make a move?" Outside, two ancient imperial soldiers have been aimed here! "

"It's really a generation of heroes, alone to resist so many ancestral kings, unexpected."

After the words fell, three more ancient kings descended, and the gray mist was filled with a terrifying breath.

"Heaven destroying the human race..." someone sighed, feeling sad in their hearts, the gap was too big, and people with discerning eyes could see that Jiang was too weak to hold on.

"It's really boring, is there only one saint in the Terrans? And it's a shame that so many of you didn't take it. "

Two men appeared in the void, each pore glowing and making it difficult to look squarely.

"It's them, Twin Ancestors!" The tribes of the Taikoo tribe are terrified, these two people look exactly the same, their prestige is passed down to the Taiko, they are twin brothers, and the terrible thing is that they are both saint kings.

The next moment, a demon-like figure fell.

As soon as he appeared, all the ancient kings saluted.

"I've seen the Fallen Heavenly King!"

This was a courtesy that none of the previous ancestor kings had ever had.

Because this ancestor king could become a great saint at any time.

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