I Came Back but the World is Still a Fantasy!?
03-19 Fear of Death
Rainbow Palace, chairman of the Student Council Room in the central part of the school building, is being pursued for clerical work.
his work was told to the transfer students, as well as the monitoring of each committee as he inferred and
There was something close to a literal middle management position to undertake orders from the School Operations Department.
I look at the voices from the general students and sigh at the orders in the name of requests from above.
That was the reality of the job of student chairman in this school.
"Just now. That transfer student is very popular.
Isn't this the first time this many voices have been focused on one individual?
Read reports from students and teachers with a bitter smile and hold your head down painless.
I've got a lot of emotional criticism of voices from my classmates, so I might read them out.
The report from the Frank teaching had an unmissable result.
"He did, hey.
Anyway, I don't look like such a strong kid. "
There are no signs specific to high ranking students, although there is a noticeable attitude that makes the spirit seem fat.
An appearance that seems mediocre and quiet on the general body body that even seems a little thin.
I know the morality of not judging people by their appearance, but I don't feel the strength.
But that's also why we can't miss the consequences.
Because the school management department and the Japanese government have also ordered him to be monitored.
Although it was a special order from the government addressed to the individual chairman.
"Though it's work, no, I guess it's because it's work.
I don't feel comfortable watching you sleep in bed. "
Though I am in a lot of clerical work.
I had a sense of invasion of privacy, but I looked at it with resentment.
The monitors projected into the space show footage of the surveillance cameras that were set up.
They don't know that's the video rewritten by the transferee in question.
"You don't have to bother to look at the chairman.
You should let the others do it. Here you go. Coffee. "
A woman who was also working for the student council scolds him away.
Too much work offered him a cup of hot air standing in front of him.
"Mm, thanks. Tina.
I appreciate the sentiment, but it's just an order from the top. "
Even though it does, it allocates a number to the members who monitor him directly.
While you're judged to be in the room, I'll reduce it, but I have to give you a break for that.
Then it's best that I do the plain job of less change in between: video surveillance.
He thought he could do it while being chased by other jobs.
"............ I know. But get some rest."
Lieutenant student chairman Liltina Bergman nods and stabs the nail in the face of disapproval.
She is also a graduate and a third year student. The uncomfortable orange hair color indicates that it is Garest.
The race is different. They are long-time seniors and juniors. I'm telling you what I want to say.
The Rain Palace also snorts, I know, but the surveillance itself does not stop.
"Is there really something, to him?
"I don't know, so I want you to keep an eye on me.
Certainly not unnatural, and reports from Frank's teaching are problematic. "
Initially, I was confused about how and why the student council side was confused by someone with low rank and no knowledge.
I was convinced to know his special position and the incredible events that would take place shortly after his return.
The professionals in the Countermeasure Room who were on escort surveillance duty outside lose sight of them several times.
That's all. The next time I find him, he'll be in an unexpected place.
A puzzling and early resolution of a case that was coincidental but involved.
The sudden destruction of an illegal backing organization that was aimed at his figure.
An unnatural policy shift on the part of the Countermeasure Office Administrator, who had taken the initiative of monitoring. etc.
It would be incredible if we focused on him as well, a story that is not a lot of a problem if it were just one.
That's why they were given not only an escort, but also an order to investigate and monitor.
To talk about how easy it was to break things that you couldn't possibly break.
They just couldn't seem to think they were going too far above the concerns.
"For the time being, nothing happened today to help..."
"- Amamia, are you there?
That's all I wanted to appease. The communications monitor opens in front of him.
At the same time, the camera monitor will be switched off so that it cannot be monitored.
Because it is an illegal means that should not be known to humans outside the student council.
What was on the open monitor was a hurried looking freele dunage.
The communication from her generally made me think about the situation and I was going to have a serious headache.
"... I'm here, what“ happened?
Is something wrong? Not really. What happened?
At the point of communication from her, that's a matter of decision.
Because the bridge and cooperative system between the school and the city security department revolves around her.
I have not tried that emergency communication from her was not an issue.
'It's an emergency. Let them pull up the students that were out there right away!
And use the student council members you can move to search for suspicious objects all over the city!
There was no explanation, there was no explanation, but it was urgent.
The two names I felt nodded at each other and the vice chairman began communicating to the various places.
"Okay. I'm making you do it now. But what is it?
What can I find out more about?
I've heard from you during the day about the armed groups on the boat that came in the morning.
