Cheng song song frowned, the voice, not familiar but not completely unfamiliar, she was wary of asking a, "Er, that, here is very noisy, who are you?"

"I'm Xu Hong."

As soon as he heard that he was Xu Hong, Cheng song song was about to lose his chin. How could Xu Hong call himself?

"I said you were a liar. How could Mr. Xu call me?"

Xu Hong, who is not familiar with Ji Jingcheng, has much to do with himself. Therefore, Cheng song song decided that he was a liar in his heart, making him look straight as if he had been cheated.

"I really didn't cheat you. I'm really Xu Hong." Xu Hong face helpless, he said so clearly, think he cheater, what does she mean?

It gives people a bad feeling. Sometimes it's not good to be vigilant. Just like now, people you know can't hear it.

At this time, there is still a chirping voice in her ears, and she can't hear it clearly all the time. She wants to know whether she is too nervous. What if it is really Mr. Xu?

She decided to find a quieter place and went to the underground garage.

"It's quiet now, say it." Cheng song song specially added you.

Xu Hong coughed his throat and said, "I'm really Xu Hong. Can I ask Miss Cheng to come out and see you?" Now you can hear his voice clearly.

Cheng song spit out his tongue, sorry to say, "sorry, ah, just too noisy, misunderstanding Xu is always a liar."

"But, Mr. Xu, can I help you Can you say it on the phone? " She didn't really want to see him alone, because it was a little strange that she went to see him in this way, both in status and status.

"I can't tell you on the phone. I saw you about your father." Xu Hong thought that once she said her father, she would promise to come to see her. After all, his father has not gone to see her, and he doesn't know where he is. It's just a cover.

Cheng song song was really more excited, "what, you mean, my father, does Mr. Xu know my father? Where is my father now?" Cheng song song realized that when he heard so little news about his father, he would be so excited.

He said that he didn't want to see him. He didn't want to know that it must be fake. Although they all left him behind, he was still his father. He should know whether he was alive now, what his name was, where he was now, and a series of questions.

"It's all said. It's not clear on the phone. Let's meet and talk, OK?" Xu Hong gradually guides her.

Cheng song song didn't have to think about it, so he agreed. After making an appointment, Xu Hong made a gesture of "OK" to the person opposite him, and she drove there now.

When she was about to get off the bus, she patted her forehead, "no, Han Yi is still there. No, give her a call." So she operated the car with one hand, took out her mobile phone and dialed her number.

I hope she won't be angry with herself. As soon as Cheng song song had no time to say it, she said, "it must be the president who asked for you again. OK, OK. I know. I can do it by myself."

Well, no need to find their own reasons, "well, I'm busy, next time I'll invite you to eat delicious food, OK?" That's an apology.

"That's necessary!" Han Yi happily carried her dog and then hung up. She was really busy. It seems that promotion is not a good thing.

Han Yi thought that if she was like this, the president would call her all the time. If she wanted to be on call, she might as well die. It would be like an emergency.

She coaxed her dog and said, "my aunt doesn't want you. My mother wants you. Be good." Aunt, refers to Cheng song song, was she know should be very happy, when did he jump out of a nephew?

Cheng song song seizes the time, for fear of slowing down for a second, her father disappears and disappears, "I, I'm coming." Out of breath, she pushed the door open, and without raising her head, she was panting against the doorframe.

"So soon? Then come and sit down. " Xu Hong said earnestly, patting the chair beside him. Cheng song song bowed his head and said, "OK."

Then she raised her head. Well, she was dazzled. In addition to Xu Hong, there was another one you Guocheng, and then there was no one else. She looked around, and there were only them. Didn't she say that her father had come?

Did she have a terrible thought that you Guocheng would not be her father, so you Shaoxi would not be her elder brother? Oh, my God. She's so bloody. What do you think? It's impossible.

"Mr. Xu, Mr. you, where is my father?" Cheng song song just stood, did not sit down, feeling that they were playing the same.

She thought too much, and she didn't know whether she was dead or not. Well, if she recognized him again, if he gave him a gambler in two or three days, he would not be bankrupt.

Xu Hong pulled his lips. "How do I know where your father is?" Naturally, he knew whose daughter she was. Was Huang Jinling strange to herself? Had it not been for the ferocity of her own tiger, she would have followed her."What, you don't know where my father is, so why did you ask me to meet you? No, it's not you, it's you. " Cheng song song looked at you Guocheng over there. What did they see? They didn't have anything. She was upset. How could she be so stupid and be cheated by both of them.

Xu Hong stood up and said, "what's so urgent? We have something to look for you, or we won't bother to ask you out."

Then he said, "Miss Cheng has been running all the way. First sit down and have a drink. Let's have a rest. Let's talk about it." Originally wanted to press her to sit down by himself, Cheng song and song immediately sat down by himself.

She was not greedy at this time. She drank more than half of the water, but they didn't speak. Therefore, her voice of drinking water was clearly audible and "gurgling".

She was embarrassed, but still did not see a smile, her face, should hang a smile to look good, "say, what can find on me?"

"You must know what our company looks like now." Compared with Xu Hong, you Guocheng's tone is very impolite.

Xu Hong looked at him and worried about what to do. When he was afraid of being scared away, he could talk about it. However, when he was scared away, he had to talk about it. If he refused, he had to talk about it. Who was she? Why should he give her face.

Cheng song song incomparably calm, "know, then how, business has advantages and disadvantages, who can say exactly." Facing these two big men, she also dares to speak.

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