Cheng, song and song, with his head on his side, was worried about something.

How much suffering do you have? Since I came to the Ji family, it has not been a good day. Being played around by the Ji family's mother and daughter, saying that they came to atone for their sins, is actually living suffering.

Had it not been for Ji mengran and Ji mengran, Cheng song song needed to elope, there would have been no traffic accident later, and Cheng song song would not have lived in such a mess.

In addition, Ji Yurou finds a job today, embarrasses herself and is run by her colleagues. She can only blame Cheng song song for her bad luck.

After a day's tiredness, sleepiness is attacking Cheng song song's tired body

"Get up, get up..." A wake-up call, the original is their own recorded alarm ring - it's time to get up.

In order to avoid meeting Ji's mother and daughter, Cheng song song always got up a few minutes ahead of them.

With a steamed bun in one hand and a glass of milk in the other hand, like beating chicken blood, I went to work in a hurry.

"Good morning, everyone." Cheng song song meets colleagues in the same department on the elevator of the company and greets them warmly.

Unexpectedly, they all disdained to look at Cheng song song. They refused to look at him from thousands of miles away. The atmosphere suddenly became embarrassed. Cheng song song did not take it seriously and pursed his lips.

"The season is always early." Everyone was surprised that he could still meet Mr. Ji on the public elevator. He had his private elevator.

Ji Jing City a pair of chilly look, disdain way, "everybody early." He also secretly glanced at Cheng song song, who was in an awkward atmosphere.

Did not expect such a coincidence, met with Ji Jing City, Cheng song song useless to avoid the eyes.

Cheng song song also expected that there would be such a situation, which was excluded by everyone, but she could not just stop going to work. She had to pay her debts and work hard. Her mother was still waiting for her to support herself.

After finishing last night's work, Cheng song song really had nothing to do. He sat quietly on the work chair with his chin on one hand, and looked at those people who worked hard with their heads down from time to time.

"Well, Cheng song song, I think you are quite free. Can you make me a cup of coffee?" A very temperament of big sister gentle way, a eye-catching big red lips, at first glance, a little seeping, holding the cup like a smile.

Cheng song song had no reason to refuse. He picked up his lips and took the cup.

"And also, two teaspoons of soup, latte, thank you." Pointing to the paper Cheng song song.

With so many requests, Cheng song song turned back and made a gesture of OK.

Come to the coffee shop, this bag, string of English, fortunately Cheng song song spent a lot of books, but also can cope with it, otherwise it will be embarrassing.

In the twinkling of an eye, it was lunch time again. Cheng song song didn't have to go back to see Ji's mother and daughter's faces. They were ready to eat downstairs.

Just about to go, he was stopped. "Cheng song song, can you help me buy some takeout? I heard that the store has just opened, and the food should be good. It's not convenient for me to go there, so... " A female colleague covered her stomach and pretended to have a dull pain. She said it with milk.

Cheng song song was really helpless. The company's food would not poison people. However, compared with the delicious food that was coveted outside, the working meal was not so delicious, but it could also feed people.

It's not healthy to waste money to buy. Young people's mouth is picky.

Cheng song song didn't want to run errands for her, just wanted to gently refuse, "I..."

The result was immediately interrupted, "I knew you would help me. Go to the store first and I'll send you the list on the way." Said to Cheng song song song with money in his hand and pushed away.

Cheng song song was in a dilemma and didn't eat himself.

"A copy from the boss A copy of Two And... " Cheng song song ordered a few minutes, a long list, how to take it back, so far away.

Cheng song song asked for a cup of boiled water and sat on the side waiting.

"Puff" is not such a coincidence. Unexpectedly, he met Ji Jingcheng in this restaurant. Cheng song song immediately took a newspaper to cover his face and secretly explored Ji Jingcheng. He wondered how he could have eaten alone without forgetting to take his laptop. It was not like eating like a meal.

"God forbid, don't see me, don't see me..." Cheng song song murmured in a low voice.

Unexpectedly, Ji Jingcheng is preparing to come over to settle the account. Bad.

"Miss, your things are ready." The boss intimately said, Cheng song song reacted, took out the money, and turned through the wallet, just as if it didn't fit into the wallet. Where would it be.

Cheng song song's anxious little face flushed, stiff smile way, "boss, you wait a minute." Then he turned over his bag and looked for a circle all over his body, but he still didn't see the figure of those bills.

"Boss, swipe the card, with her." This cold and arrogant tone

This, this, this Ji Jingcheng! After swiping the card, he turned around and left without a sound.

Cheng song song was embarrassed to smile at the boss. He took the food and kept up with the long legs of Ji Jingcheng. Because the takeout was too heavy, Cheng song song didn't want it, panting and sweating.After walking dozens of steps, he stopped and called out, "Ji Jing Cheng." Ji Jingcheng turned around and looked at the embarrassed Cheng song song song. The little one ate so much by himself?

"Ji Jingcheng, I will pay you back." Cheng song song lowered his head to wipe the sweat on his forehead and gasped.

When Cheng song song raised his head, Ji Jingcheng had already driven away. Cheng song song song was a bit at a loss. He helped people to the end and sent the Buddha to the West. Why didn't he just give himself a ride.

I waved my hand and took a taxi. In such a big sun, I still insisted on walking. The company has been out of strength for a long time. It's better to spend a few ten yuan on a big car for sunstroke every minute.

"Cheng song song, how can you come back? Everyone is waiting for you." Complaints from colleagues, so hard to go to buy good, but also complain, Cheng song song a grievance.

The one who died of starvation and reincarnation ran over and took the takeout. It didn't agree with each other. Thank you. It was hard work.

Cheng song song was embarrassed and forced to smile. Finally, he was able to put down his heavy takeout. His wrists were red.

They were eating hot food there, but Cheng song song was drinking boiled water and eating dry bread. Watching them eat, they were really unwilling and not worth it.

This was seen by Ji Jingcheng outside the door. He left the document in the office and ran back to get it. Then there was such a scene that he was wrong about Cheng song song.

Looking at Cheng song song chewing bread and drinking boiled water, I feel a little uncomfortable, which will be malnutrition.

Dial the phone, light step, no one found to leave.

It's another exciting afternoon, because I can go home after the afternoon shift. Today, the president said that he didn't have to work at night. He was excited.

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