No one would be stupid enough to say that Ye Fan pressed them with the realm, in terms of age, Ye Fan was the youngest among all Tianjiao, and he could suppress people with the realm, that was his ability.

Even if Ye Fan became a saint now, a quasi-emperor, and came to crush them again, there was nothing to say.

"If I try to kill you, you will not be able to escape, even if your people are there."

Ye Fan's body rolled around him, and his gaze swept over the three: "Now, who still wants to start with us." "

The three people of the Void Phoenix Dao did not come alone, each of them was followed by more than ten ancient races, and these ancient races were either half-saints or slashing kings.

If it was before the Yaochi Ten Thousand Races Grand Meeting, they would definitely have a saint or even a saint king-level protector to follow, but according to the rules of the ten thousand races, the saint could not appear in the world.

The saint cannot interfere with the fighting of the younger generation in this world, but it does not mean that he cannot watch the fight of Tianjiao.

In the distance, many older generations hid, hiding in mid-air to watch the battle, and seeing Ye Fan's defeat of the three ancient princes, they couldn't help but change their faces greatly.

This is simply devastation.

These three ancient princes were full of spirits and fierce to kill, and they were about to kill Ye Fan and the Holy Prince, but they did not expect to be destroyed by Ye Fan.

Every defeat means that their vigor, arrogance, and pride are severely trampled on, which means that the path of preaching is full of steps.

It's like a marathon, there is only one winner, and every defeat is like being pulled hard or pulled by someone, watching others continue to run.

There is only one Chaotic Emperor, who has lost hundreds of battles, but in the end he can reverse everything, defeat all his former opponents, and rise to the top.

Except for the Chaotic Ancient Emperor, all the Great Emperors, the Ancient Emperors, had at most a few defeats in their lifetimes, and even more so they had never been defeated.

"This holy body is too demon, worthy of the name, this is a demon who likes to rise later, he has much less time to embark on the path of cultivation than others, but he can go in front of many Tianjiao."

"With the Eucharist there, will the others have a day to emerge?"

"Not necessarily, walking in front of many Tianjiao also means becoming the target of everyone."

Huolin'er's face was complicated: "You really want to kill the Heavenly Prince, if you kill him, you will stab the sky." "

"What about breaking the sky?"


Ye Fan jumped up, and when he blasted an eight-part divine general with a punch, he moved his fist, unstoppable, and split a half-saint with one punch, and the pale bone pieces rushed in all directions, and blood flew out.

Ye Fan killed in all directions, and the broken arm and bones, blood and flesh were constantly splashed, and he was as brave as a killing god, rushing towards the Heavenly Prince.

The eight gods will not be afraid of death, rushing endlessly, forming a long wall, but it is difficult to stop Ye Fan, blood and flesh are flying ahead, he built a road with corpses, stepped into the sky, and many ancient clans lurked at his feet.

"Are you really going to slaughter the Heavenly Prince?" Someone among the spectators said.

"Maybe it can really succeed, but most of the time there will be a big storm, I better avoid it." Someone also said in a trembling voice.

"With my enemies, you will be in great trouble. Don't say that you can't kill me, even if you succeed, the Terrans may not be praised! "

The Heavenly Prince clenched the Immortal Heavenly Saber, his eyes were awe-inspiring, and he raised it high.

"I have made up my mind, I will kill you today, even if the world is an enemy, I will run amok for nine heavens and kill my own way!"

Ye Fan roared, and all the ancient clans in front of the earthquake trembled, and the bodies of many people directly exploded, turning into a cloud of blood mist.

The Holy Prince struck, and the black iron rod smashed down, once again causing all the bones of the Heavenly Prince to be broken, and all his internal organs were cracked, but his body was still not dispersed, and his divine light was radiant, and he healed quickly again.


Ye Fan blasted away an eight-part divine general with a punch, and the momentum was unabated, and the fist entered the chest of the Heavenly Prince, directly pinching his heart.

The Heavenly Prince was like a thunderbolt, but soon he grew a heart again, and in a mad frenzy, he swung his snowy long knife and slashed at Ye Fan.

The black iron rod smashed down, smashing the Heavenly Prince's arm, Ye Fan snatched the Xueliang long knife over, swung the Heavenly Saber and chopped down, the divine blood splashed, this time not only split his flesh body in half, but also cut it Yuanshen apart, but Yuanshen and his flesh were healing rapidly.


"You can't kill me!" He said in a trembling voice, full of reluctance and despair.

He is the son of the Immortal Emperor, how could he die here if he wanted to become the next Immortal Emperor!

The Holy Prince rotated the large black iron rod, pressing the mountains to tremble and the void trembling.

Seeing that he was about to draw on the cracked Yuan Shen, suddenly a hand stretched out from the void and flicked his fingers on the black iron rod.

It was like a feather, but as soon as it touched the big iron rod, the monkey was shocked and his face showed an incredible look.

"I will take him away, rest assured, since this phoenix cub of the Dilu Battle has already been defeated, he will not appear in front of you."

That hand caught the Heavenly Prince, and the voice sounded in the monkey and Ye Fan's minds, and then the Heavenly Prince disappeared.

Seeing that the monkey was about to destroy the spirit of the Heavenly Prince, and all the eight gods were about to desperately, the Heavenly Prince was rescued by an unknown existence, and for a while everyone looked at each other.

"Ahem, ahem..."

The monkey coughed violently a few times, his breathing gradually became smoother, but his face was very complicated: "It's okay, Ye Fan, it's okay if you don't stab this day, I don't want you to be affected too much by me, if you really kill the Heavenly Prince, I'm afraid you and I won't be at peace." "

"Nope." Ye Fan affirmed.

The Heavenly Prince has a backer, and he also has it, not necessarily weaker than the Heavenly Prince's backer.

"Could that person be an Immortal Emperor's subordinate?" Ye Fan asked.

The monkey shook his head and looked solemn: "No, if the Immortal Emperor is under him, he will not call the Emperor of Heaven a phoenix cub, this person is very terrifying, killing us is just a thought, and it healed my injuries in an instant." "


Ye Fan then found that his injuries had recovered.

"Do you know why they say that killing the Heavenly Prince is stabbing the sky?" Monkey Road.

"Isn't it the Eight Divine Generals?" The big black dog interjected.

The monkey shook his head: "There are as many gods under the Immortal Emperor as stars, and the most terrifying ones under his command are the eight god generals, but the eight god generals refer to eight people at the beginning, these eight god generals, each of them is an existence above the quasi-emperor, I can be sure that the eight god generals, there must be gods who will live to this day." "

Ye Fan was slightly surprised: "I lean, no wonder you want to say that you break the sky, if the eight gods are all alive, I am afraid that I will turn the world upside down with Tangtaijing." "

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