Ji mengran feels that there is something wrong with his room, but he can't tell what's wrong. It's just a feeling, isn't it

He went to the safe again and found that there was nothing abnormal. It was normal. There was no one, but it was full of human breath. He was very suspicious.

After carefully looking at every corner of his room, he found that there was no one, so he put down his mind and thought more.

Cheng song song was really dying inside. She didn't know that her face was red, her forehead and palms were all sweaty. She raised her hand carefully and wiped the sweat on her forehead.

Hearing the sound outside, it was the sound of leather shoes. Cheng song song guessed that it was Ji mengran. Why did he come back suddenly? What kind of surveillance is in this room?

Found that someone came in, and then through what instrument, give Ji mengran "small report"?

But can't ah, if so, then from the season Meng ran the first step into the room, he will be the first time, found out this hidden in the closet of their own.

Caught off guard, she fell off a piece of comfortable clothes, which interrupted her suspicions. Cheng song song didn't know what it was. It was dark, and there was no light at all. Only in this way did he make sure that he had closed the door.

People outside will never find themselves.

She took it to her nose and sniffed it. It was the smell of a man, which Cheng song song could not forget. Because of Ji Jingcheng, she knew very well that she almost didn't expose herself because of this dirty thing.

Cheng song song feels thrown aside. It's disgusting. Although this wardrobe is a good choice, it's really boring. She's sweating all the time.

You can't gasp because the oxygen in the closet will be consumed soon. At that time, if you can't help exposing yourself, you will be suffocated alive.

Ji mengran ready to take something to go, suddenly saw the wardrobe there, exposed the corner of his clothes inside, how to return a responsibility?

He became suspicious again. Cheng song song thought that he could go out as long as he held on and waited for the man outside to leave. But the man outside didn't seem to want to let him go so soon.

Listening to the sound of the leather shoes, he was getting closer and closer to himself. Cheng song song immediately judged that this man was Ji mengran. His footstep sound was so light and heavy.

It's because of the wound. It looks normal. But if you listen carefully to the sound of the footsteps, you can still hear the clue. Oh, it's Ji mengran.

Is he going to open the closet? No, Cheng Songsong prayed in his heart that he would not open the wardrobe, or he would be found.

When will I be so anxious that I don't even tidy up the wardrobe? It's impossible. I love tidiness so much. I can't even deal with this matter well. Besides, the servants will help me clean the room.

This accident is out of the question.

Ji mengran was about to open the door of that closet when "bell", the telephone suddenly rang, Cheng song song in the inside was scared again.

I thought it was my mobile phone. I felt on my body and found that I didn't bring my mobile phone with me. Then I felt relieved. The bad premonition, because of a phone call, disappeared.

Cheng song and song touched his chest and took a breath. Ji mengran then came to the phone at the wrong time. The expression on his face was dignified.

The hand that wants to open the closet, slowly put it down, while listening to the man on the phone saying something, while leaving the place.

Cheng song song heard Ji mengran say what, and heard the sound of shoes, away from himself more and more, she is not so nervous, he has gone.

"Pa", the sound of closing the door, verified her conjecture. In case of emergency, Cheng song song still chose to hold back for a while and come out again in case Ji mengran has not left yet?

When she couldn't hold back, she opened the closet door and breathed heavily. She almost died He coughed several times.

Gently patted his chest, then slowly come over, holding those secrets did not let go, it is really important, but now is to go out first.

Cheng song song helped him to tidy up the clothes that he had messed up and tried to explore the outside. Then he slowly came out of Ji mengran's room and ran back to his room with secrets in his arms. He had to keep his feet down to avoid attracting people.

Almost did not fall, she calmly closed the door of her room, immediately locked, also heard the downstairs Ji mengran called out to Liu Ma, asked her to help her clean up the room.

Fortunately, I came out early, otherwise I must have been found.

How could Cheng song song song not have any emotion after such a thing came down? Now Ji Jingcheng is in front of him. Do you want to tell him.

Those secrets are now in his room, hidden, do you want to show him, let him be more careful? Or are you hiding it from him?

Look at his appearance, should be very unhappy, Cheng song song did not see his smile at all, if you tell him, will not be more unhappy?What do you want to do? On the one hand, you want to let Ji Jingcheng be more careful, and on the other hand, you have to help Ji mengran keep it? She can't, Ji mengran, this is the key to the Ji family.

"Are you ready to go? What about Meng ran? He doesn't go with you in person When Ji Jingcheng said this, Cheng song song thought that he still had to ask Ji mengran what was going on and see if he really wanted to.

Comparing what I see, it's not entirely neat. It's not easy to make a conclusion. I have to ask him to know.

Cheng song song shook his head. "He said he came to pick me up at this point, but he hasn't come yet..."

"Shall I take you there? By the way It's the same place anyway, and I'll see it later. " Ji Jingcheng has this idea, but others do not agree.

That person, only Ji mengran, "no, big brother." Ji mengran strode over, took Cheng song song's hand, tightened, and pulled her into his arms.

Ambiguous to her sorry way: "I'm sorry, I just had something, now just come back, let's go, let's go."

Cheng song song was pulled so hard by him that he fell in his arms and ran into his body. She wanted to get up and was held by the back hand, unable to move.

Ji Jingcheng's eyes are wide, this is to do for himself, but his heart so D uncomfortable, clearly see Cheng song song song is not willing to face.

But see Meng ran he, unexpectedly is holding hands, and now is touching his head, this is what he did to her, that person should be his own.

Ji Jingcheng can't tell what it's like now. Ji mengran turns to lead Cheng song song and says to Ji Jingcheng, who is standing at the door of her room, "big brother, almost come too. Don't forget to bring a female companion. Don't be late."

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