I Came Back but the World is Still a Fantasy!?
02-03 Troublesome father and son.
The man was in joy holding my first child.
If you hold it up, it's small and weak, and yet it shivers to the feeling of heavy life, even though it's light.
The man was determined that if he let this child protect him, he would surely let the good one raise him.
When I was a baby, I was with my wife and baked care from one to ten.
Change your temper with unfamiliar hands, and stop crying at night.
I will never forget the day when I was called in a touching and tongueless voice the way I grew every day.
But the man is the big black pillar that supports the family.
I can't just raise kids.
Instead, I punched more into my job than I ever did for my family.
I missed spending less time with my family for that.
My child grew up honestly and slowly, and that's all the man could do.
Though the perfect sweetheart for her mother was flawed on the balls.
The man thought that was fine. He said it's good to be sweetened by the mother he's with.
Then I thought that as a father, I had to teach a lot of things strictly.
He wants to leave his father's words to his son even if he's busy at work.
He wants me to be right as a person, even if I stay sweet.
"You can't do anything you don't like when you're done."
"You shouldn't do anything abusive. You don't want anybody hurting, do you?
"If anyone's in trouble, I'll help you."
"You take care of your mother."
- Yeah, I got it, Dad.
Have you ever been a brother since your younger brother was born?
I tried to convey my thoughts as my eldest son in an attempt to make him a fine brother.
"You're my brother, so you protect both of us."
"You can be weak.
But don't lose just by heart. 'Cause you're gonna see that. "
"You're the only one on my side at all times."
"Help your mother and take care of both of you."
─ Yeah, me, good luck!
My child nodded honestly in one of the few such interactions, and he did.
So the man assumed that he was properly made of a father.
It was ironically since my son was gone that I realized that was a mistake.
In the days when my child suddenly disappears and I exhaust my hands in all directions but cannot be found.
In all the days I've been thinking about my son, I've noticed.
I did teach myself a lot. I was going to.
But did I ever hear my son's words?
Good thing I was honest. I just pushed my parents' selfish ideals.
The man is stunned to realize that he didn't even know his son's favorite food.
For the first time since he disappeared, the man found out that he was a parent who knew nothing about my child.
"You don't know anything about that girl!
The words of my former wife are now heavy. You were right.
I just couldn't forgive my wife for giving up survival without knowing anything about my child.
I don't even realize how heavy that created extra compression for her.
I had to deal with it calmly then without emotional denial.
In the end, the mistake in his heart took his mother from his son because of the divorce. The same sin of his own.
It's like pushing her down to the kids when her emotions became unstable.
At the time I even felt like I had been deprived of my children without even realizing that.
And by the time I realized it, there was already an unfilled ditch between them.
What a pitiful, bad father.
A father so bad that he makes the same argument as he once did in front of my child when he came back.
What the hell am I supposed to do with it? What the hell should I look like?
I didn't know anything. I wasn't even trying to find out. I'm the father's face now, etc.
In contrast, my current wife said this.
"Then why don't we find out from now on? I'm going to ask you something."
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"I thought it would be nice to be simple and casual."
"No, I don't think it's a good idea to attack more."
My real father and stepmother are having an argument while manipulating the console at hand.
Looking at it from the front, Sinichi drops his gaze on the bag he puts at his feet.
"Cu, cu"
An organism with only its face out of it is laughing at the Lord's bewildered face.
"Shinichi, don't move!
"That's right. Hold still, please!
"Ah, yes..."
This is some street corner clothes store.
When he entered the store, he was pushed into the fitting room. He is literally a dressing doll.
I haven't actually changed. Only his clothes in a small, mirrored private room were changing.
A wide variety of them, from casual to outdoor, visual etc., one after another.
"... I don't know what science means anymore."
"Cum... cum"
Surely, she is the one who can't snort but laugh.
I've rarely seen the Lord flirt so far with others.
There's something wrong with knowing that the Lord is also a child of man because the other person is a parent.
"You... you can laugh if you want, remember later"
It's not compelling for him to look down with a pulled face but be a dressing doll.