"Oh, I possess that earthly old-fashioned weapon, and somehow they all pass out.
He said he was found tied up, you know?
The content of the words is truly incredible and flattering, but both faces are serious.
This city is for forces dissatisfied with the changed status quo as a result of cross-world exchanges.
It is dressed up and lays down strong carrying restrictions, inspection systems, and defense systems.
For this reason, there is not enough power to crusade Shining Beast in ordinary times to make up for it with the students.
A bunch of people reported getting caught before they did anything, but with a hole in the system.
He was about to get into the ship armed and carry out a terrorist attack just one step away.
His work this evening has increased dramatically in order to take action on it.
"Words that don't make sense even after you've regained consciousness from the sheriff's department.
You think a white mask will attack you, or something black will come, or the evil gods will eat you?
I didn't know what you meant. I heard you were finally able to find out.
So they planted bombs that looked like cleaning robots in multiple cities!
"Become, how the hell is a bomb that made you look like a cleaning robot!?
Dangerous goods, parts of their hands, etc. naturally cannot be transported into this city without permission.
Even regular routes have to undergo double or triple checks.
Even the traveler's luggage shouldn't even be allowed on the boat in that case.
"They collected the parts by purchasing them locally (here).
And very small amounts of highly flammable liquids and chemicals were mixed in and transported into the luggage.
If you look into it, there's less of each of them, but we can all fit in.
I've been coming to this city quite a few times as a traveler '
"Damn it. Think about it. Use your head for something more!
Usually the method becomes more ingenious. From the side that needs to be taken care of,
There's no such thing as annoying talk. I accidentally get vegan and evil for that, but I don't have a voice to praise.
Almost everyone I'm talking to agrees with.
"So what's the power or exact number?
"The sheriff's department hasn't heard that much yet.
But I thought it might be a powerful timeline from their narrative. "
They talked about the bomb as a delight even though they had already caught it.
This is proof that we are confident in our power because we have a mechanism to explode even if we are caught.
I've already given instructions to the students, so the student council will cooperate, eh!?
Moving on, the moment I tried to move on to the search.
Atmosphere-shaking shocks and explosions blocked the words of all of them.
"...... it was too late!?
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All the time goes back.
The team led by Sister Chiba, who finished crusading the dog-shaped, had recovered the crystals of Hui Beast.
This also has inferior but available energy to photons and pseudo-photons.
They become a sufficient source of power for devices in areas where pseudo-photons cannot even be bought or at low output.
It was for that reason that collecting it without harming it as much as possible would be highly regarded.
"You did it, massive, massive"
"These numbers will put you at the top of the collection class at once."
Students recovering with a joyful grin that eliminated tension not long ago.
It was stored as if melting if the fosta were applied to the crystals of the light-emitting organ.
The first armed they had in their hands is also punished just as well because they are in the way of retrieval.
A piece of sword and a gun can be stored in order to be able to restore it to a small part shape (...).
In their current Fosta, we need an annotation.
"You're too alarmed."
"It's my first big win, so let's start with a big one."
sister and brother watching them in a frightened manner, but letting them remain the
The biggest reason is because they continue to be on perimeter alert and foe in the meantime.
Not very much for those who can float victoriously in battle, but I couldn't leave it to them.
"... could we have been oh at first too?
Though alarmed, their appearance is something that has happened in the past.
I ask my brother next door with a nostalgic voice, but he returns no.
"Either your sister is the next bright beast, the next bright beast, than the retrieval.
He was going to run off on his own. "
And he sighed heavily at this one when it was hard to stop him.
Yoko opens her mouth trying to silence her brother, who turned bright red after being accused of past runoff.
"Yasuke, you're so busy with your brother."
Then, holding his head aside and tightening it up.
"I was there! Gibb, gibb!
Damn, it's already violent. That would make me very busy. "
He is planted with a headlock and immediately slaps his arm and runs away.
But Yoko strained her chest, wondering if she'd found out.
"My sister has to be strong. I'm protecting you, so work."
"Yes, yes... because even though you're twins, you're tyrannical because you were born first"
"Did I say something?
He surrenders when he can see with a firm but sitting eye.
Education under the name of years of imprinting is not Dada. My brother can't resist my sister.
"Chiba seniors are good friends, my brother won't say anything."
"I'm talking about the fact that we've both been supporting each other in our mother-child families.
Beautiful sister-brother love, family love right............... can we go to the subject matter of summer?
