Ji Jingcheng just wanted to frighten Cheng song song. He had no other meaning. He didn't expect that he was a bit trapped.

This kind of Cheng song song is really like a sugar, looking at always hiding himself, never let people close, close to can not extricate themselves from the sweet.

"Ji Jingcheng, have you had enough?" Keeping this posture, Cheng song song was tired.

Ji Jing City this just pull back in the edge of his mind.

"Oh, well, remember to go to dinner tomorrow."

Turn around, take the door and go.

Cheng song song really wanted to beat Ji Jingcheng violently. How could he do this every time? His heart was out of order, "bang bang bang", and he burst accidentally. What should I do?

To dinner? You're a big head ghost at the banquet. You know that Cheng song song's brain is not working well, and if you don't speak clearly, you are really speechless.

"Well..." Cheng song song falls on the bed. The big bed is comfortable. He falls asleep with a pillow.


The next morning, Cheng song song was half asleep and half awake.

Eh, why is it so bright outside, but my own house is not so bright? Ah, how come there are clusters of things, black and white, colorful, how can you not remember that your room has such decorations?

Cheng song song slightly opened a crack, up a little, took a look, how can you still smile ah, it is really strange, not right, must be their own wrong.

She turned around and rubbed her hand on the bed. "Oh, how wrong is the feeling?" That's why I opened my eyes completely.

"Ah Cheng song song panicked.

With some "hee hee hee" and "ha ha ha ha" laughter, we all know that it is suffocating by listening to them.

This, this, this is Ji Jingcheng! And just now I was touching Ji Jingcheng's face and rubbing it.

"No, it must have been a dream." Cheng song song said to himself, can't believe, she wants to escape here, a accidentally fell a somersault, followed by the pain, this just know let her know that he is not dreaming.

Cheng song song slowly stood up and looked around. There were not only Ji Jingcheng, but also a dozen beautiful sisters whom Cheng song and song did not know. They all wore the same clothes, like work clothes.

And the place where I am is not the Ji family, but it is no smaller than the Ji family. There are many shop windows, and many beautiful clothes, shoes and bags. All of them are girls' favorite.

But it is not Cheng song song's favorite, one is because there is no money, can not afford to spend, the other is too luxurious, too eye-catching.

"Stupid woman, have you seen enough?" Ji Jingcheng is not tired of saying that, as if in a hurry, put his hands on the sofa and raise his legs.

Looking at his posture, Cheng song song song was sleeping on his lap just now. Alas, he lost the dead, and he complained in front of so many people.

What are you doing here? Her face was covered in circles.

Cheng song song moved to Ji Jing city like a crab, with a smile on his face, and his hands moved his dirty hair involuntarily.

Stabbing Ji Jingcheng's shoulder and whispering, "what are you bringing me for?"

Now she just wants to go home. It looks so "terrible". Cheng song song, this messy girl, is out of tune with this tall place.

Ji Jingcheng did not intend to answer Cheng song song this superfluous question, waved, "take away." I'll come and serve my sister.

"Well, what do you want?" The Cheng, song and Song dynasties were incoherent.

They approached each other step by step, and Cheng song song stepped back until they were forced to the wall. They did not look fierce, but they were suspected of group fighting and surrounded Cheng song song.

A man looked back and looked at Ji Jingcheng. It seemed that he was asking for the opinions of Ji Jingcheng. Is this really good?

Guess good words, should be to see Ji Jingcheng's face is not good, means to start immediately!

"We can't make the president unhappy. Let's carry it up." A leader whispered, carrying Cheng song song with no effort.

"How can you be so rude." Cheng song song was dissatisfied with the way, struggling, and was about to be carried to another room. Cheng song song called to Ji Jingcheng.

"Jijing City, Jijing City, Jijing City, help me..." She cried pitifully, holding her little hands forward, but could not reach anything.

"What is this?"

"I don't want it. I don't want it."

"What's this? No, no, no, I don't want it."


Voices of discontent came from inside.

"No, I don't want to dress like this." Cheng song song was discontented with his gorgeous dress. It was nothing. It was so awkward and uncomfortable at all.

"Miss Cheng, please cooperate with me. Otherwise, if the president is not happy, we will all lose this job." A plain looking manager said that her dress was different from other people, so she should have a higher status.

"Yes, yes." Other female employees should cooperate.Sure enough, after a while, Cheng song song stopped yelling and was quietly exchanged by them, leaving a set of clothes aside just to choose the best one.

Looking at this one set of being eliminated, and then being mercilessly thrown aside, Cheng song song song is a little bit distressed. I really want to ask them to do whatever they like. No, no, no, no, they must take Ji Jingcheng as an example. Forget it, or stop making trouble.

Ji Jing City outside drinking coffee, looking at fashion magazines, slightly hook lips, "this stupid woman, chattering, finally quiet will."


Ji Jing City slightly side head, fixed eyes to see, Cheng song song song came out.

This simple No, not only simple but also elegant. All kinds of nameless elements are combined together. One word is wonderful.

I don't know that it was the designer who could make such a dress.

To be able to match, it must be Cheng song song song who put it on his body. Originally, his skin was white enough. Now it is set off by this dress. It's just shining.

Compared with fairies, they are fairies, impeccable. They can't see that Ji Jingcheng can't move to God. Alas, wait a minute. Ji Jingcheng has been pulled back all of a sudden.

"Take the shape of your head." Ji Jingcheng ordered.

"All right, president." Then he pulled Cheng song song back.

Head, head shape? What else to do, it's fine now, but look at your dress and this seemingly messy hair, it really does not match.

"Hey, hey, sisters, be gentle." Cheng song song looked at his hair and begged carefully.

After a moment of agitation, they finally made a head shape that could match the dress. Everyone nodded and praised.

"Look, president."

Ji Jingcheng is finishing his tie in front of the mirror when he has changed into a suit.

Ji Jingcheng looks back and looks at Cheng song song song, who seems a little shy across the street. Then he looks at the hair style he has just finished. He smiles and nods with satisfaction. Cheng song song's face is flushed.

Usually looking at a stupid woman is beautiful enough, and it's hard to say what's more beautiful. Ji Jingcheng walks over, and the gentleman takes Cheng song's hand and leads her to the sofa, indicating her to sit down.

Then I walked up to the shoe area on one side, where the shoes were put in order, and OCD would be very happy to see it.

Ji Jingcheng takes a quick look at it. He is fixed on a pair of red and shiny high-heeled shoes. He immediately takes it up and goes to Cheng song song and bends down.

He carefully put it on her. Unfortunately, the size was just right. He pulled Cheng song song up again and looked at it carefully, wondering if there was anything missing?

"What's the matter?" Cheng song song twisted his neck and asked.

Ji Jingcheng noticed that, neck - Necklace!

He ran to one side, picked up a necklace, went to the back of Cheng song song song and put it on her. This is perfect.

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