A holiday roughly a week passed after being picked up by the new Nakamura family.
The family had come shopping at a family outing to get all of Sinichi's clothes together.
After they took him out, he wanted to get the boy out of the house who wouldn't go out on the surface.
Have you thought about Mr. and Mrs. Nakamura? The two are quite excited to pick out his clothes.
The first store selected was a store that used different world technologies that were also open to the public.
A shop where only mannequins in exemplary products are arranged in show windows.
There are no products in the store, only multiple fitting rooms cater for each
By operating the console, you can choose all the clothes and ornaments that are handled in that store.
If the person in the room wears the selected clothes, he/she will be shown “what happens".
The system perfectly calculates and mirrors differences in body size and height.
Naturally, I don't see the clothes I originally wore at all, and I don't get time to change.
There is no need for product display space on the store side, and there is no need to think about wear and tear.
Items bought take the form of instant delivery from warehouses in the suburbs,
He said he was free to wait at the store and receive it at home.
This is one of the new store shapes that applies different world technologies.
Whether it's popular or not is unknown, according to Kiko.
"Shinichi, which was better?
As a father, I think this is a good idea... "
That's how my father chose a combination of denim shirts and border cutouts.
"As far as I'm concerned, I think you can attack something like this."
Kiko chose a black jacket and a black cutout with a slightly open chest.
"Go with anything you want if you have hope.
We'll hang out for hours, 'cause we got paid to hang out all day!
"You don't have to worry about money. It's me who pays!
For some reason it is a couple who strain their breasts as such.
I was in a good mood to imitate my parents until Maiji was held.
Although it also appears that my husband's side was slightly depressed by his wife's remarks.
"Yeah, yeah..."
However, he was originally a boy not interested in fashion.
On a two-year journey, I was living a life that made no sense to be aware of in the first place. To him.
I have trouble getting my opinion in virtually eight years time slipped or in the same world.
I don't have any opinions about the clothes you chose for lack of hope like this.
"Well, it's a little bit of an exposure like this"
But I say things with thoughts that I don't want to stand out because I don't want to break the atmosphere.
To be honest, the V-shaped cut on the neck was too deep and that was all a little embarrassing.
"Mm, well.
I thought it would be okay if I showed it to you because you're physically fit. "
tight as she looked at it in detail when she did the examination. She was watching it
Enough. It seemed like a body with no problems even if it was exposed, but if you don't like it in person, you don't talk about it.
I felt a strange guilt in my face, which seemed too bad to pull back lightly. Sinichi
Speak of following closely at once.
"That, if you can, doesn't really target or attack anything.
Normal so fine. Oh, no, the... because I want to know what's normal right now "
"Oh, no, that's not what I meant!
Moment after moment, I was in a hurry to say it the wrong way because it hardened the couple's face.
As far as he's concerned, I just didn't want him to take it "you don't have to think about it.”
It floated the fact that “I don't even know what normal is right now”.
"Oh, yeah, right. Let's start there."
"Oh, oh... we have to start with a classic"
The two of them with some irresistible grin are clearly depressed.
I was blamed for not paying enough attention.
On the other hand, the boy is also disappointed that he made him feel that way.
"Cu... cu..."
Exactly that was her who couldn't laugh and sounded troubled.
The Nakamura family moves as they buy several pieces of clothing for delivery to their home.
The clothes Sin Ichi is wearing now were left behind by his father, Nobuhiko, for eight years.
I bought it in a larger size because it was originally going to grow.
Actually, for two years, there was no problem with the size because it was not enough growth either.
From that, Kiko selects the ones that are not a problem from the modern fashion feel.
Even though there was cross-world interaction, it didn't even change into classic fashion.
Thanks to him he is a garment of the past but blends into the city without any discomfort.
But the behavior is somewhere suspicious.
I'm following the steps of my stepchildren walking ahead.
I show some sharp glance as I wander my gaze around and observe my surroundings.
"What's wrong, Shinichi?
"Oh, no... you've changed a lot, I thought"
Returns a no-fault answer to her inquiry when she realizes it.
In fact, that's not a lie because I'm sure I was worried about it again.
