This is his tired decade, but also his harvest decade, witnessing one strong man after another, encountering thousands of secret arts, along the way, he left an undefeated myth and also stepped on the fourth step of Sendai.

The road is far away, at most it is just a small world on a dead star. And some races, which do not need life, can survive in silence, such as the remnants in the stone. The ten-year war, the baptism of blood and fire, made Ye Fan's heart as strong as iron and took his own path.

Decade after decade, the cold universe, the darkness is boundless, the lonely traveler tastes the loneliness in the silence, Ye Fan has broken through one star field after another, although it is dangerous, but Ye Fan is determined and unshakable.

In the blood and fire, Ye Fan fiercely tempered his piece of fine iron, and the prestige of the Holy Body was almost unknown on the ancient road.

At this time, Beidou, the previous generation of Tianjiao, and the demons almost all embarked on the starry sky ancient road.

The next generation of Tianjiao, demons also grew up, ten thousand races sang in unison, sages descended, and brilliant heroes rose and created legends.

A Sun Sacred Body from the Ziwei Star appeared in the sky, streaked like a comet, illuminating the earth, and there was news that this person was a descendant of the Sun Saint Queen, but this news has not been confirmed.

Ye Fan left, but his son grew up and continued his father's legend, because Ye Sifan's victory in every battle would remind people of the former Terran Holy Body, which was his son and the continuation of his glory.

Fallen leaves drift, grass and trees in autumn, fighting stars and stars, no matter how brilliant the aura will fade one day, it will be forgotten in the river of time.

Beidou entered the Warring States Period, with a continuous influx of sages and their disciples, entering a new golden age.

At this time, Ye Fan had already crossed the sixty levels of the Terran Ancient Road.

This year, Ye Fan was one hundred and ten years old, and he had been a Saint King for ten years.

It's just that although the Eucharist shines, it cannot stop the glory of many people.

Starry sky ancient road, the stars shone, stunned many people, even contemporary Tianjiao, except for a few people, few compared to this group of existences that seemed to pop out of the cracks in stones.

However, this group of wanton and shining beings seemed to be deliberately avoiding each other and never engaged in a single duel.

On this day, an earth-shattering wave caused an uproar, and everyone was in an uproar.

Eucharist and Overlord are about to fight!

Ye Fan's holy body has made a great prestige in the Starry Sky Ancient Road, and the Cangtian Overlord has also established an invincible prestige on the Starry Sky Ancient Road, these two people are among the few people whose demeanor is not inferior to that group of shining existences.

These two physiques have been old enemies since ancient times, and now they will continue the battle of their ancestors and fight the world.

Like the Eucharist, the Celestial Body does not come from a certain family, just like the Eucharist, a statue may be born in different castes after a period of time.

"Now, these Tianjiao no longer need Dao Protectors, they themselves are Dao Protectors."

"Yes, although the Holy Body has not yet achieved the Great Saint, it has already killed at least two Great Saints."

"The overlord also killed a great saint who attacked and killed him not long ago in full view."

"It's a pity that these two Tianjiao seem to be one step slower than that group of people."

"Some people suspect that this group of people is an organization, but I don't quite believe that there is any organization that can cultivate so many demon existences?"

"To say that it is an organization, there is a certain truth, this group of demons all worship the ancient emperor, the ancient emperor, the ancient zun, all in the name of the ancient emperor."

On the ancient road of the starry sky, there was a monkey iron rod that called himself the Battle Saint Emperor to kill the group of enemies, domineering, all the way to the rampage, stepping on the Great Saint Realm.

There are also white-clothed men who call themselves the Demon Emperor Xueyueqing, reaping their lives with a wave of their hands, and they have also not met their opponents all the way, and they have also stepped into the Great Saint Realm, killing more than one Great Sage.

There is also a young man who calls himself Lingbao Tianzun, when he was in the saint realm, he laid out the immortal sword array, killed five saint kings and four saints in a battle, and shocked the ancient road in a battle, not long ago, this person was also suspected of crossing the Great Saint Tribulation to step into the Great Saint Realm, and fought with a quasi-emperor, calmly left, although seriously injured, but also injured the quasi-emperor.

There are also handsome monks who call themselves Amitabha Buddha, bamboo canes and mango shoes, measure the ancient road of the starry sky, and do not hurt a single life, but all those who are enemies with him are transformed by him and become his disciples, and now he has hundreds of believers, and the saint king plus saint is a dozen, among which there is a great saint.

Taihuang, Chaogu, Jiuli, Shenzhou, Tianxuan, Gouchen, Fuxi, Nuwa, Primordial, Taiyin, Sun, one by one, the demon existence in the name of the ancient emperor and the ancient emperor, shocked everyone, each of them is invincible of the same rank, and killing enemies beyond the rank is like drinking water.

Contemporary Tianjiao, there are very few who can compete with them, and the vast majority of contemporary Tianjiao's light is very dim in front of this group of demon existences.

Holy Body, Overlord Body, Holy Prince, Di Tian, Great Demon God, Yin Tiande... These people can also be regarded as justifying the contemporary Tianjiao.

At this time, everyone's eyes fell on the matter of the battle between the Holy Body and the hegemonic body.

The ancient road is fiercely competitive, I don't know how many people have fallen and buried their bones, but who will look back and stop for them, leaving their eyes, a pile of white bones will not attract attention.

This is a blood-stained road, doomed to cruelty, accompanied by the loneliness of the strong, and finally only the glory of one person.

Over the years, people have long been accustomed to one person after another fighting for blood, only the battle between the Holy Body and the hegemonic body, so different, attracted the attention of the cities and gathered monstrous storms. This is a celebrity battle, worthy of the eyes of the strong of the entire Starry Sky Ancient Road!


The starry sky was boiling, and a unicorn beast rushed forward, this unicorn beast was covered in scales and crystalline, without a single flaw, powerful and trembling.

The overlord sat on the purple unicorn, holding a blood-colored spear, like a demon god from a region, and the whole person exuded monstrous power.

"Eucharist, I have come, come to receive death!"

The words exploded like thunder, and even the surrounding star fields were turbulent and trembling!

"The Overlord seems to have stepped into the Great Sage Realm!"

"The Holy Body is in danger, the hegemonic body is not inferior to the Holy Body, the overlord realm presses the holy body, and the overlord is also fighting beyond the steps like drinking water, and the Holy Body will be defeated in this battle."


A golden blood qi rushed up like a pillar supporting the sky, running through the starry sky of the universe, overwhelming the sky, surging, and the ten square starry sky collapsed.

Ye Fan appeared, fearless of everything, and the battle intent shook the galaxy.

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