"Because you're all talents. Talents are scarce, not renewable, so you won't use the power of the legion, because then you will not be convinced, but I will convince you. "

Amitabha the Great clasped his hands together and whispered: "Amitabha Buddha, good and good, the first emperor is worthy of being the first emperor of all ages, and the domineering place can be seen." "

Ying Zheng said lightly: "Wheel war or siege, wait at will." "

"The First Emperor has the courage, I am far inferior, but I still want to try, how far is the gap between my strength and yours."

The Fighting Saint Emperor came out, his momentum climbed day by step, and in an instant, he had become the Fighting Saint Emperor who was the only one in the Taikoo Dynasty, his eyes were awe-inspiring, and he looked at the world! Standing there, holding a black divine iron, the avenue trembled.

Suddenly, a bright black iron rod rushed out from the head of the defeated Buddha, and his body suddenly swelled, and the golden giant ape that reached the Nine Heavens and stepped on the Nine Ghosts turned out.

The black gold iron rod fairy is bright, and there are billions of auspicious lights, shining with an eternal brilliance, and the extreme imperial power bursts out!

"It is worthy of being the Battle Saint Emperor who wants to transform the War Immortal."

Ye Fan looked at the Star River Battle Saint Emperor with his feet, slightly shocked.

The golden giant ape looked at Ying Zheng indifferently, his cold face flowing with business, and his eyes filled with war intent.

His battle against the Holy Emperor was fought, not blown out.

Even if he is facing the First Emperor!


The Battle Saint Emperor suddenly made a move, only to hear a loud noise like billions of stars exploding in unison, only to see the immortal iron rod in the hands of the golden giant ape that stretched hundreds of millions of miles suddenly pressed down.

Boom rumble!

Billions of acres of smoke and dust swept away, the galaxy violently exploded, and the void shook in unison, as if time and space were squeezed under his stick.

The Fighting Saint Emperor, who is well versed in the way of fighting battles, how terrifying the outbreak of power at this moment is, even when the emperors see the strength of this outbreak of the Fighting Saint Emperor, they are also slightly frightened, and the secret way wants to transform the war immortals, and it is really not blown.


The immortal gate shook slightly at this moment, as if it was touched by the power of the Battle Saint Emperor, and the entire star field was filled with the divine light that erupted on the immortal iron rod, and in an instant, countless stars burst and were directly shattered.

The quasi-emperors who were originally prepared outside the star domain, the great saints' faces turned pale, and they quickly retreated without saying a word, bursting out their own strength and protecting themselves, even if they were hundreds of millions of light years apart, the power that swept over was a mortal threat to them.

"Very good! Fighting Saint Emperor, you have made me interested in making a move. "

The voice of Ying Zheng is not so huge, but it suppresses all the sounds in heaven and earth, as if heaven and earth descend divine thunder, rumbling and loud, even the eardrums of the major emperors and ancient emperors stung, and there was a moment of confusion.

As soon as Ying Zheng's words fell, he stepped on half a step, but his whole figure seemed to suddenly fill the heavens and the earth, although his body shape did not change in the slightest, but in the eyes of everyone, his figure became even bigger than the giant ape that stepped on the starry river.

The immeasurable blood and qi mixed with this fist intent burst out, like a galaxy tide sweeping through, the terrifying unforged power swelled, erupted, like a storm, making everyone breathe.

This punch intention is too domineering! Too grand! It's too arrogant! Too domineering!

One punch out!

Heaven and earth are still, space, time, light, everything is solidified.

In the next instant, solidified space, time, light, everything exploded.


A roar like the end of the universe filled the entire star field, and one after another substantial ripples swept in all directions with a terrifying speed that destroyed everything in a brutal and incomparable posture.

That ripple was full of destructive power, and everywhere it went, even space was destroyed, turning into a state of chaos.

Ying Zheng's endless and domineering punch suddenly met the Battle Saint Emperor's Heavenly Raising Stick.


The vast and endless divine light is stirring horizontally, rushing up to the nine skies, going down to the town and ten places, and it is far-reaching.


The huge golden giant ape suddenly exploded.

He was directly blasted!

"Father! How come! "

The monkey's heart was shocked, and the whole person froze in place, his face was full of disbelief, his body shook slightly, his eyes were red, and he roared sadly.

The Battle Saint Emperor was actually blasted with a punch!

"This kind of strength is really terrifying!"

The Green Emperor's pupils shrank and he shouted in a lost voice.

"Fighting the Holy Emperor is just a matter of one move."

Many emperors and emperors couldn't help but be shocked, looking at the victorious government who stood with his fists and slowly converged his fist intent, muttering to himself.

Battle Saint Emperor!

The existence of the way of fighting, the emperors, no one in the emperor has the confidence to overwhelm this old monkey, and such a terrifying old monkey was punched.

"Ahem, ahem... What's it called, your Laozi is not dead yet..."

After a few breaths, the flesh and blood that were blasted converged and turned into an ordinary person who was tall and his breath was obviously decadent.

"Father! You! You! You're alive! "

The monkey's joyful heart is about to explode.

The Fighting Saint Emperor shook his head: "Thank you First Emperor for leaving me alive." "

Only when he faced Yingzheng knew that Yingzheng's punch was enough to kill him, but at the last moment, he left a hand and let him survive.

Huan Zheng laughed softly, "I want to subdue you, not kill you, I can't bear to let you die." "

The Fighting Saint Emperor smiled and said, "The strength of the First Emperor, I am convinced. "

For the old monkey with a violent personality and straightforward and fair, there is nothing that makes him more convinced than the strength to crush him, and Ying Zheng did not mean to insult him, but with the smell of Corporal Lixian.

If Ying Zheng wants to crush him with the meaning of insult, then he will not survive even if he fights to the death.

"Guys, let's shoot."

Ying Zheng looked at the emperors.

"Amitabha, the old monk only has a thick skin with all the Taoists."

Amitabha walked out with a peaceful face and holding a magic pestle.

"Hehe, I wonder if my axe can cut your head off if it cuts you?"

Emperor Jiuli brandished the huge axe in his hand, and his eyes roamed back and forth on Ying Zheng's head.

The Sun Saint Emperor had a slight apology on his face: "Daoist, although you have a favor with me, since I promised him, I have to make a move." "

The power of the twenty great emperors and ancient emperors was originally a force that could kill everything, but at this moment, this mighty force was hindered.


The vast breath swelled, and twenty imperial powers rushed up, and the entire universe creatures felt this coercion that was heavier than the sacred mountain, and their hearts were panicked, and they only felt that the end was coming.

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