The downtown area they were coming to visit is a little far from the city where Sinichi originally lived.
Still a place I miss when it comes to shopping with my family.
"These places are fashion sensitive.
The old-fashioned shops may have gone down with the out-of-the-world boom. "
The same was true of the clothes store earlier, but the way the store is located has also changed.
Because the nature of many products required as a result of cross-world exchanges has also changed.
The sight of two years ago for him is nowhere to be found and is no longer another city.
I was even confused as to where the hell I had returned to such a city.
"... well. Eight years ago, isn't that so different"
And such changes are more sensitive to those who left temporarily than those who continued to stay there.
Especially for Sin Ichi, because it equals a time slip eight years later.
The city has added to its time course unexpected changes due to cross-world interactions.
There were unlimited zeros of elements that would make him think that was his hometown.
Is it different based on the material? Even on the building walls he is uncomfortable.
"Lonely, you think, Shinichi?
"Oh, that's..."
"Don't be shy. If Dad's in the same position, I'm sure he's lonely, too.
But it's imaginary. I'd like to hear it in your words, if I may. "
Nobuhiko stepped in to the side of his son, who looked out over the city.
I feel like I shouldn't be afraid to touch you too much.
Shinichi felt that I should return such words from my father sincerely.
"I miss you, I wonder. What's this?
Either that or... you think I'm the only one left?
Still, it was difficult to express that emotion honestly.
Who should I say? To those who think of themselves.
Against my father, who was pleased to be back.
♪ I don't know where this place is and I don't feel like I'm back ♪
It's like you've strayed from one world to another.
To be honest with that only makes them sad.
He deliberately misled by changing his expression to the extent that it was not a lie.
"It's okay, you just have to know from now on. Hey, Nobuhiko, Nobuhiko."
"Oh, oh."
Somewhere anxiously nodding father and son looked alike, but therefore somewhere sad.
This means you have to work hard, and Kiko burns a strange sense of purpose.
"Come on, if you decide so, let's look around to see where and what's there first!
Let's let this city know first.
When I say that and take my stepson's hand, I pull it forcefully.
"Wow, hey, Mr. Tsuko!?
"I knew I'd look around from the station in turn at first?
Or is it from a place where you can eat because you're a boy?
"No, you know what?"
"I'll take care of it, I've known this place well before we got married!
As a matter of words, I'm asking, she hasn't heard Sin Yichi's response.
Nobuhiko laughs bitterly at the way he even strains forcefully his reluctant attitude.
"Ha ha, your mother is amazing as always"
The baby in his arms looks strange without knowing what it means.
He was the father who followed his wife and son as he pushed forward with a smiling view of it.
"... I miss this feeling"
He laughs bitterly as he sees what is preferable to the vigor of Tsuko.
Exchange your gaze with her in the bag you just put on your shoulder for a moment.
I shook my head small to a short squeal like asking what. “Leave me alone”.
What he was looking around was something else in disguise, blinded by the changing streets.
I'd be lying if I didn't have that emotion, but what he was seeing at that time wasn't.
It was to figure out the location of those who were following us.
- There were fifteen of them all.
He understands his peculiar standing.
A child who disappeared eight years ago and returned two years later. Even though that's just incredible.
I couldn't even find it in the global unreturned search plan, and I returned a month later.
It is rather natural that one or two of the surveillance will follow.
When he finds out about them too, the surveillance will be ready. Leave it if it doesn't get excessive.
It was more of a problem to get my hands on it and instead increase my specificity.
It's unpleasant, but there's no blood connection. It's sheltering (...).
I don't want to do anything to ruin that hard work if I think about her feelings.
Yes, he knows the surveillance orders he was given to himself.
She is also using it to protect herself.
Because there was a white mask there that no one would notice.
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The city stroll took place until the sun set.
Once you get to the station, then cool down the various shops so you can turn around in turn.
For lunch, Kiko recommended a chunky steak shop where step-kids...
The more we thumb each other up - the more the clerks cry - the more we enjoy all-you-can-eat.