"Stop being real! That's not the end of this, so hurry!
Another girl stops a female student who says something disturbing and encourages her to collect it.
The majority of the boys had no idea what that meant and were tilting their necks, but returned to retrieve them immediately.
"Um, that, why is there a cleaning robot at this hour?
Even though he doesn't realize the noise, Yasuke looks back uncomfortably at the presence in the corner of his sight.
A common quadrangle-column automatic cleaning robot moves closer in this city.
There should be no time to move now because of the risk of getting caught up in the battle with the Beast.
"I wonder if I even malfunctioned. Hey, I'll take a look."
"Yeah, I'll be on guard."
I also have the task of finding out if there are any malfunctions of such a city in my role as a lookout.
Sometimes it was a familiar cleaning robot, and the proton approached without much vigilance.
"Garest School 2-B, Yoko Chiba.
Request to move to Maintenance Mode under the authority of the Wind Discipline Commissioner "
Speak with the Fosta over the camera for the robot's recognition.
Normally, the device and voice information recognize the user and stop running.
"Peppy, Gar.
Chicu, Kakunin, Uragiri Things Shimmer '
Unlikely awkward electronic audio from robots moving in the city speaks of noisy content.
I was thrust through that instant gap and couldn't react to the robotic arm that popped up.
"Ah, hey!?
I get fosta bounced off an arm poked from the side of the camera.
No time to be surprised. A rope jumps out of the fuselage and wraps around her and ties her.
"Rope!? But it's like this!
But her muscle strength is AA +. I can pull it off with just a rope or something.
But earlier than that, awkward electronic audio spoke as if threatening.
"If this is Kirareta, it will rip off Sokuzani.
Hankay, it's 100 meters. It's Hinomi... '
"Hey, you're lying!?
I glanced back behind my back and saw my people.
My younger brother, who is obsessed with retrieval, and wary of the raid of the Bright Beast.
An indefensible figure who is definitely within a 100-meter radius. I can't behave in a far-fetched way.
Protons had been unable to move their powerful arms intact at all.
"Bakhatsumade, ten more bits... 9... 8..."
But the machine starts to count down ruthlessly and ruthlessly.
It was programmed to switch to a time-bound formula without movement.
"Ten seconds to go!?
Yasuke, protect everyone around you! It explodes!!
"What, sister!?
with her brother's scream on her back that she finally realized what was going on in her desperate scream. She
Drag the robot with the rope connected because you feel you can't make it inside.
Go a little farther while carefully pulling not to cut.
Move the bomb robot a little further in the direction of the building and the absence of people.
My brother, Yasuke, I have to protect him!
Threats to one's own life fall entirely out of one's mind, only the will to protect.
We've been together for the past eight years and we've been working together, only one brother.
Only that thought moved her that she, her sister, had to protect herself.
"Wait, give me your sister Fosta!
Yasuke read about his brother's mood to take on the danger himself.
I try to grasp that she's dropping it and just give it away.
Without Fosta, skills cannot be used or a minimum barrier can be stretched.
Explosion at close range, even with high endurance values. Whatever happened was not strange.
"5... 4... 3..."
"No, get away from me!
But the move can't make it by the end of the count.
Yasuke runs by strengthening his barrier and leg strength with his skills, wondering if he found out.
Agile AA + was one more step, not Dade, and his hands stuffed in an instant to the position he was already in on his shoulder.
"… 2… 1"
But we don't have a second to explode anymore. One more second to shield your reinforced self.
Without the rope, we could have jumped forcefully backwards, but we couldn't be connected.
No time to cut. My brother still tried to get out front.
And at the same time his sister tried to shelter his brother by spreading her arms proudly.
"... ze"
"" Huh!?
Both tried to protect each other even as the count was about to end.
So my sister and brother witness the moment with their eyes the brilliance of the beautiful aurora (...).
The rope was slashed and ripped, and before that signal could be transmitted, a black nanica arm or leg bounced the bomb robot up to sky high in an instant.
"Get down!!
Black Nanica covers her sister and brother with screams. The other students lay down on the ground.
As soon as possible, the shocks and explosions that tremble the atmosphere and the earth dye the surroundings, dyeing the night sky red.
It blossomed in flames. I looked up at it as everyone lay low.
"Ugh, shit...... blew up over 100 meters in an instant!?
In the face of the scale of the explosion, Yasuke is covering himself with something.
