Lu Yijie received a call from Ji Jingcheng and rushed home. Did Qiao Yanxin really want to turn against them? No, in case she brings a party to her home, it's no exaggeration for her to tear down the door.

He made a phone call while driving back, but after a few seconds, no one answered. He comforted himself that she might be in the toilet.

So they didn't pick it up so quickly. Two minutes later, Lu Yijie called back again. In the house, only the plane was ringing, and then it was empty. There was no sign of anyone.

Cheng song song had just entered the store and missed Lu Yijie who had driven there. He was looking at the traffic lights. He seemed to see something in the corner of his eye. He wanted to see it, but was blocked by a large truck.

He turned his eyes in disbelief. Where did he go? Didn't you tell her to stay at home? Qiao Yanxin didn't arrive so soon, did he?

And then she was afraid to run away? In this way, it will be even more difficult to find. Lu Yijie's own brain makes up for the scene when she meets Qiao Yanxin and comes to her home and pours.

It's not good.

I still call Ji Jingcheng again, "what, don't answer the phone? And what about you? Where is it now? " Ji Jingcheng quickly to start the car.

One hand back, adjust the direction, while holding the phone, with Lu Yijie.

"I'm on my way back now. Just now she said there was no fruit at home. I came out to buy it myself. I didn't go back until I got your call." His car and the truck were driving together, completely blocking the view of the side store.

Cheng song song took a bag of his own brand and went to check out. However, he had to wait in line for a while. He couldn't go back so soon. I didn't know if he would see himself missing when Lu Yijie returned.

She stood on tiptoe and took a look. There were dozens of talents coming to her, but she had to buy them. How could this situation not be used?

"Cheng song song, come out for me!" I don't know why Qiao Yanxin insisted that it was her, but she just felt that there was no one else except Cheng song song.

So she's the only one.

Ji Fu didn't want to be in charge of it. How could his son get such a scatterbrained person into the house? Looking at the lonely house, he still felt that Cheng song song was better.

At least when I was at home, I could play two games of chess with her. Now that she is not here, I feel that kind of fun is suddenly gone and my hands are itching.

Ji Fu wiped the chessboard and missed it very much.

"Dad, or I'll have the next game with you?" Ji mengran walked over, sat opposite Ji Fu, and carefully cut a cup of his favorite tea for him, and offered it to him with both hands.

Ji mengran brought it up and took a sip. It was astringent. As expected, it didn't have the good tea art of Cheng song and song Or agreed to let him accompany him to the next game.

The feeling of playing chess to Ji mengran is a bit monotonous, but Ji Fu enjoys it. Ji mengran raises a topic, "Dad, do you say that big brother did that for what?"

Ji Fu did not answer, seriously playing chess, scratched his chin with his hand and ate a chess piece on Ji mengran's side. "Speak less, do more, move less the mind that shouldn't be moved. People like that can't find food, and they will eat their own fruit. Hey, you see, I've eaten another one."

Said, happy picked up the two pieces, folded together, issued a loud voice, rubbed, very crisp ears, but how can Ji mengran feel that he is talking about himself?

This game of chess has been going on for a century.

Qiao Yanxin called for so long, but there was still no movement in it. Five minutes later, her people arrived, "miss." Qiao Xin, there are rules in front of the party.

"Take this door down for me!" Qiao Yanxin pointed to the "solid defense line".

They took a look and lowered their heads. No one dared to look directly at Qiao Yanxin. They were the subordinates of Qiao's family, and naturally became "running dogs". They did not have the qualification to look directly at Qiao Yanxin.

What's more, she forced her to come out today. If she said less than five minutes, she would get out of Qiao's house. They were afraid that the family, the master and the wife, were the favorite of them and had to obey.

"Miss, this is the Lu family..." But this is the Lu family, which can't be provoked. Are you sure you want to dismantle it? They asked in an uncertain voice, their voices trembling.

Qiao Yanxin kicked the man who was talking. The man only dared to hold his foot and didn't dare to say anything. He didn't dare to cry in pain. He was afraid that if she gave a report to his father, he would die.

"No matter who he is, if I ask you to dismantle it, you're tired of living, right?" Qiao Yanxin asked.

They all shook their heads. "I dare not." They quickly started to dismantle the door, the door was knocked, hit, hammered, all deformed.

Still did not open, so solid, Qiao Yanxin was worried, afraid that Cheng song song song inside, would take advantage of this time to steal away, "you are all a bucket, this little thing can not do well?"

Straight poke their head, let them a moment no man's self-esteem, a red face, she said, immediately feel very useless.They had to take out the last weapon, and they put a small piece in the middle of the gate, and there was a bright red dot on it.

"Miss, let's go over there. It's dangerous. We can open it later." They protected Qiao Yanxin and walked out of the door more than 20 meters away.

"Bang" of a, loud sound, Ji Jingcheng almost to Lu Yijie's home, heard, such a loud noise, quickly the floor was shaking in general.

Lu Yijie was about to get home. He heard such a loud noise. What happened? He thought it was a rocket launch.

When the smoke almost disappeared, Qiao Yanxin saw that the door had been blown open, and she immediately became happy. "It's a little useful at last. Let's go in and find out Cheng song song song. Who can find out first? Reward!"

As soon as Qiao Yanxin and their front feet enter, Ji Jingcheng and Lu Yijie stop at the door of Lu's house. They open the door and come out at the same time.

All have a look, was blown up dilapidated door, in the heart only, suffered, had an accident.

See Qiao Yanxin with people, into, search inside, a mess of things, there are some fragile things, has been knocked down on the ground.

"Qiao Yanxin! What are you crazy about? This is my home. Have I come in for you Lu Yijie is reasonable now, and naturally speaking is very strong.

Qiao Yanxin didn't pay attention to his shouts. He told him to search Cheng song song song for himself. This time, they were rewarded with double money, and their motivation became stronger.

Unexpectedly, I didn't find anyone in the end. Instead, I put myself in.

Qiao Yanxin died at the scene of the explosion.

Ji Jingcheng went out of Cheng Song Song Dynasty, and he finally got together with his beloved woman.

Ji Jingcheng and Cheng song song survived the disaster, and their lovers got married. They soon held a grand wedding of the century. In the rain of petals flying all over the sky, he devoutly kisses her eyebrows.

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