They came back to their homes with everything they needed for their lives as they continued their stroll in the afternoon.
"Oh, Shinichi-kun, will you unlock it?
On one hand, the bag and Maiji, who fell asleep on the way.
The key given to me by the lady with the luggage I bought on the way with the other arm.
Nobuhiko was in the middle of putting his car in the garage and it was appropriate for him to open it.
Though as a result of all the rejection of the prophecy of having luggage.
What I received was a key that corresponded to the cylinder lock type as he imagined.
If that's all it was, it's the same thing, but the handle part is fingerprint authentication.
Unless it's a registered fingerprint plugged into a hole, it won't unlock.
It was by far the most popular "home key” in Japan.
"Um, that doesn't open?
But I turn the key with my already registered fingerprints, but I don't feel unlocked.
"Oh, I'm sorry.
I need to raise the level of crime prevention at the home of the Countermeasure Room members.
The front door needs voiceprint recognition, so say something. "
"Uh... what?
"What, you got something to say when you get back, right?
I am told with a smile and some face waiting for it, blinking.
And I laugh bitterly at the thought of intent and say, "This is done."
"... I'm home"
Like a little light. Speaking of which, the key opens and the door opens.
It's like complaining that this is Sinichi's house.
"Yes, welcome back!
And he literally pushes him in to hold it back.
With unspoken gratitude for its fortitude and care, I put my legs in the front door.
"I'll carry the luggage, so let's wash it by hand... what's wrong?
"I'm just... What's up, Shinichi?
Including Nobuhiko, who later came in to him, who was hardened as soon as possible.
The couple looked strangely at Shinichi in a way that sandwiched them from front to back.
"Yikes...... Yikes!
Hey, it's been a long time, so I'm tired. "
But how did they receive the attitude of laughing lightly and deluding?
After only one glance, the Nakamuras nodded small at each other.
"Then take a bath first.
I'll finish dinner in the meantime. Cream stew tonight. "
"Oh, good. This guy's stew is good.
So in the meantime, it's been a long time since we've been back to back with guys. "
"Oh, nothing. I'll let you in alone!?
"Fine, fine!
That's how my father takes me to the bathroom while forcing me to.
She looks up to see what she should do because it makes a scene and she's been in her bag the whole time.
"Amarillis. I'm sorry, Maiji, will you look at me?
"Cu...... cu!
Though I remembered being grabbed by the tail for a moment and played.
She agreed with the care of trying to make time just for the father and son behind it.
I didn't think you'd be relieved because you're never asleep. Never.
Bathrooms and tubs pushed into by fathers are standard sizes for the average household, though.
There was enough room to accept one adult and a 15-year-old boy.
And instantaneous boiling of hot water was made easier by technology from different worlds.
"Oh, ahhh... nice water"
The two go in looking like they were born in a plentiful hot tub.
It really seems to be a Japanese bathroom “seemingly” sight that the water will overflow according to its volume.
The boy didn't notice much there because it was a shabby move.
"Yes... no, yeah..."
I guess I had some consciousness now.
For something I haven't even remembered in a long time called naked dating.
I got nervous and corrected it to be a respectful way of speaking.
But there comes silence.
He is a father who worries about how to treat him with his son, who is poorer than his ex.
Nobuhiko of what he intentionally brought into the bathroom is equal to a no-plan.
But cowering here makes my determination to know the corner "from now on" meaningless.
There's so much I want to ask you. There's a lot I want to talk about.
But Nobuhiko had to ask from this question first.
"Why don't you... ask me or Kiko anything?
Father and son were in the tub side by side and only moving each other's necks to look at each other.
The face of my son, who grew only a little more than that in my father's memory, is much clouded.
The face of his father, who was older than that in his son's memory, looked at it somewhere spicy.
"You know... my dads think it's hard to ask.
I don't know what to say if I'm in your shoes. "
Sinichi asked no one anything after being taken over by the Nakamura family.
And the reason my parents got divorced. About the attitude of the mothers. And remarriage.
I thought if you tried from Nobuhiko, you'd be the first to hear a lot about it.
