In the face of Ying Zheng, they did not have the slightest resistance at all, even if they tried hard, there was no point.

Ying Zheng's face was calm, and he nodded slightly, and the shattered one-dimensional space immediately began to recover, and it was restored to three-dimensional space in an instant.

All the emperors looked at themselves and found that there was no collapse, they all breathed a sigh of relief.

Yuan Shi Tianzun opened his mouth and asked, "Your Majesty the First Emperor, dare to ask what magical power you used just now?" "

All the great emperors and ancient emperors looked sideways, this question, they also wanted to know.

Ying Zheng lightly clicked his finger: "This point is zero only, a singularity, it has no space, no matter, nothing, it is chaos." "

"Zero dimension is a point, and countless points superimposed together are one dimension, and countless jumpers superimposed together is a plane, that is, two dimensions."

"And countless planes superimposed together form the three-dimensional space of human life. The universal existence of the infinite universe is three-dimensional space. "

"And countless three-dimensional spaces make up four-dimensional space, and so on, to infinity."

"Most of the creatures in all the universe live in three-dimensional space and two-dimensional space, human beings can see the sky, can see the underground, can see the front and back, left and right, ants in two-dimensional space can see front and back, left and right, but for them there is no concept of up and down."

"Four-dimensional space, can contact time, immortality, see space as nothing, step by step, can be called a real immortal god. For this alone, matter has new properties, has a sense of time, time gives matter the concept of speed, and the moving substance is energy. "

"You, now all belong to the four creatures, in a certain period of time, you have all glimpsed the future or a certain piece of time and space in the past, and the distance is nothing to you, not to mention one step by a galaxy, even if one step and ten star rivers can be, but you can't live forever."

"But not being immortal belongs to this broken world, not to you."

Emperor Fuxi thought thoughtfully: "One-dimensional, two-dimensional, three-dimensional, four-only, the process of our cultivation is the process of ascending to the wei, and this explanation direction is more interesting." "

The Void Emperor nodded slightly: "That is to say, we were three-dimensional creatures at the beginning, but after preaching, we transformed into four-dimensional creatures. "

Ying Zheng looked at them the same, nodded slightly in his heart, where can preach stupid materials, Ying Zheng said such a little, they diverged four dimensions and thought a lot.

"Energy is matter in the fourth dimension, and energy is matter with the concept of speed."

"By analogy, the level of the universe is getting higher and higher, the endowments of matter and energy are becoming more and more complex, but their essence is the same, the lowest zero dimension is information, from zero dimension to one dimension, information is given the properties of space, from one dimension to two dimensions, information is more and more complex, shape, color, size and other concepts appear, from two dimensions to three dimensions, leaping one-dimensional space, because of the complexity of information, composition particles, forming matter."

"And five-dimensional creatures can already initially control time, immortality is only their basic attribute, and they can even glimpse the fragments they want to see through the river of time."

"The five creatures have a deeper and deeper control of time and space, can step on the river of time without being covered by the river of time, can shuttle through the river of time, the past and the future are everywhere, can cover all possible lines of time and space, and exist almost omnipotent in one universe."

"As for the six dimensions and seven dimensions behind, Xu can't explain it."

After listening to it, all the emperors realized something, and the explanation of Ying Zheng gave them a completely new explanation from a novel direction, which was very helpful for their path.

Xueyueqing listened silently and asked, "Your Majesty, are you already a five-dimensional creature?" "

Ying Zheng shook his head: "Xu is still a four-dimensional creature, and it is still far from the five-dimensional creature. "

Xue Yueqing's eyes showed strong expectations and hopes: "Does the true immortal belong to the five creatures?" Then if you become a five-only creature, you can step on the river of time without being covered by the river of time, and whether you can fish out a person who has died long ago from the past time and space. "

Ying Zheng pondered for a while: "True Immortals still belong to the four creatures, and Xu has not yet set foot in that realm, but it is speculated that it should be possible, as long as it can withstand the repercussions of the long river of time and space." "

Xueyueqing silently bent down and saluted: "Thank you Your Majesty the First Emperor." "

After preaching, he returned to the place agreed with her, and found that the confidant who had made the vow of the mountain alliance had long since disappeared, and in his long career, he had never given up looking for a way to resurrect her.

Unfortunately, even if King's Landing I is invincible in nine days and ten lands, he still cannot be resurrected.

So, he thought of Chengxian, perhaps, Chengxian could resurrect her.

But now it seems that Chengxian still can't resurrect her.

"I want to become the five creatures, go against the river of time and space, and resurrect you."

Xueyueqing silently swore in her heart, and couldn't help but feel grateful to Ying Zheng.

If it weren't for Yingzheng telling him a clear direction, he would be like a fly without a head.

The Emperor looked at the Immortal Gate: "His Majesty the First Emperor won't stop me from waiting for an immortal, right?" "

From the mythological era to the present, for tens of thousands of years, becoming an immortal has been the ultimate goal of the cultivators, and the emperor who has reached the pinnacle of the first life, the obsession of the ancient emperors is also to become an immortal.

Even if he is reborn, this obsession has not been eliminated, but has become heavier and heavier.

"Chengxian? You can't become an immortal when you enter the Immortal Domain, the Immortal Domain is already broken, but it still contains long biomass, which is enough for you to become an immortal. "

Ying Zheng told them truthfully.

In the crippled world, they can cultivate to the pinnacle of humanity, and all the great emperors absolutely have the posture of becoming immortals, and to reach the pinnacle of humanity within thousands of years and ten thousand years in the crippled world, such qualifications, understanding, and heart are all first-class against the sky.

Although they are all vulnerable in the hands of Ying Zheng, according to his calculations and the worlds that Daqin has explored or conquered, Shading the Sky is already a high-level world, which means that the Great Emperor realm is not a weak person in the heavens and realms.

The strength of the Great Emperor realm is placed in the vast majority of complete worlds, and they can live forever.

And in most of the complete higher worlds, being able to cultivate to a realm equivalent to the strength of the Great Emperor within thousands of years is definitely a demon.

This is why Yingzheng attaches more importance to them.

They have the qualifications to make the government take it seriously.

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