Seeing the ten-year-old grandson, the two elders couldn't love it, and the five daughters also saluted one by one, but the two elders were a little overwhelmed.

They wanted their son to find a daughter-in-law, but they found five at once, which greatly surprised them.

The life of the group members was too hard-won, the two elders also recovered their long-lost smiles, and Ye Fan also saw Xu Qiong's husband.

It was a professor of history at a university, relatively honest, not outstanding in appearance, a little woody, a person who devoted himself to learning, and did not care much about everything else, but he could see that he was a good husband.

With his salary, he can't afford to buy these millions of villas, after Xu Qiong got married, with the 200,000 given by Ye's father and mother plus his own continuation, he opened a small company, but he didn't expect that the development was getting better and better, and his annual income has now been tens of millions.

Three days later, Ye Fan said goodbye to everyone and went to visit the families of his former classmates alone.

Half of the classmates had buried their bones in the ancient star more than twenty years ago, and the rest were lost in the Big Dipper Star Domain, and only he came back alive after so many years.

Have pity on the hearts of the parents of the world. When a white-haired person sends a black-haired person, it is a great sorrow, even after many years, some families still have not come out of the shadows. In those days, most families were only children, and losing a child was equivalent to losing everything.

Ye Fan sighed softly, the tragedy was not only staged in his family, fortunately, the tragedy staged in his family did not end in tragedy, he returned after all.

Of the eleven families he found, several of the elderly people had long passed away.

More than twenty years have passed, most of these old people are seventy or eighty years old, and in this era, although the aura has been revived, ordinary people can live to be a hundred years old even if they do not practice.

But the biggest benefits of Reiki revival are young people, and the younger you are, the greater the benefits.

Even babies born after the revival of Reiki can be called new humans to some extent.

When Reiki was revived, most of the parents of those classmates were sixty or seventy years old, not only age, but also heart disease, without him, heart disease is difficult to treat.

The reason why Ye's father and mother are in good health is first, the revival of aura, and second, the careful care of Xu Qiong.

Some classmates and Ye Fan were mortal enemies, and a few died directly in his hands, but people died like lights out, and hatred had nothing to do with their families.

He also went to the homes of Liu Yunzhi, Wang Yan, and Li Changqing, and if he needed to take care of them, he would not stand idly by.

Most families have decent material living conditions, only a few have some difficulties, and what really bothers them is the scar in their hearts, especially in their old age.

But Ye Fan couldn't help with this, he had no way to resurrect those people, let alone bring back a few people who were still alive. All he could do was secretly put elixir into their diet, strengthen their bones, wash their flesh and blood, prolong their life, and then find a way to change their living conditions.

When he returned, he was ready to let Pombo, but he did not find Pombo.

When Ye Fan went to look for Zhang Wenchang's family, he had mixed feelings, and remembered that at the other end of the starry sky, Zhang Wenchang's sadness, a person in his twenties, who looked like an old man in his sixties or seventies, had poor qualifications, was often bullied by the same family, and was called a half-waste old man.

In the end, he was squeezed out to open a tavern to live, and he was woody all day, as if he had no soul, and he was bullied and endured silently.

"When I left, my wife was pregnant, our baby was about to be born, and when she needed me most, I disappeared and came here..."

His son was already in his twenties, and his son's eyes widened when he saw Ye Fan, and his face was full of incredulity: "I saw your photo in my father's relics!" My father...... He..."

"He's alive." Ye Fan let out a long sigh.

Ye Fan went to see Pang Bo's relatives again, because the relationship was already very good, Ye Fan said a lot to them, and Pang Bo was alive and well, and they were very happy.

What surprised Ye Fan was that Pang Bo's brother was very large in qi and blood, and his strength was no less than that of the four extremes, and he originally joined the Wu Tang.

In Pang Bo's brother, he learned a lot of things about the Wutang, which is an institution affiliated with Daqin, with many masters, and Ye Fan has come all the way, and he also knows that the earth is really a hidden dragon and crouching tiger now.

Not to mention the war weapons in outer space that can attack any part of the earth at any time, the legions of Daqin stationed on the earth alone can start a full-scale war in Beidou.

From what Ye Fan understood, this was an iron army that had always been extremely terrifying.

"Earth, it's changed so much... Daqin..."

In half a month, Ye Fan traveled all over the place, peeping into the leopard in the tube, and saw the great changes in the earth.


Not far away, Ye Fan saw a behemoth shaped like a transformer building building.

The hundred-meter-tall metal man slapped the foundation into the ground with a bang, and all kinds of building materials were nothing in their hands.


"Pass me..."

Between the broken fetal bones, Ye Fan let out a sigh, he turned into stars, corresponding to the stars in the sky, grabbed the star radiance, and forged the true self Dao body.

Far ahead, "Dao I Ye Fan" sees the Tao clearly, stands in the future, understands the truth of heaven and earth, understands the road of one's own body, sympathizes with heaven and man, and does not want to attract attention.

Nine young emperors attacked the front and strangled the future Dao, their means reached the sky, and after the first blow was empty, someone quickly performed a strange method, even if that person stood in the future, he could kill and injure.

As long as they can arrive, any opponents will have to be wiped out, no one can stop the nine young emperors, and there is no one to find.

In the future, Dao Ye Fan was also cut off, becoming a piece of nothingness, and there were only ancient stars left in the sky, one after another, one after another, one by one.

Ye Fan's true body is evolving, several ancient scriptures are fused in one furnace, he is transforming, incarnating his own Dao, nurturing a hundred scriptures in one, allowing ten thousand Daos in one, turning himself into a dragon bone, running through the mysteries of various scriptures, jumping out.

"Spirit, faith, and Tao, reborn, break out of shackles, and incarnate a Tao of my own."

He used heaven and earth as a furnace, and various scriptures as fire, calcined himself, burned this furnace red, sacrificed his body, and tempered his true self.

Flesh and blood into ancient stars, Dao bones into a river of stars, this is a strange change, even Ye Fan himself can not control, it seems to be real and illusory.

Looking carefully, it is still flesh and blood and white bones, and at a glance of the ancient stars, one after another, full of life, the initial qi machine that evolves all things.

"It's been three years, and I've finally cut the road."

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