Worst case scenario, I abandoned my mothers and fled to another woman. etc.;
Even this father said he was half ready to be blamed.
But Shin Yichi accepted Shinji and Shinji without touching it at all.
I feel happy and relieved, but I have to ask why.
He's just sweet about his son's honesty and kindness again. It's two dances of the past.
"But don't hesitate if you want to hear or say something.
Only my father would be here. I'm the only one listening. So... "
Whatever your emotions, the word of your father that you want to hear and accept.
"─ Dad. That's okay, that's... Because I know more or less already.
And I'm sorry. Surely it's a lot harder not to be asked. "
Until he blocked it, Sin Yichi apologized for not noticing.
With a mild laugh to mislead my feelings about how sorry I am and something else.
"I know what..."
"I'd know more or less if they said that in front of me.
My mother, who knew me weak, could not believe in survival to the harshness of the other world.
I couldn't accept that opinion. That's how your father argued, isn't it?
I have a chest ache in the words my son speaks, laughing in a deceitful manner somewhere.
I was getting emotional when I said it was in front of the kids just like eight years ago.
My son was thrown out into different worlds and we were no longer calm together as the days went by that we couldn't find.
Exactly. The argument, which lasted more than six months in buying language to the selling language, created a deadly crack,
The relationship between the couple, who even thought their son was close - an ideal image - was over.
"... all I didn't ask was cowardice.
To get that fact finalized in me... I just wanted you to wait a minute. "
"Oh, I'm sorry. I was in too much of a hurry.
I just want to know how you feel... Ha, no.
I can't blame him at all. Still a bad father. "
What have you rushed for? and I sigh feeling my words were sudden.
It's just not even ten days after learning about the different worlds, and family breakups, to the six-year time difference.
I should have waited more, given the fact that I had to accept it and its spiciness. and.
Sin Yichi smiles with a face that is still going to sink to his head in the hot tub.
"I care too much.
Nothing. My dad didn't create this complicated situation for me, did he?
"... isn't it my father's fault about half of it?
I couldn't find you. I couldn't protect where you were.
I couldn't convince my mothers... I couldn't do anything... "
When I put it out in my mouth, I get more self-blame and my expression gets darker.
It's only natural to see the facts, though, that you can't find them,
My child has just been exposed to an unknown world.
In the meantime, I can't find just my child until I find some other missing persons.
It's pretty suspicious how far a normal parent can stay emotional and calm.
If we also add to that the changes in the world that change with the penetration of different world cultures,
We couldn't afford to calmly discuss it with each other as best we could handle it.
"Properly... you could have?
But what Nobuhiko wants to hear and be told is not such a "no choice” situation.
Shinichi, who knows it, honestly speaks calmly of what his father “was made of”.
"Just looking at my face, Mr. Tsuko realized that it was Shinichi (I).
Does that mean my dad used to show me a lot of things and talk about them?
Give me a picture. Give me some footage. Memories. Thoughts on my son.
And because he was someone who would accept it without neglecting it.
He said that if he was the precious son of his beloved husband, he would be an important family to himself.
Nobuhiko himself has undoubtedly chosen a woman who thinks so.
"Yeah, that's why.
It was a series of amazing places, but it was... delightful. "
It's a testament to what he's been thinking for eight years.
Even two years for Sinichi is suffering from four times that number of days for his family.
The boy made that sentiment clear to his father so that he could thank and respect it.
He was told he was “happy” with a gentle and serene face and had no words to return.
This is not what I found out which one is comforting.
Still, Nobuhiko still has a pitiful eye for his son's words.
"That's not why......... there's one thing I want to hear"
Unless softness and kindness have fallen out of the voice color of the words I went on to tell you.
I laughed lightly with my mouth alone, and for some reason it's in the hot tub, but I get a cold sweat.
And deliberately he stayed for about a beat and bumped into a nigga and laughing question (teased).
"How did you hang out with such a young, beautiful, good woman (human)?
"Ha, probably!? Don't say bad things about people!!
This is Nobuhiko, who can be wolfish at pointing out that he didn't expect to see his son's bad smile for the first time.