Stunned by the place, he is surprised to see not well even at this distance.
But as soon as he returned to me, he grabbed my sister's shoulder next door and shook it violently.
"Oh, sister!? Sister, are you okay!? Are you hurt!? Where does it hurt!?
"Yes, it's okay.
I hit you in the back a little bit when I lay low, so what's better than that?
What would you do if you were this stupid, unscrupulous and injured!!
"What!? This is where I get pissed off!?
Nanica softly stood up and left in the usual conversation, thinking of her sister and brother.
I set my gaze on the motion, but he's the only one who can't see well, like the pimped footage in front of me.
Being barely human. I can only tell by wearing a white mask on the facial area.
"Oh, I don't know who it is, but there is"
Yosuke was surprised by its existence, but Yoko simply tried to express her gratitude.
The black coat in front of me is full of mysteries and suspicious, but still a benefactor of life.
I don't care what happens after this. I thought I should thank you first. but.
I was apologized for earlier by a person in black than that.
I just don't think Yasuke will apologize either. My sister and brother are both confused.
"I'm not a thankful person. Everything is my laziness. I'm sorry."
That's all I said and moved my body and probably turned my back.
I don't even know the front or back because it still only looks like a pinned black coat.
The idea is that you must be turning your back because you can no longer see the mask.
"I want you to contact the city's security department or the student council.
That all the things that are moving without photons could be bombs like they are now.
There's tons of gas in there and don't even smell like explosives... dismantle it with care '
And as he remained in that position, he uttered words like instructions to his sister and brother behind him.
Only the mask looks back at my sister and brother, who listened silently and nodded to voices I don't even know if they were male or female or young.
The mouth-watering place looked a little broken somehow.
"You're a good sister." Take care of yourself. '
An unidentified voice played some gentle sound and the black suit disappeared to ride in the wind.
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"... you're out, white mask"
Student Council and Sheriff's Department following a report from Sister Chiba and brother.
Freele, who had left for the security department to take measures, was heading over the monitor with the chairman.
The processing unit is already moving after receiving a report to probe for motion reactions that Photon can't sense.
"The terrorists were hit by this mask. So that's it.
He seemed to regret stopping to deal with it there from what he said when he left... '
I didn't know what the word "eaten by evil gods" meant.
They thought it was a metaphor that it was so overwhelming.
"If you believe that, you're not the enemy, I'd like to think.
They did the right thing in less than a comma zero second. Seeing this,
I don't feel like I can win at all, even if I'm fully armed. "
Even in the footage recorded by Fosta, the mystery mask was completely black Moya.
That's why the speed is remarkable and Freele is sweating cold.
It doesn't make sense with someone who's a Battlemaniac but isn't even a battle.
"Don't be afraid, you're the school's strongest fighter."
But it's close to a declaration of de facto defeat, and now the chairman is in cold sweat.
It also means that if she is no match, no one in the city is.
If you did, it would have been nearly impossible to catch them by legitimate means.
"Nor am I invincible. Even today, oh, no, it's nothing.
Either way, there will surely be one trespasser.
We have to stay alert. "
'Yeah, just in case, I forbid the students to leave the city tomorrow.
Tell the security department to clear the explosives in the meantime. '
"Ok, let me tell you...... it's going to be a sleepless night for each other"
'If the victim doesn't answer, it's not that bitter. Let's do our best'
He nodded at each other that it must be, and Freele cut off the communication.
And catch the people in the surrounding security department and do every favor.
"I'm sorry. Could you get me a set of exoskeletons, too?
I'd rather be a shield at the crime scene than be on your side. "
She is originally a collaborator from the school, but she has a strong voice because of her high track record here.
I immediately got a quick reply and dropped off running to get ready, exhaling a hard sigh.
But that's not against this commotion that happened tonight.
It's because of one concern that came up in me.
"... not you, right? Nakamura?"
I don't know that the student council is watching the room, but that's why.
Freele was closer to that fact than anyone else in this city.
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The maritime city of Kutoria, which should normally be quiet at night, is in a rush right now.
Student union and sheriff's department personnel are running around looking for bomb bots.
"... is there only two more?"
On the roof of a building off an unpopular search, the black suit lurks to hide.
Those sounds and voices and the smell of the matter were manipulated by the wind to capture position.
Direct the agents nearby using freshly windy magic sounds and odors.
Clever (...) He does that, but he thinks of something else.
