Before that, Cheng song song disliked Ji Jingcheng and said, "I said, it's not impossible for you to open, but, you beard, the reporter has read, and you will certainly write about your decadence at that time."

After listening to her, Ji Jingcheng reached out and touched his chin. Well, he felt uncomfortable. He didn't remember when he didn't shave.

He got up and went to the back drawer and took out the shaving razor. He was not used to the electric one, so he always used to use it manually.

There was no mirror in the office, so he went to the bathroom to shave. He saw the mirror which was broken by his fist. He was in a bad mood. But he still applied shaving foam to his face and shaved it in three times, five parts and two parts.

Cheng song song is satisfied with looking at him. As expected, he still has such a spirit. Naturally, he smoothes out the wrinkled place of his flat suit. He is satisfied and says, "now it's OK. Let's go out."

Ji Jingcheng looks at her, Cheng Songsong gives him firm eyes, and then goes out from the office to the first floor of the company. Liu Jie arranges a press conference.

With three tables and chairs ready, Ji Jingcheng is naturally the one sitting in the middle, and there are two positions where his two assistants sit. Liu Jie pushes aside the gossip reporters swarming on.

There are also several security guards. Ji Jingcheng and Cheng song song barely squeeze into their seats. In this kind of weather, it is impossible to feel the heat. The hall is full of people, surrounded by water, and the heat rises suddenly.

There are other reporters on the trail. The security guards have stopped them outside. With so many people, Ji Jingcheng can't cope with them.

Then they began to ask questions. One by one, they opened their mouths and began to ask. Ji Jingcheng didn't have time to reply one by one. Of course, he would avoid sensitive questions.

Ling Yu can't squeeze in either. The reporters are so crazy that their hair styles are in disorder. She loves delicacy so much that she can't bear to rub shoulders with these common people.

Can only see from a distance, see Cheng song song song sitting beside him, really want to tear her down now, she also deserve to sit beside him, really good gas.

"Friends of the press, I have made it very clear. As for the person named Sujin, please help me with human flesh search. When the time comes, all the truth will come out. Now I just want to clarify. My company and I have never used the patent without the consent of the patentee. This is not the case. Please go to the reporters present My friends, don't Scribble

Ji Jingcheng said this paragraph with a smile. The reporter was full of gossip and said, "really? But Su Jin himself came out to criticize the professional ethics of Jishi group on the Internet..."

The journalists were skeptical.

Cheng song song thought it was almost done, so he said, "OK, we have finished what the president should say." Then he covered his mouth and said, "let's go, so that they don't gossip any more."

She refers to her own ah, Cheng song song has been staying around Ji Jingcheng, and the reporter has not seen Ji Jingcheng's fiancee. She must be speculating about something, but can't get hold of it.

Ji Jingcheng and Cheng song song song were escorted to the elevator by Liu Jie and other security personnel. The reporter went to the elevator door, but in the end, Ji Jingcheng simply did not answer them one more question.

When the elevator closed the door, Cheng Songsong's heart was relieved. He quickly touched his chest and murmured, "let's have a press conference. It's not easy."

"It's good to get used to it. By the way, it's uncomfortable with so many lights just now?" Ji Jingcheng has been used to it for a long time. To be exact, he is a child who grew up under the light. He can't do many childish things. His position is only suitable for doing big things. He has no interesting childhood and friends.

"Well, not too bad. I'll get used to it later." She is now one of his right and left hands, and should adapt to these. Even if she works outside, there are inevitably reporters around.

Ji Jing City does not want to make her uncomfortable, "if you can't stand it, you can not come out with me in the future." He is just heartache. How can he feel that she has suffered with himself recently.

"I'm still your employee in the company, and the president should treat me equally. You don't want to recruit any trivia news." Cheng, song and song had a slightly witty saying.

Full score for sense of humor!

Ji Jingcheng would like to have a terrible affair with her, and even more wanted to be tied with her, "you can say, did you learn a lot from me? Now do you want to teach apprentices and starve to death master?"

Ji Jingcheng severely scraped the bridge of her nose. This is what Ji Jingcheng likes to do to her. Cheng song song feels that his nose is going to collapse, and he says: "if you press again, it will collapse."

Cheng song and song pinched his nose painfully, as if he was disgusted with the appearance that he was not tall. Ji Jingcheng looked at her funny action and said, "it's pretty good now. It's really ugly if you grow higher."

Cheng song song is still happy, at least he is still in the mood to say that he is beautiful, so he won't care about him.

"Ding", the elevator door opened, Lu Yijie pestered outside, tut tut Tut, and was fed a handful of dog food, Lu Yijie reached out and abducted Ji Jingcheng.Cheng song and song shook their hands with a smile, and suddenly felt that they were really naive.

"You know, that Sujin is not really called Sujin." Lu Yijie turned him to his office, pushed him to sit on his office chair and played with the pendulum.

Ji Jingcheng was surprised, "what, his name is not Su Jin? What's his name How can there be news? Then this matter can be solved soon?

Lu Yijie got up and pulled him to the sofa over there. He sat down quietly and said, "listen to me slowly..." He said with both hands.

Su Jin is neither Su nor Jin. His real name is you Hai. He is the grandson of the son of the biological brother of you Guocheng's parents. He is about the same age as Ji Jingcheng, but a few years older than him. He looks younger than her.

Lu Yijie also has his real photos. He also said that this patent is his, but he sold it to you Guocheng a month ago. Now you Guocheng only gives it back to him on the surface, and there has been a deal in private.

He also found out a more amazing news, you Guocheng and Xu Hong are working together to deal with Ji Jingcheng. There is a pit in the department store over there.

The name is loud and good to say. In fact, on the one hand, you Guocheng asked them to act in front of Ji Jingcheng. On the other hand, they were Xu Hong's people. They only reported more accurate information to Xu Hong, and you Guocheng only played a pretext.

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