Ji mengran cleaned up his mood and came out as if nothing had happened. Ji Jingcheng and Cheng song song were still affectionate on the sofa, conveying a strong love.

Cheng song song saw Ji mengran coming, immediately pulled his clothes, got serious, stroked the disordered silk hair with his hands, and coughed twice to remind Ji Jingcheng.

Ji Jingcheng knows that Meng ran must have come out. He doesn't want to make fun of him. Otherwise, he will be angry. He doesn't want to destroy his emotions. He wants him to get better soon, so that Cheng song song doesn't have to stay with him with guilt.

She told herself that she was willing to stay with him only because she felt guilty about him. Ji Jingcheng also knew that it was the accident that caused her, and she could not stop her choice. She had to maintain her present state and have to restrain her feelings.

"Well, get used to it." Cheng song song asked, otherwise he would fall into a stiff situation of silence.

Ji mengran replied with a smile. He was not in a bad mood at all. He forced his face to smile and even felt sad, "well, it's still the same."

If only you were the same as before

Ji mengran didn't communicate with Ji Jingcheng. He could only rely on Cheng song song song to help them. Without a few words, Ji Mu came out. "By the way, Meng ran, where is the doctor you saw? I'll go with you tomorrow."

Ji Yurou has her own style. She doesn't forget to play her favorite music when she drives. When she sees Qiao Yanxin beside her, she can't help acting badly.

"Oh, by the way, I forgot that radishes and vegetables have their own tastes. Yan Xin doesn't seem to like this kind of music very much." Ji Yurou said, a face of regret, reached out, want to turn off.

Qiao Yanxin grabbed her hand and told her not to use it. She didn't mind. In the hot weather, she pressed the air conditioner and adjusted it to a slightly higher degree. Then she opened her own window and began to make trouble for Qiao Yanxin.

Moreover, the driving speed is still slow. Qiao Yanxin suspects that she is on purpose. After a while, Qiao Yanxin sweats out and her makeup is about to fall off. She really wants to cry.

She loosened her skirt and swallowed her saliva. She said to Ji Yurou, "can you open some windows? It's a little stuffy. "

I knew that she would say, "hot?"

She had her own window open. Of course, she was not hot. Qiao Yanxin almost didn't control her mouth and scolded her.

Ji Yurou pushed the button to open the window, but said, "Oh, the button is broken, the window can't roll down. Yan Xin, you wait a moment, I'll take you home soon."

"Well, all right." Qiao Yanxin only reluctantly agreed. She really wanted to get out of the car. She didn't want to. When she got on the bus, she said that her driving skills were not very good. Don't mind her driving slowly.

At this speed, the drivers behind all want to whistle to curse people. Qiao Yanxin doesn't know what's wrong with Yurou this season. Is this abnormal? Is she provoked?

It's really speechless. It's a 15 minute drive. It took me twice to send myself home. I didn't know what I said to myself all the way.

Just before leaving, she said something to say to herself. She shouldn't be allowed to drive. She's hot all the way. Now I have to smile and say to her, "well, go back first, drive carefully on the road, bye bye -"

I always want her to shake her hands, and Ji Yurou said with a high expression, "well, OK, you can go in quickly, goodbye." Only when they started their own cars, they ran away.

Left Qiao Yanxin, inhaled a burst of exhaust gas, can choke her, "cough cough".

"Well, I'll take a bath first. I'll talk about the doctor tomorrow." Ji mengran said, he went to the direction of the bathroom, Ji mother to help him.

I'm afraid he'll be stabbed by something hard. No way. In case, I have to ask the servants to put away the hard things tomorrow. Ji Mu nodded as she thought.

It's not that there is no servant, and there are song and Song dynasties. Ji mengran doesn't want his mother to help him, but he is happy to see her helping himself. That's it.

After seeing Cheng song song song, he walked in. He was full of loss. He couldn't feel his mood now. He was very depressed.

Ji Jingcheng also told Cheng song song to go to bed early, "well, well, you should go to bed early, good night." Cheng song song said good night to him and went to his room.

Ji mengran just heard them say good night to each other, so he suddenly got up and strode forward. Ji's mother felt that he had recovered well, and now he could walk on his own.

Thanks to song song, thank you for taking care of my son. I hope you don't make him unhappy, or he will be affected more or less.

Now Cheng song song is Ji mengran's most useful medicine. Ji's mother has to treat her well. The two sons' palms and backs are all meat.

But after all, Ji mengran now has a leg injury, wait for him, they and Cheng song song matter, again, in the future there will be some trouble.

Ji Yurou hums the tune and happily comes back with her car key. Ji Jingcheng is so happy to see her. What happy thing happened?Or what did Qiao Yanxin say to her? "Why, so happy, by the way, Yan Xin, did you send her back safely?" Why does Ji Yurou feel that what she hears from her brother's mouth is concerned about Qiao Yanxin? His own wife is back, do not go to accompany, still have time to ask Qiao Yanxin here?

"Oh, brother, don't you believe my driving skills? By the way, if you don't accompany song song song, are you stupid? She's back to live now, and you're going to leave her alone

Cheng song song is not the real wife of his elder brother. Although he said that the wedding did not go smoothly, he was still half a wife.

"Really, young man, what's in your head? Don't read those useless books Jijing City mercilessly stabbed the head of Ji Yurou.

Ji Yurou giggled, "hee hee, big brother, it's good that you understand. I can't control your affairs. I won't talk to you. Ha, I'm so sleepy. I'll go to bed first, and you'll go to bed earlier."

She stretched, hit a wave, patted Ji Jingcheng on the shoulder, as if to remind.

Ji Jingcheng almost didn't beat her. She learned something. Her brain is in a mess every day. I don't know if she's grown up or how.

But I shook my head.

Shua Shua Shua, Ji mengran is taking a cold bath. On such a hot day, it is a good choice to take a cold bath, but it will still cause a cold. With his legs now, it is not good to take a cold bath.

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