'Mine, that's a mistake... I can't believe I'm just relieved to have tailored those guys.
If you think about it a little bit, you'll see it's not just a hit plan!
The ship I boarded to come to Kutoria.
The smell of gunpowder I felt from someone in it that was wrong.
If you're suspicious and follow suit, with a bunch of buddies and disgusting claims.
He proudly spoke of his plans to tragically kill the inhabitants of the city.
I didn't want to be seen in his face. He became a mass calade and stopped beating up terrorists.
The weapons we were able to discover were scattered around and anonymously called sailors to discover them.
So, he says it's a mistake to think it's over.
'I also knew there was a rigorous examination.
With all that weapons I could carry in,
If only I had thought deeper...... into this!
I get the sound of a voice that I'm not supposed to know who I am, but somehow I know I'm shaking.
That meant that the original voice was making more tremors than the mask's ability to inhibit.
"I was late to rush. You're an idiot. Me.
If it was that distance, if it was the distance I saw, I would have been able to transfer it quickly.
Why are you flying in such a hurry, I can't believe you failed to control that piece of crap... Ugh!?
I made the wrong choice of magic and then failed to control it for the first time on the way down.
It was due to that that his arrival turned out to be critical.
"Ha-ha-ha, guh, uh-huh!?
Ha... silly, I can't believe you forgot to strengthen your flesh... '
Spit the red thing out of your mouth so you can peel, squatting with a bitter smile.
Various loads fall on the flesh to fly in the fierce wind.
It needs to be strengthened so that the magic or flesh that mitigates it can withstand it.
No matter how skilled you are to demonstrate high endurance, it is optional.
If he's oblivious to using it, his endurance is just a D-rank as indicated.
It was suspicious to think of its own wear and tear whether it could have used about 10% instead of 300%.
Severe haste, agitation, and fear killed his greatest strength, skill.
Impossible preliminary too many mistakes for him so far.
'Ha-ha-ha... fuck you!
How, how long have you been upset! How long?!
I can't resist inner agitation. I can't contain my boiling emotions.
My whole body trembles at will and I can't stop. 'Cause he almost lost it again.
'I almost died again!?
People almost died again because of my mistake.
Damn, dammit, dammit, dammit! Oh, shit, ha!?
My breathing gets rough and I can't breathe satisfactorily.
Flashing back The memory of the tragedy I caused disturbs my palpitations and breathing.
I shook my trembling hand to contain it with my trembling hand, but I shook my head desperately.
And I say it strongly to myself, screaming like a scream.
'Ha, ha... ah, no, no, no!!
It's okay, we made it. We made it this time!
Nobody's dead, I was safe. So calm down!!
Make excuses to avoid dark, scary nanicas springing up.
One day the sight seemed to smash all the contents of my stomach by the back of my brain.
A scream spills in my vision of my hands stained bright red, wrapped in black.
Still forcefully surfacing ignoring your inner voice so your heart doesn't fall off.
'You don't have to be disturbed and restless by the mess,' he said.
I think I'm gonna throw up in my chest, okay?
Please don't break it... it's okay, I can do it '
Ignore everything screaming in the back of your chest and squeeze it out of your consciousness.
All the crawling nanicas and chest breathlessness together.
'Yes, we'll be back today when we see the explosive disposal is over.
So let's fall asleep right away. It's the usual me in the morning.
If you go to school anyway, Hina will come too, and vertical lol don't come mad.
What, as always (...) You can make fun of that and play.
That's who I am, right? Me?
I laugh awkwardly as if I wanted it to be.
In the end. Neither the sidelines he showed nor the teasing to them.
To balance the spirit that falls by extremes of its original character.
Because if you make a strong self and you have fun and live, you (he) can be you (Shinichi).
I will not allow suffering to break, nor will I allow myself to fall drunk by the consciousness of sin and punishment.
Its strong, stubborn, yet brittle will reside in your eyes and grip your chest pendant.
It helps not to destroy the three moons of gold that ended up in shape.
And slowly breathe and exhale repeatedly to calm your breathing.
That's how he kept himself calm from time to time. All the time for the last two years.
At the end of the day, that's where his solitaire starts too.
This is how I've been telling myself.
So it's become a habit.
'... oh, but it's still hard.
I can't believe it's another world... eight years... what are you gonna do to me... '
to no one, and whined just now to ask. He ended up staying put,
I watched the whole city there with a face that was still going to cry until the bomb was processed.
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