
Somewhere there seems to be a sneaky figure moving carefully.

The kiss made Cheng song song at a loss. He just stayed there and let Ji Jingcheng stick his thin lips on his lips. It felt like

Eyes are big, pupils keep shrinking, heart, "bang bang bang" crazy jump, small face scarlet.

Unexpectedly, there was no impulse to resist. The two lips were close to each other. Ji Jingcheng was greedy for the faint fragrance of Cheng song song's lips. He was reluctant to let go. He put one hand around Cheng song song's neck and let her close to himself again.

Cheng song song closed his eyes and seemed to be accepting Ji Jingcheng's domineering behavior. At the moment, she didn't think about her Ji mengran, only Ji Jingcheng Feel the heat.

At this moment, Ji Jingcheng wanted to occupy Cheng, song and Song Dynasties, but

Until Ji Jingcheng kiss Cheng song's cherry mouth swollen, before let go of her thin lip bite, faintly see some blood hanging on the lip.

It seems to be blaming Cheng song song for saying "leave". Cheng song song doesn't know why he is so sensitive, but Ji Jingcheng will not allow it.

"Ah..." Cheng Song Song Sheng painful cry, milk fierce milk to Ji Jing City records a white eye.

It seems that the gentleness of Ji Jing City has just disappeared. They are sitting close to each other on the beach. There are a few stars in the night sky, setting off the sea water, just like a beautiful and real picture.

Ji Jingcheng went straight to Cheng song and threw her down on the beach and pressed her in his arms. His hands were on both sides of Cheng song's brain.

The heart can't stand it. What's he going to do? In a few minutes, Ji Jingcheng made Cheng song song's heart beat wildly.

Ji Jing City is closer to the lips of song and Song Dynasty. He asks, "do you still resign?" Cheng song song shook his head.

Again, "I don't allow you to leave!" Ji Jingcheng pastes the face of Song Song Dynasty in a short distance, and says it word by word. It is only one millimeter away that two people will kiss each other again.

But Cheng song song feels that he is very strange, why not allow himself to leave, his own leave is not you have what you want? Maybe you'll be better off if you leave by yourself, won't you?

"Why?" Cheng song song slowly opened his mouth, facing the Ji Jing City so close to himself, in addition to the restless heartbeat, there is no understanding.

Ji Jingcheng looked at Cheng song song's lips which were bitten by himself, but he didn't regret it. Who called Cheng song song? She was so bold and reckless that she wanted to leave herself!

This close distance is not to kiss again, but to hold Cheng song song, hesitated for a moment, pulled the lip, "there is no reason."

This sentence made Cheng song song meaningful, as if he was very important to him

He took Cheng song song to the car and carefully put some medicine on his mouth.

"It hurts." Cheng song song's tears are full of tears. It's just so What is it to bite yourself suddenly?

Also hurt the heart of Jing City, "don't move." Ji Jingcheng whispered, and then the pain is more severe. Speaking of it, he still has a trace of guilt, whether he is a little too much.

Now that I have found you, even if you don't belong to me now, even if you haven't recognized me, I'll watch on the side and never leave my sight.

On the way to Ji's house, they were silent and had different thoughts. They were surrounded by hazy feelings. Cheng song song could not tell what kind of feeling it was.

Late at night, in the big house of the Ji family, there was no Ji mother and daughter for a long time.

Silence, silence until each other back to their own room.

At the same time, Cheng, song and Ji Jingcheng were in their beds with mixed feelings.

I hope you don't leave me again. I found you very hard. I don't expect you to recognize that I was the big brother at the beginning, but you must stay by your side so that you can feel at ease.

Ji Jing City has so many thoughts, is it really for the sake of peace of mind?

Just In Cheng song song's mind, the scene that just Ji Jingcheng forced to kiss himself constantly appeared. Why didn't he resist? But just now Ji Jing City is not as annoying as Cheng song song.

But what I like is Meng ran, and the big brother in the fire is Meng ran, not his brother, isn't he? Cheng song song is not sure who she is in love with now.

He bit his lips which had just been treated with medicine again, trying to wake up the pain, but he still had no answer in his heart. After being forced to kiss by Ji Jingcheng, his heart was in disorder.

What is she hesitating about?

"No, no, no, no, that big brother is Meng ran. It's Meng ran, it's Meng ran..." Cheng song song stressed three words again and again, hypnotized himself to sleep.

Another day ushered in, Cheng song song and Ji Jingcheng did not know what kind of dilemma and embarrassment they were facing again.

Before she went out, Cheng song song again and again saw that she was surrounded by Ji Jingcheng and decided to go out. She seemed to be hiding from Ji Jingcheng because of what happened last night.Ji Jingcheng early went to the company, it seems that there is a matter waiting for him to deal with.

"Did you see it on the website?"

"What's new today?"

"It's the hot search there. It's revealed that it's super invincible and explosive."

"Really, so much?"

"Of course, it's about our president."


Cheng song song heard such an unfinished dialogue. Today's topic is not Ling Yu, but Ji Jingcheng? Why is Ji Jingcheng? He has nothing to gossip about recently.

Also on the hot search, this is how big news?

For such people who talk about others behind their backs, Cheng song song will never participate in it, so I don't know what happened.

She leisurely sits in the office chair, the whole company now seems to be only she and Ling Yu who did not come to the company did not know about this matter, all the people outside know.

What kind of thing is worth discussing in this way?

Cheng song song turned on the computer as usual, and suddenly a hot search data came out, which said "Ji Jingcheng, Chief CEO of Nancheng Jishi group, and a woman were kissing at the seaside at night".

What kiss? Is it that I was photographed like Ji Jingcheng last night? I'm kidding. There was no one at that time.

How does the picture flow out? Who is it.

There are several pictures attached under this sentence. Isn't that Cheng song song and Ji Jing Cheng? This angle just blocks Cheng song song's face, but it is clear that Ji Jingcheng's handsome face is caught kissing and photographed.

How could this happen? Cheng song song was very anxious. How could he be photographed?

This hot search is top mounted. I click in. Fortunately, a few photos don't have their own faces, but there are so many comments And it's all bad reviews.

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