However, the good times are not long, and the coming week will not be an unexpected hardship.

Ji Yurou looks at herself with different eyes. The disdainful look in her eyes makes Cheng song song uncomfortable. She walks past Ji Yurou without any words.

Ji Yurou thinks about it. Recently, the ugly woman Cheng song song always goes out early and comes back late. She must do something improper. She wants to find out and make herself happy.

Today should be the most carefree day that Cheng song song spent in Ji's family. He not only made money, but also worked easily. He also met a new friend. Without the scolding and scolding from Ji Mu and Ji Mu, he was in a happy mood.

I also opened my mobile phone to share my present mood with "Gaoshan Shaolin Temple".

"You know, I got a job and got to know..." Cheng song song and song Jinjin have a taste, and wish to let the world know, because she has never had this feeling, excited.

From the other end of the dialog box came, "OK, don't get too excited. There are so many things to do in the future." Cheng song song saw that there was a warm current, warm, inexplicable feeling. It was a very ordinary sentence, but it brought a different feeling.

At this time, the man named "Gaoshan Shaolin Temple" was sitting on a low chair, surrounded by dark paint. He could not see his handsome side face. Only the light on his mobile phone illuminated the slightly raised lips.

They said good night to each other, and Cheng song and song Meizizi fell asleep.

It's been a wonderful day.


"Meng ran, Meng ran, wake up, what's wrong with you, Meng ran." Cheng song song exclaimed in horror, and tears filled his eyes. The man named Meng Ran is lying in the xuepo.

Cheng song song carefully held the back of Ji mengran's head. He was terrified and said, "Meng ran, don't, don't leave me." Excitedly shook the body of Ji mengran, trying to make him wake up from his own call.

Cheng, song and song roared hysterically, "Hua Hua Hua" and tears gushed out

"Don't..." Cheng song song cried out and jumped up from the bed. His hair was disordered and his sweat was big. He was stunned. It was a dream.

Cheng, song and song pinched themselves. It was no doubt that they had a dream, and then they breathed a breath.

It may be because of his inner guilt that he dreamt of Ji mengran, hoping that Ji mengran could wake up one day earlier, so that Cheng, song and Song dynasties would not feel so guilty.

In the process of work, he has been in a sluggish state. In his mind, the scene of Ji mengran lying in xueboli is constantly emerging, like a nightmare swallowing Cheng song song song.

"Song and song, song and song? Are you all right? " Han Yi called in a low voice and waved her hand in front of Cheng song song, trying to make Cheng song song pay attention to her.

Cheng song swallowed his saliva and shivered. A blank face asked, "what's wrong with me?"

Han Yi eyes in the light, pointed to, "that beautiful sister over there looking for you." Cheng song song along the direction of the finger, there is a girl with a back on her back, but this is the company, and there are people who know her this insignificant person?

Han Yi, who has just come to the company, doesn't know any big names. Ji Yurou naturally doesn't know about it, and has never known him.

Cheng song song didn't think much about it, so he walked over.

The woman, sitting gracefully on the high chair in front of the coffee machine, gently holding the spoon with her thumb and index finger in the coffee cup, as if she was thinking of something, and her lady's temperament was obvious.

"Yurou, what are you doing here?" Cheng song song feels a bit surprised and wrong. Why is Ji Yurou here? How can he know he is here? You're not going to get yourself into trouble again.

Ji Yurou evil charm of the pulling lips, knowing why to ask, "do you say?" With a terrifying insidiousness that people can't detect, in Cheng song song song's eyes, she is about to eat herself. Ji Yurou's eyes are full of murderous spirit.

Cheng, song and song knew that the existence of seasonal rain was not good.

However, Cheng song song didn't want to have a conflict with her in the company, and she was also a company of Ji Jingcheng. If Ji Jingcheng knew about it, maybe He must have done something according to his temper.

If you want to meet with yourself, you can make an appointment outside. Why do you have to find the company and feel uneasy.

Cheng song song pretended not to know her intention and calmly said, "I don't understand what you are talking about?" I wish I could find a crack right away. The misunderstanding is deeper.

Ji Yurou slightly hook lip sneer, and then youyou picked up the coffee and sipped it gently. Maybe because of the hot, she immediately put down the coffee cup.

If you think about it, Cheng song song and I pretended to be humble and lofty. If you don't think about who I am, she is so innocent, just like I bullied her. I will make you down. What else can you do.

Ji Yurou specially touched Cheng song song's arm with a coffee cup. The hot coffee poured on Cheng song song's arm. "Brush brush brush" was red and swollen, and it was painful.

"Hiss, you..." Cheng song song held back the pain and held back the way.

Ji Yurou pretended to be very sorry and said in a coquettish voice, "Oh, I didn't mean to do that. Song song, are you ok?" He also pretended to be surprised and covered his mouth with his hand, showing a hypocritical concern.Also a strong concern for the Cheng song song, breathing attracted a group of people around.

"Isn't this president Ji's sister?"

"How can I be on an equal footing with this song song song in the company?"

"It seems that they have a good relationship."


Ji Yurou felt the opportunity to come, compact eyebrows, and begged bitterly, "song song song, I know you don't like me very much, but I didn't mean to. Don't be angry, OK?" He shook Cheng song song's shoulder with both hands.

There was a lot of noise outside the cafe.

"Miss Ji, the grand lady of the family Ji, will actually plead for perfection."

"It seems that the song and Song dynasties have a long history."

"How dare you hate Miss Ji?"


Cheng song song looks innocent, innocent is his own good, clearly is Ji Yurou's own intention, but also hypocritical, this is doing things?

"I..." Cheng song song just wanted to explain, and Ji Yurou then added, "song song, you won't blame me, right?" Are you expecting Cheng song song to say "it doesn't matter"?

There's no chance to explain it to yourself, OK? It's a dilemma. So many people are looking at it. If you don't say it well, how can you get along in the company in the future? If you behave stingy, you'll get a bad eye in the company, OK?

It's the fault of Ji Yurou, and she has to forgive her humbly. She still has to live a day without letting herself go.

"Yes..." Cheng song song wanted to say "I'm sorry" and it was over. It turned out to be a trivial matter. Who knows, Ji Yurou again set up a pile. Then he poured the cold coffee on himself.

In order to frame up Cheng song song song for treating himself like this, it seems that Ji Yu Rou tie wants Cheng song song to be unbearable.

Angry way, "Cheng song song, I am not careful, you don't need to revenge me now." Suddenly stood up, threw Cheng song song a big slap in the face, as if nothing had happened, wipe his coffee with a paper towel.

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