If Linda and others were here, they would never be so surprised.

No one would know what kind of tests and training Lin Feng endured when he first joined the Nether Palace.

No one would believe that Lin Feng became the chief instructor of the Devil Camp by relying solely on his own strength, without any help from any extraordinary power.

A sharp palm wind struck, and Bai Meier did not forget to smile coquettishly at Lin Feng: "Lin Feng, if senior sister is still alive, wouldn't it be gratifying to see her son so outstanding?"

"Bai Mei'er, you are worthy of mentioning my mother!"

Lin Feng dodged Bai Meier's sharp blow, but when he heard Bai Meier mention his mother again, his face turned red with anger.

Bai Meier was confusing his mind, trying to distract him and kill him with one blow.

Lin Feng was also wondering why Bai Meier was using these methods to deal with him at this moment. After all, there was a whole level difference between the two of them, so it really didn't need to be like this.

He didn't know that Bai Mei'er's soul had been turned upside down at this time.

There seemed to be a distant voice calling her.

All the extraordinary power in Bai Meier's body was defending against this sound as if facing a powerful enemy.

It can make the soul of a ninth-level extraordinary powerful man tremble. The source of this confusing sound seems to come from the demigod level.

Lin Feng caught Bai Meier's brief trance, and he no longer hesitated!

"Dark Tentacle!"

Tentacles shot towards Bai Meier.

This attack actually succeeded in Bai Meier's absence!

"Shadow Dance!"

Bai Meier, who was tied up, felt dizzy for a while, and a black shadow actually walked out in front of her eyes!

Bai Meier tried to concentrate, but soon realized that she could not move and was bound by the dark tentacles.

The black shadow was getting closer and closer, Lin Feng's figure became blurred, and the black shadow became more and more solid.

"You...how can you still come!"

The dark shadow reflected in Bai Meier's eyes was clearly Lucifer. Lucifer spread his wings, revealed his fangs, and rushed toward Bai Meier.

Everyone outside felt that Bai Meier was motionless and seemed to be in panic.

But they did not see Lucifer's existence.

Everything Bai Meier experienced was an illusion.

Bai Lao sighed, "I didn't expect that this kid at such a young age would dare to deceive a powerful ninth-level man with illusions? He really succeeded!"

Lin Yuantian snorted coldly, "I, Lin Yuantian's son, am not an ordinary person. You have provoked the wrong person!"

Bai Lao didn't answer. He looked in Bai Mei'er's direction and moved his lips.

Lin Yuantian said disdainfully: "Secret message transmission? Are you trying to free Bai Meier from the illusion?"

Although he was disdainful, Lin Yuantian was also a little nervous at this time.

After all, he was facing a level 9 expert. If the opponent regained consciousness, Lin Feng would suffer severe backlash.

Lin Yuantian also wanted to know how far his son could reach and whether he could defeat the opponent without relying on external help.

There was a sound transmission from Bai Lao. Unexpectedly, Lin Feng looked at Lao Bai. He smiled at Lao Bai, and ripples emanated from his body.

Li Cheng couldn't help but exclaimed: "The power of space, space barrier!"

"This kid actually combined the Dark Dancer with the power of space, and used each other's strengths to offset their weaknesses. It's amazing!"

Lin Yuantian smiled and nodded, "Dancers of Darkness are most afraid of interference from the outside world during the release process. Now Lin Feng has used a layer of space power outside to isolate everything from the outside world from Bai Meier's body. Come out."

Sure enough, the look of fear on Bai Meier's face became more intense. In her eyes, Lucifer's majestic and terrifying ghostly aura made her unable to breathe.

It was the soul trembling from the abyss.

"You...how can you still come!"

"Lucifer" shook his head and smiled evilly, "I am not descending, but parasitic. I have already come to the world from the dark side of the moon."

"Lucifer" is half true and half false. They had such a conversation when they faced Thor just now.

It is true that Lucifer cannot come again, but in the realm of Dark Dancer, Lin Feng can make Lucifer's voice reappear. Lin Feng can release it simply by coercion.

Use the power of space to isolate the influence of the outside world on the release of the Dark Dancer.

Lin Feng had already calculated that among everyone present, the only one who could pose a threat to him was Bai Lao. Unfortunately, with Lin Yuantian here, it is impossible for Bai Lao to make any big moves.

Except for Bai Lao, no one wants to really offend Lin Feng now.

And it was after Lucifer killed Thor.

The arrival of Lin Yuantian and the Qingyuan Lin family completely made the Luoshen Temple gang lose their temper.

Bai Meier was really scared at this moment. She had just witnessed the annihilation of the God of Thunder. She never thought that Lucifer would appear in the Luoshen Temple again.

His pressure is so terrifying!

"Bai Mei'er, let me ask you, why did you use such a vicious method? Did you absorb Su Qing's extremely yang body?"

Bai Mei'er trembled all over, but still bit her lips and said nothing.

At this moment, a voice sounded in her heart: "Don't answer him, he is not Lucifer, he is lying to you."

This voice was old and familiar, and Bai Meier was horrified. This voice actually came from the bottom of her heart. Who on earth, and at what time, had invaded her heart and planted a demon in her heart.

"You...who are you?"

"Do as I say and don't answer."

The old voice did not answer Bai Meier's words, like an elder giving orders to her.

Bai Meier felt a little broken. She had never been so embarrassed since she became the Luo Shen.

Seeing that Bai Meier remained silent, the ghostly aura emitted from "Lucifer" again.

Facing the huge pressure of "Lucifer", Bai Meier began to feel uncomfortable and trembled slightly.

Her lungs seemed to be unable to get enough air, and Bai Meier felt that her breathing was becoming more and more difficult. Her chest felt like it was being pressed down by a huge weight, her heartbeat was racing, and sweat was dripping from her forehead.

Everyone saw black tentacles pulling Bai Meier, and then she was wrapped in a black mist, but she remained indifferent.

Bai Meier's breathing was rapid and shallow, and her lips were slightly purple.

She seemed to be trying hard to breathe, but she felt her chest was being squeezed tighter.

Slowly, Bai Meier's fingers began to become numb, as if she couldn't feel anything.

Bai Lao could only watch with his own eyes as Bai Meier's face became paler and paler, with sweat constantly flowing from her face.

Bai Meier began to feel dizzy, her vision became blurred, and her hearing seemed to be affected. The sounds around her became farther and farther away, as if she was pushed to the ground by an invisible force and could not stand up.

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