Finally, he got out of the water. Cheng song and song gasped for breath and tried his best to climb onto the bank. He kept retching, and his nose and saliva flowed all over the ground.

Ji Yurou put on a towel and was helped up by the servants. She looked at Cheng song song song from a commanding position, and said in disdain: "Cheng song song song, you can see what you look like now. It's better than a beggar on the road."

"Cheng song song, and I rob a man, this is the consequence. If you are wise, you should stay away from Gu Ruocheng, otherwise you will be good-looking."

"You two, press her into the utility room and let her wake up."


One side of the maid quickly nodded, they disgusted at Cheng song song one eye, directly pulled her hand, then took off.

"No! Let me go... "

Cheng song song vigorously resisted, but her strength was not enough. The maids thought she was in the way and gave her two slaps.

Drag Cheng song song into the utility room, and the maids stride out and lock the door with a bang.

It was cold and painful, and his whole body seemed to be scattered. Cheng song song was curled up in the corner of the wall, his eyes were swollen and painful, and he kept crying. Helplessness and loneliness turned into a net and surrounded her tightly. Her chest was like a big cotton ball, and she felt suffocated.


On the other side.

Ji Jingcheng turned the planning case without expression, and the people standing in front of him almost cried.

They didn't expect that Ji Jingcheng would make a random inspection, and they were elected to their group. Just now they have been scolded bloody.

"To give you a high salary, not to make such rubbish."

Jijing city will be planning books to the garbage can: "today is not finished, no one can go back, I am the same."

Voice did not fall, the mobile phone ring will ring out of time, Ji Jingcheng frown to answer: "hello?"

At that end, they didn't know what to say. They saw that Ji Jingcheng's face changed greatly. They stood up, picked up things and went out.

There was still his cold voice in the air: "all of us are off today."


President Ji, who has always said no two things, can even go back on his word. In such a hurry, people look at me and I see you as if they have discovered some major events.

On the other hand, Ji Jing Cheng stepped on the accelerator vigorously, and the car was driving on the main road at full speed.

Ten minutes later, Jijia.

Ji Jingcheng opened the door with a cold face. Ji Yurou, who was sitting on the sofa, saw him and quickly got up: "brother, are you back so early today? You see who's here? "

With that, she pointed to the woman sitting beside her and said, "sister Lingyu came to see you on purpose."

The woman got up slowly. She was wearing a white high collar T-shirt. Her lower body was black straight pants. Her legs were longer. Looking at Ji Jingcheng, her eyes were full of shame.


Without waiting for her to speak, Ji Jingcheng, who was originally at the gate, strode to Ji Yurou. He held her wrist tightly and his face was gloomy: "I ask you, where is Cheng song song song?"

"Brother, you hurt me!"

Ji Yurou showed her teeth in pain: "where is that woman? How can I know?"

Ling Yu was also frightened and even said, "Yurou is still a child. What can I say to you?"

However, the chill around Ji Jing City was heavier. Ji Yurou was frightened by him. He even said, "I shut her up in the utility room."

Utility room

Ji Jingcheng's face was as black as if he were dripping ink. He gave Ji Yurou a cold look, turned and strode away. From the beginning to the end, he didn't give Ling Yu a look in his eyes.

The heat in Ling Yu's eyes disappeared, and the rest was cold.

Knowing that Cheng song song was in the utility room, Ji Jingcheng rushed over. When the maids saw him, they did not dare not not open the door, so they opened the door.

As soon as Ji Jingcheng stepped in, he saw Cheng song song, who was shrinking in the corner and shivering all over.

The pupil shrinks slightly and invisibly. Ji Jingcheng quickly squats down and holds Cheng song song in his arms. His tone is never anxious: "Cheng song song song, wake up!"

His head was dizzy. Cheng song song wanted to open his eyes, but his eyelids seemed heavy. She can only hear a person, in very gentle call her, this voice, let her go back to the fire a few years ago.

"Big brother Meng ran... "

Her low murmur is very small, but Ji Jingcheng has heard it all. Ji Jingcheng is slightly dazzled, but it is only for a moment.

He holds Cheng song song up, but the latter is subconsciously afraid of shrinking, and the scars on her arm are all exposed.

Holding her tightly, Ji Jingcheng said in a warm voice, "it's me. I'll take you. Don't be afraid..."

Cheng song song's body was so hot that Ji Jingcheng did not dare to delay, so he took her away.

Passing through the front hall, Ji Jingcheng just stepped out of the door. Ji Mu, standing at the foot of the stairs, said in a cold voice, "it's not easy for Ling Yu to lie down today. Are you going this way?"Ling Yu's face turned white and he bit his lower lip.

"Mom, you have to ask your good daughter. After studying abroad for several years, she only learned how to harm people."

Being scolded by Ji Jingcheng, Ji Yurou's face is very ugly, but she dare not make a sound. She can only stare at Cheng song song song fiercely.

Ji's mother frowned and looked at the wet and pale Cheng song song in Ji Jingcheng's arms. She knew that Ji Yurou had always been looking for Cheng song song.

Cheng song song made Meng ran look like that. She was disgusted with her to the extreme. She had always turned a blind eye to her. However, she did not expect that Ji Yurou did so much this time.

But the hatred at the bottom of her heart made her unable to sympathize with Cheng song song song Sheng. She did not have a good way: "I was hurt and locked up for a while. As for such a nervous situation, it's just right for a disaster to die."

"Ma, Cheng song song is Meng Ran's favorite person. He can't wake up now. Then I'll take care of Cheng song song song for him. From now on, everyone in Ji's family can't embarrass her any more."

The man in his arms is still shaking. Ji Jingcheng is in a state of confusion. He doesn't say a word any more. He strides out the door directly. Ji Mu keeps calling him after him. He never looks back.

Cheng song song song's present situation, certainly can't stay in the Ji family, Ji Jingcheng thought about it and called Lu Yijie.

Lu Yijie and Ji Jingcheng are brothers from childhood to adulthood. Lu's president, however, is different from Ji Jingcheng's calm temperament. He has a baby face. He works like a ruffian. He is a standard playboy, but he is very righteous. That is to say

The mouth is short.

For example, at the moment, watching Ji Jingcheng holding Cheng song song into the house in a hurry, he is still blowing a very leisurely whistle.

"It's hard to see that the president of our quarterly university is so anxious."

"Go away."

Ji Jingcheng put Cheng song song song on the bed. His whole body was wet and had to be replaced.

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