There is a complex of buildings in the north of the square, and facing the square there is a huge city gate, and a huge copper plaque on the gate is printed with the words "Lecture Martial Hall".

Suddenly, the city gate suddenly opened, and more than a dozen men wearing black and gold unicorn robes rushed out, including several women.

The current is a middle-aged man with white hair, a ruddy and majestic complexion, and no anger and self-esteem.


The middle-aged man with white hair opened his mouth faintly, his voice did not wear gold cracks, but it covered the large square, 100,000 people gathered in the square, even if there was no slightest disturbance, but the noise was inevitable, but the middle-aged man's opening carried a strange deterrent force, the noisy square suddenly quieted, and everyone looked at him in unison.

"Definitely a master equivalent to the realm of the four extremes!"

Chen Hong's pupils shrank sharply, his cultivation was not there, his eyes were still there.

"I am the head of the branch hall of the Chuancheng Lecture Wutang of the Great Qin Empire, and I presided over the enrollment of this lecture martial arts hall, this time there are 60,000 people in Chuancheng who signed up for the lecture martial arts hall, all of them are talents who want to be admitted to the lecture martial arts hall, and they know the rules of the lecture martial arts hall very well."

His eyes moved, with a trace of coercion, no matter where he saw, it gave people a mountain-like pressure, the square was still quiet, he nodded with satisfaction, and continued:

"But etiquette must not be abolished, I must repeat the rules of Wutang, it is a reminder, but also a warning!"

"Lecture Wutang once a year enrollment!"

"Anyone under the age of 16 can sign up!"

"A hundred rings! The top ten in each ring can enter the Wutang! "

More than 100,000 people listened quietly, and no one had any objections.

"Don't you know you have no clothes? With the son! "

The hall master of the martial arts hall suddenly clenched his fist across his chest and roared low.

"Don't you know you have no clothes? With the son! "

The entire square, whether it was the people who came to the exam or the fear of Wutang, suddenly raised his fist across his chest, and spoke out in unison, his voice was low and powerful, which made Chen Hongyi's blood boil.

"Master Wang Yuxing, repair my spear. Have a vendetta with the Son! "

"Master Wang Yuxing, repair my spear. Have a vendetta with the Son! "


"Master Wang Yuxing, repair my armored soldiers. Walk with your son! "

"Master Wang Yuxing, repair my armored soldiers. Walk with your son! "

The hall master suddenly raised his fist high and roared:

"Daqin! Wind! Wind! Wind! "


One hundred thousand people raised their fists violently and roared: "Daqin! Wind! Wind! Wind! "

"It's terrifying."

As soon as Chen Hong saw that everyone was looking fanatical, he shivered coldly, even he was almost infected, he only felt that even if there was a corpse mountain and a sea of blood in front of him, he would charge without the slightest fear.

He had no doubt that someone would order a charge, and these people would all twist into a rope and rush to kill.

Soon, the competitions of the major rings began, and the hall master of the martial arts hall was sitting at the gate of the city, and the people in black and gold unicorn robes behind him were patrolling around.

Chen Hongyi also found that there was a team of medical staff next to each ring, and some of the injured were silent for a few seconds, and then a white soft light fell on the wounded, and the injury could recover in the blink of an eye.

Chen Hongyi looked like a pastor.

Well, it's a violation.

And in the ring, every half-big brat is like a wolf cub, if not for Chen Hongyi knowing that they are competing, he would have thought that these half-big brats were desperate.

Every move is aimed at hurting people's lives, no different from the battlefield.

"That was..."

Next to the hall master of the Wutang, there was a portrait, it was a young man in Mai clothes, handsome and heroic, even if it was just a portrait, it carried a breathtaking power.

Chen Hongyi stared at the portrait, only feeling that the portrait seemed to be alive, making him feel like he was facing a real person, and his whole body trembled.

It was a shuddering feeling like approaching the abyss for the first time.

"That's a realm I didn't reach in my heyday! Saint, or Saint King! "


A man gently patted him and woke him up: "Brother, you've been standing here for four or five hours, and the exam is almost over." "

Chen Hong was cold sweat for a moment, and his whole body was wet with sweat, he thought that he had just looked at it, but in fact he had looked at it for so long.

"Thank you brother, who is that painting?"

The man looked at him in surprise, and told him truthfully: "That's the hall master of the Wutang Gai Nie." "

"Talk about the hall master of the Wutang Gai Nie."

Chen Hongyi nodded his thanks slightly, and left the square, he wanted to go to the place where Emperor Ye Tiandi's parents were to take a look.


"In the universe, human beings are really insignificant."

Billions of star fields, boundless universe, how many life source stars, no one can tell.

This is destined to be a boring journey, accompanied by solitude, moving forward in the dark, and it will make people feel bleak for a long time. Fortunately, this time is not as aimless as the last time, but now on the ancient road of the starry sky, it is hundreds of millions of miles in an instant, traveling through the sky.

There is also a confidant of Hong Yan, a son, and a black emperor to accompany.

After a few months, he was finally recognized by Ye Sifan, and the relationship between the two became close.

In the past few months, Ye Fan was both painful and happy, and several confidantes gathered together, it was simply an Asura field, and the big black dog gloated on the side.

A glimmer appeared ahead, and Ye Fan knew that he was about to reach his destination, and the Starry Sky Ancient Road had come to an end. A violent "bang" sound came, and the mother qi of all things touched the ground, and then in a whirlwind, Ye Fan landed on the ground and fell on a smooth five-color altar.

The moment he landed, Ye Fan heard the sound of people shouting beasts roaring, shouting to kill the sky, looking around, there was a huge battlefield in the distance, golden iron horses, swords and shadows, murderous energy.

"What is this place?" He was amazed. The ancient trees nearby are towering and vibrant, and all kinds of fierce birds and beasts are haunting, as if they have come to a wild land.

The five-color altar is located on a big mountain, majestic, the big banner hunting in that battlefield, the strong are like a forest, one by one moving mountains and reclaiming the sea, all have amazing powers!

Their mounts are running in the void, killing the sun and moon without light, magic weapons flying in the sky, many of them are kings of the slashing path, and it is very likely that there are ancient saints sitting in the town!

"An illusion in ancient times!" Big Black Dog Road.

An Miaoyi nodded and said, "I also saw that in ancient times, there were great saints in this land, Quasi-Emperor..."

In the illusion is a great war, with the participation of the Great Sage, the Quasi-Emperor.

Ye Fan moved quickly, and the Yuan Tian Eye was delusional. The deafening shouts of killing disappeared, the earth-shattering murderous aura disappeared, the vibrant earth turned into terracotta, and even the sacred mountain under the feet was level with the ground.

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