The possibility of being blamed for remarriage is unexpected.
I denied it to yell reflexively, but there's no change in Shinichi's expression.
Instead, I don't hear my father's words with a more niggardly look like a villain.
"Come on, if it depends on what you're talking about, you don't have to commute your sentence."
"Is it a decision to be punished!?
What's that farce of trial modoki, when it comes to complaining, just as my son went in for real, too.
"Naturally, you fucking father! How old are you to remarry?
My shock was the best I've ever had when I heard you say 28!
You must be 43 by now!!
"Oh, that's..."
I also swim in my eyes to see if there is anything I think about the age difference.
The difference in age is oddly fifteen. It is the difference of one or more turns and the difference of one son (Sinichi).
Although it may be one of the more than ten year old divorces that is no longer unusual in the world.
Given that Sin Yichi was 21 years old if he was in the right time course,
This man married a daughter who was only about seven years different from his own son.
My daughter was only twenty years old when my child went missing.
This would be guilty (Gilty).
"Hey, Dad, don't you think I have a right to hear that criminal skill?
"I feel like they're using some very inappropriate language!?
Grabbing my neighbor's father's shoulder disappointingly and stuffing him with a grinning smile.
Nobuhiko grinned carelessly, "This guy looks like me, but the way he laughs is like his mother.”
You have a very good smile when you're hunting someone down or making fun of them.
"Oh, but don't get me wrong. I am not dissatisfied with Mr. Tsuko.
I'd rather say well done....................................... "
That person is a likeable person. There is no reason to reject it.
He thinks remarriage would be good because there would have been loneliness in being single.
But still, there were other things I didn't agree with.
"Blah, I can't believe my dad was worth catching such a good guy"
"Whoa, you! The real thing would be that way!?
My dad used to be so hot!!
There are no shards in the way my son believed even though he unintentionally returns yelling at the revealed genuineness.
With a frigid face, I can even see some scornful color in my suspicious eyes and wolf.
Nobuhiko from Shinichi is a father who often floats the pitiful look of being pissed off by his mother.
Still, there was a tough spot for education, so I kept the critical majesty,
I found it friendly where I was no match for my mother and it was well received by the kids.
But I can't imagine being hot on the opposite sex because of that.
"So how many lovers are you, Mr. Tsuko?
You must be experiencing such numbers, right? But ask with a good face.
Though I said to it for a moment, in the end, the father honestly confesses the number of experience to his son.
"It's him... it's the fourth one"
"... subtle"
It's hard to say that I'm just not hot because I have a proven track record of making a home out of half of us.
But it's not enough to believe the word that I was hot. I want at least double it.
Nobuhiko distorted his face in a grumpy manner as to whether such an idea seemed clear.
"Then you are... when did you first fall in love?
"... is that what you came for"
How many people did you go out with?
And I tried to remember where he was, but I forcefully fixed the track.
The idea that if it's your first love story, it's not strange if it's not related or done.
Especially from Sin Yichi. I was talking about content that would be quite troubling.
I was interested in romance and heterosexuality, but I had no experience with him until I was thirteen.
I never met a girl who touched his harp line at all.
Though he's a strong acquaintance. He just didn't get involved at all.
"First love... first love..."
"... Oh no you..."
I didn't know you were inexperienced.
I think back to the last two years with my father, who was terrified that he had stepped on a mine again.
Ever since I went to Farandia, I wonder if I would have had that experience.
I thought back to my days since I did so and immediately smiled.
"Looking back now, maybe it was, was it?
He's an exotic man, he barely speaks, and he swings around and plays all the time.
It was Spartan with some fistbone sanction, but it was bright and strong, and he always laughed fun. "
Floating in the back of my brain is one woman who picked up herself dying wild in another world.
Not surprised that the words didn't make sense, she taught them in Spartan form and took them around.
The face of Sister, a violent man with beautiful blonde hair, immediately disappeared.
It is quite dangerous in our current state of mind to think back before that.
"It doesn't feel the same, but the strong part is somewhere similar to Mr. Kiko."
The laughter spills over wondering if heterosexual hobbies also come to pass when I am a parent and a child.
