
Ye Fanyuan's Great Array shattered a part, and the Chaotic Qi surged with the Emperor Fu, and there was no more terrifying fluctuation in the world.

Everyone retreated, and they did not chill.

Great emperor-level figures, their strength is unimaginable, no one in this world is their opponent, even if they die, the flesh left behind cannot be resisted. One corpse is enough to calm an immortal inheritance!

On weekdays, it can only be sealed with a coffin, because the emperor corpse represents death and destruction, and once it falls into the dust, it will be a terrible disaster.

In a sense, the emperor coffin is more terrifying than anything, it is uncontrollable, equivalent to a magic box, and opening it is equivalent to opening the "source" of blood and chaos.

But then everyone found that even if that aura was terrifying, it could only surge between square inches.

Finally, with a loud bang, a humanoid creature walked out of the coffin, and the emperor corpse appeared, wrapped in chaos and hazy.

There is no doubt that this is a majestic man, standing there, majestic.

"Father, it's me! Are you still alive? "

The expression of the Divine Silkworm Taoist priest was the most complicated, excited, sad, joyful, sad... Intertwined, he had determined that it was his father undoubtedly.

The battle suit of the Divine Silkworm Ridge on his body sounded, emitting a blazing immortal light, and it violently shook.

After the birth of the God Emperor, the dead qi was almost the same as that of the emperor, and his Origin Qi machine was permeated, which awakened the emperor weapon that accompanied him all his life and was in a deep sleep at this time!

It wakes up from its slumber, and instantly shines through the ages, like a lost child seeing its parents, constantly whispering, shaking violently.

The sound of the ringing was endless, and the Taikoo Emperor's battle clothes disintegrated, turned into pieces of armor, rushed towards the God Emperor, and constantly covered his body.

Every time a piece fell, the chaotic mist was dispersed, the nine-colored fairy clothes trembled, its sound was clear, the metallic luster was dazzling, and it fell like a sky.


Ying Zheng put the little moon down, slowly got up, the sound was like a morning bell and a drum, and the hazy aura around the God Emperor instantly dissipated, he seemed to be sleeping and being awakened.


The God Emperor sighed lightly: "Thank you Daoyou, the emperor is too rich, blinding the mind, and almost transformed into a great danger." "


The voice of the Divine Silkworm Daoist trembled: "You, are you still alive? "

The God Emperor said: "It seems that death is not dead, it seems that life is not alive, 100,000 years, deducing eleven changes, millions of years, falling into dead silence." "

The nine changes of the god silkworm, each change is a life, the god emperor cultivated to the tenth change to become the emperor, now it seems that he deduced the divine silkworm skill to the extreme, beyond the ultimate tenth change, and the state of the immortal emperor in the egg, is in the process of transforming into the red dust fairy.

However, it is clear that the transformation process of the God Emperor is much more dangerous.

"Then father, you now..."

The God Emperor looked at Ying Zheng: "I also want to thank Daoyou for calling me back from the dead silence, I have seen a corner of the future, see the Emperor of the Day, break the curse of the Holy Body not being able to become an emperor, achieve the Heavenly Emperor Fruit Position, calm the six forbidden areas, obtain the recognition of ten thousand races, the common respect of the universe, and the Heavenly Emperor of Ye." "

Ye Fan blinked, blushing a little: "The God Emperor is praised, I don't deserve such a big appreciation, such a great achievement, only my father deserves it." "

"Daoist friend is Emperor Ye Tian?" The God Emperor looked at Ye Fan.

"Ye Fan." Ye Fan nodded slightly.

The Divine Silkworm Daoist spoke, "Father, this is the First Emperor, the First Emperor of All Eternity. "

"The First Emperor of Eternity."

The God Emperor let out a sigh: "Daoist friends deserve it." "

He was very surprised in his heart, the Divine Silkworm Daoist called him the First Emperor of the Eternal Ages in front of him, that must not be a compliment, and he also looked at it unfathomably.

Huan Zheng smiled and said, "I wait for the eleventh change, the twelfth change, and the thirteenth change of the Taoist friend." "

The God Emperor was dumbfounded: "The eleventh change is so dangerous, and the twelfth change is far away." I also want to thank the two Taoist friends, who are still transforming and will continue to sleep. "

The body of the God Emperor slowly fell, surrounded by chaos, and sank into the coffin, and the stone rafters closed one by one, sealing it in it.


The nine-fold coffin is completely closed, tightly closed, like an ordinary stone, ancient and glow, plain and true, thrown in the loess dragon will not necessarily be noticed.

With a boom, the sarcophagus enlarged, nine colors rushed into the sky, and the tenth color burst out, it suddenly enlarged to thousands of feet long, and it continued to grow.

A ray of light burst out, not entering the eyebrows of the Divine Silkworm Daoist, vaguely like a burst of scriptures sounding, and there was a feeling after the Dao was broken.

Brush! Another burst of immortal light, beyond everyone's expectations, actually flew towards the shoulder of the Silkworm Princess and aimed at the golden little monkey.

The little monkey, who was not much taller than the slap, suddenly grinned, looked scared, nervously grabbed a lock of silkworm princess's hair, and retreated.

The sound that shocked people's souls came out, and at the moment when everyone did not react, the huge sarcophagus soared into the air, streaked out brilliant fairy light, tore the sky and entered the depths of the universe.

Huan Zheng grabbed the little monkey, looked at it, and said: "Whether the God Emperor can wake up in the future depends on him." "

"Look at him?"

The eyes of the Divine Silkworm Daoist suddenly turned, and the frightened little monkey broke free from Ying Zheng's hand, jumped on the shoulder of the Divine Silkworm Princess, pulled up his hair and hid in it.

Ying Zheng smiled gently, although the Heaven Covering World can practice, compared to many worlds, this and the crippled world are an era of the last law.

Similarly, in such a crippled era, the existence that can reach the peak is a talent and an existence with extremely amazing potential.

The vast majority of great emperors, ancient emperors, if they were not born in this crippled world, could go further, and this crippled world bound them.

And the most amazing and gorgeous existence can further become an immortal in a hundred feet.

There are only a few such existences from the mythical era to the present.

Emperor Venerable, Immortal Emperor, God Emperor, Beginningless Emperor Wins Yan Huan, Ruthless Emperor Wins Immortal, Ye Fan.

These most amazing and colorful existences all have their own means to transform into immortals.

But if you want to become a fairy in red dust, where is it so easy?

The immortal emperor became an egg, and for millions of years sneaked up on many great emperors, ancient emperors, watering eggs with emperor blood, some successful and some failed.

The reason why the Battle Saint Emperor overturned the dojo of the Undead Emperor was because he had been attacked by the Undead Daoist but was unsuccessful.

The angry Battle Saint Emperor has never given up looking for the Immortal Emperor, and if he is found, the Undead Emperor in the egg will have no resistance.

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