Qingyan's tone was unceremonious, "Back off."

Lieyan Loli showed no sign of weakness and straightened out her huge breasts, "Who are you? How dare you order me around!"

When it comes to women, Lieyan Loli's words are a bit vulgar.

"White Snake·Qingyan."

Hearing the name White Snake, Lieyan Loli licked her red lips, "Hey, who is it? It turns out to be the strong love rival of my prison master!"

Fang Jie was already covering his face.

He was extremely afraid of Lieyan Loli, she dared to say and do anything, she was extremely aggressive.

Fang Jie would not dare to mess with such a woman, no matter how beautiful she was. Overtly and covertly, he, Fang Jie, had suffered countless losses...

Also, Lieyan Loli is the warden of their law enforcement. She is very scary. If someone gets into her hands, they will die or lose their skin.

Lieyan Loli's ignorant words angered Qingyan. She had never been a good-tempered person, even compared to Linda, she was not good-tempered.

Qingyan's face darkened slightly, and her eyes scanned Lieyan Loli indifferently. Cold auras emanated from her body, making Lieyan Loli shiver involuntarily.

A crystal clear sword appeared in her hand, with a faint light shining on the sword.

Qingyan uses a sword, a snake bone sword.

In this battle, Qingyan's strength greatly increased, and Lin Feng helped her refine and absorb the power of thunder rushing through her body in the tent.

So Qingyan did not hesitate to use the skills that she had not been able to use before, just to use her to practice her skills.

Lieyan Loli felt her breathing begin to quicken, and she knew that Qingyan was serious about it. She stepped forward without hesitation, and a wave of heat surged out of her body, turning into a fire dragon and swooping towards Qingyan.

Qingyan's expression remained unchanged, and the long sword in his hand drew a graceful arc, cutting the fire dragon in half.

The attack of Lieyan Loli was completely neutralized. Her body shook violently and was blown away by Qingyan's power.

Fang Jie was stunned. He had never thought that White Snake Qingyan was so powerful.

Lieyan Loli refused to admit defeat and stood up to fight again. Blood Bodhi said angrily: "That's enough."

Qingyan snorted coldly at Blood Bodhi, "Prison Master Blood Bodhi, take care of your men."

A gentle force of darkness emanated from Lin Feng, like a black snake, sliding into Lieyan Loli's body.

Feeling this gentle power, Lieyan Loli's thoughts calmed down a lot, and she suppressed the surge of blood caused by Qingyan's blow just now.

Blood Bodhi nodded gratefully at Lin Feng, while Lieyan Loli gave him a wink.

"Thank you, Master Lin Feng."

Before Qingyan could step forward, Lin Feng stopped her with one hand, "Okay, Qingyan."

Lin Feng sat down, and a darkness burst out from him, like black smoke, covering the entire room.

When everyone saw this scene, they couldn't help but feel shocked. Such a powerful force of darkness made people feel irresistible.

Blood Bodhi secretly marveled that Lin Feng's strength had improved even more than last time. He had only been away for a few days. Could it be that he had already reached the early stage of the eighth level?

Lizi looked at his master with admiration, becoming more and more in awe of his strength.

Lin Feng closed his eyes and frowned slightly, as if he was feeling something. Then he opened his eyes, and the power of darkness suddenly dissipated, and the whole room became bright again.

Everyone breathed a sigh of relief.

"Okay, there is no suspicious smell around. I was careless last time."

Lin Feng now thinks back and thinks that the last time he left the Southern Alliance, he was probably being followed.

Otherwise, why would the God of Thunder be waiting to come as soon as Mammon arrived at the Ouyang family?

They must have discussed it.

Blood Bodhi asked in surprise: "Lin Feng, have you entered the eighth level?"

Lin Feng nodded slightly, "Yes, I have reached the early stage of the eighth level."

Fang Jie and Lieyan Loli both took a breath of cold air. Looking at the entire extraordinary world, this is also a powerful existence.

It's ridiculous that Lieyan Bodhi was so contemptuous just now.

"Okay, let's get down to business. Bodhi, what's the reply from the Li family?"

Although the words were addressed to Bodhi, Lin Feng looked at Li Zi.

Just listen to Li Zi say: "Master, the head of the Li family asks you to go to Luoshui. The situation may not be good."

Lin Feng narrowed his eyes, and a cold aura emanated from him. Qing Yan, who was sitting next to her, instantly felt cold to the bone.

Lin Feng had just entered the 8th level of transcendence, and he still couldn't control the energy release around him very well.

Lin Feng then calmed down.

"Okay, I'll leave immediately for a trip to Luoshui."

"Master, I'll go with you too." Qingyan beside her said without hesitation.

Lin Feng shook his head, "Lizi will go with me, and the others will stay."

Qingyan wanted to speak, but Lin Feng interrupted her, "Qingyan, Bodhi, I want to join the Blood Purgatory. Is it possible?"

Everyone was shocked, especially Fang Jie and Lieyan Loli, who had a look of disbelief on their faces.

Blood Bodhi said happily: "Okay, you are finally willing to join the Blood Purgatory, then you will be our prison master from now on!"

Lin Feng shook his head and said, "Just give me the identity of an elder. I can't be a prison master. But you have to be careful. If the outside world knows that I joined the Blood Purgatory, you will be in trouble in the future."

Fang Jie breathed a sigh of relief. It was okay to be an elder. If Lin Feng rashly joined and became the master of the Blood Purgatory, most people would not agree. Unless Lin Feng married the prison master, how could it be possible with Su Qing's presence? Woolen cloth?

Hearing Lin Feng's words, Lieyan Loli raised her hands in agreement, "Elder Lin Feng, welcome to the Blood Purgatory. Now that we have an eighth-level powerhouse to help us, we can become a first-class extraordinary organization as soon as possible."

"I'll join too!" Qingyan stood up. Since her master had joined the Blood Purgatory, she, Qingyan, had no hesitation.

Blood Bodhi was delighted. Sure enough, under the leadership of Lin Feng, the Blood Purgatory would expand rapidly.

"I'll join too." Jack said hurriedly. He looked at Fang Jie nervously, hoping that he would help him speak, for fear that Blood Bodhi would refuse.


Blood Bodhi stood up with great pride.

"Sister Qingyan, let's let our elder Lin Feng go to Luoshui first, and you can stay and help me to sort out the Blood Purgatory together, okay?"

Qingyan looked at Lin Feng, who nodded.

At the moment, the most important thing is to accumulate strength. On the way, Lin Feng also told Qingyan something about the Ouyang family. I am afraid that the revenge of the Ouyang family will come soon. If they do not accumulate strength quickly, they will not be able to win in the Eastern Alliance. If they have a foothold, the Western Alliance will not be able to go back by then, so where should they go?

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