However, my father's response to it turned my son's face into something sinister in an instant.
"............... I'm not gonna do it"
I don't want to be the voice of a joke. Seriously, and Sin Yichi stays silent,
Combining his hands on the water, he shot my father in the face with a water cannon made with his fingers.
"Who takes!
What do you think I am!?
"Yes, no, don't be so angry. It's just a word away. Just kidding!"
"Don't lie to me! Seriously, dude!? Write it down for real. That was a serious voice!?
That's what my father felt was inappropriate despite the words that came out by accident (really), but he can't believe me.
By now it was as if I was seriously worried and holding it back.
"... who do you think doesn't want his wife to be taken by someone?
"Son, I'm telling you not to show off against them!!
'Cause I miss you more than I do.
He was a father who was doubly jealous in the shadows of actively helping with household chores.
He was simply trying to mislead the uncomfortable feeling of being here.
"I don't know the old me directly, so it's easy to deal with.
If you're not doing something, you can't calm down. Okay, guess what, if you're a parent!
"Ugh, I don't know anything about you anyway. I don't realize anything. I'm a bad parent..."
"Oh dammit, this father is so fucked up!!
I'm a sin ich who is stunned by such an attitude, yet feels indisputably my own parent.
'Cause I keep talking to my father like this for a long time, but I still think about the extras.
You've been waiting for this stupid parent-child conversation somewhere in your heart.
I have myself thinking about the annoying things I can't help.
Am I who I came back to fulfill, who my father was waiting for?
The more I talk to my father, the more I know about each other's unknowns.
I wonder if Sin Yichi is a different person from Shinichi Nakamura.
Such a concern could not get me out of my mind.
─ ─ ─ ─ ─ ─ ─ ─ ─ ─ ─ ─ ─ ─ ─ ─ ─ ─ ─ ─ ─ ─ ─ ─ ─ ─ ─ ─ ─ ─
Three Ugly Hours when the grass also sleeps. At a time when there are no lights in the Nakamura family and everyone is asleep.
Neither Shinko nor Nobuhiko are in their dreams and there is no sign that they will cry at night today when they are in Maki.
In a quiet residential neighborhood, the Nakamura family is surrounded by silence, and the residents sleep with everyone.
Except for one shadow that sits unnoticed by anyone on the roof.
"I thought this was gonna happen one day, but I'm a little quick, you."
Tell someone who is not here while letting a fine, small mechanical device play at hand.
It is a black coat that is not familiar with the machinery of this hand. Not to mention eight years later. There's no such thing as knowing.
But the speculation from experience makes me wonder who planted it for what.
Whatever he is, he is a professional in that hand. I didn't even want to be a professional.
repeatedly sneaking all over the place to find a way back home. He reversed
Someone snuck in (...) The technology to find traces was also naturally increasing.
Sometimes I have learned the art of deluding it and am sensitive to it by others.
So when I got home, I noticed the discomfort in the house and it hardened.
'............... I still don't think this is my house...'
It's been a dense day for about a week to this day that floats behind my brain.
He began his life here in confusion, dressed up as taken over by the Nakamura family.
Father trying to hear his voice, trying to be together to fill the time he was away from.
My mother-in-law welcomes herself in with a smile and burns her care even though she has no facial knowledge or blood connection.
Young half-brother who somehow misses herself for knowing she's her brother.
Even if the shock and agitation that has continued since returning has not yet slipped out.
I know strongly that they are trying to welcome themselves warmly.
If you say it will tarnish that thought and even interfere in their peaceful lives.
"Just a little masked assassin scare, let's give it a taste"
Mumble to no one, gripping some devices - bugs and small cameras - with emotions.
It was in the boy's room. It was also in the living room. It was also in the bathroom. It was also in the couple's bedroom.
There is no longer a reason for forgiveness. And it's also visible to escalate if you leave this alone.
Then all you have to do is teach whoever set this up thoroughly.
what you turned against your enemies. Smile thinly, and the black coat brings together the light of the metastasis.
The white mask disappeared into the dark night.
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